
Nov. 3, 2022

The Sound of Abundance

Are you ready for a tumultuous downpour of blessing? There is a sound of abundance of rain in the air. This sound is a noise that confirms abundance is here. It’s a wrestling a stirring that is upon us. Since we have come in…
Oct. 27, 2022

Abundancy Galore!

The time is NOW! The abundant rains from Joel 2:23 are here! Joel 2:23 says, “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come d…
Oct. 20, 2022

Prophetic Word- Harvest Time is Here! You are Chosen of God!

Your harvest is before you! His joy is complete and He says you can continue in His joy when you keep His commandments and abide in Him. Focus on abiding in Him so that His fruit can come through you in this new season that…
Oct. 13, 2022

Blessings are Yours in this Season of Joy and Rest!

The 7 Blessings are Financial Abundance, Double Portion, Restoration, Miracles, God's Divine Presence, Blessings on Your Sons and Daughters, and Deliverance for all who call on the name of the Lord. (Joel 2:23-32)Receive you…
Oct. 5, 2022

Prophetic Word- You are At-One with God!

It is time to remember Jesus as our High Priest who went into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled His blood on the mercy seat for us on October 4-5. Read the Book of Hebrews Chapters 8.9 & 10 for reflection on this High Holy …
Sept. 29, 2022

God is Giving You Utterance for Hebrew Year 5783

Rosh Hashanah starts Sunday September 25 at sundown - Get Ready for the Month of Tishrei and the 3 Fall Feasts . God is releasing your new utterance or Roar for the season - Open Your Mouth and declare the Resurrection Power…
Sept. 22, 2022

Exousia Power in Hebrew Year 5783

It is time for the people of God to roar! It is time for us in Hebrew Year 5783 to declare and decree as the mouth of the Lord -represents number 80- the power of His resurrection -represent number 3-and respond to the enemy…
Sept. 15, 2022

Divine Setup Time!

We are now in the Season of Teshuvah- a time of repentance before the Hebrew New Year of 5783. We need to abide in God during this time as we seek His heart. Surrender to the Lord during this time as He reveals what He is m…
Sept. 8, 2022

The Effects of the Tower of Babel for Today

Pastor Adam continues the prior week's themes of teachings with the transgression of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod from Genesis 11 and how this affects our worldview and the power of the gospel for today!
Sept. 1, 2022

Discover Your Purpose as a Father

What does the Lord want from fathers in scripture? How is God our example as a father? What can men do today to be a godly example to their families? For these and other questions, join Dr. Candice and her husband, Pastor Ad…
Aug. 25, 2022

It’s Time for Shift

It’s Time for a Shift! You have come through promotion and now everything is accelerating so quickly ! There is a portal open where things are moving so fast that your head maybe spinning right now. Keep moving ahead staying…
Aug. 18, 2022

It’s Time for Shift

It’s Time for a Shift! You have come through promotion and now everything is accelerating so quickly! There is a portal open where things are moving so fast that your head maybe spinning right now. Keep moving ahead staying …
Aug. 16, 2022

Be Strong and Courageous Now

There is a real enemy who wants to stop your advancement in the promised land and you must be strong and courageous to keep pressing until your soul is where it needs to be for greater intimacy with God and prosperity. Liste…
Aug. 9, 2022

5 Pillars of Your Promotion

In the spirit realm right now, we are in the month of Menachem Av which means Father God Our Comforter, and we have passed through the Day of Promotion on 8-8-2022. Now is the time to start the process of walking into the fu…
Aug. 4, 2022

Prophetic Word : This is your Day of Promotion!

The month of Av is a month of roaring! We just passed through a day of fasting and prayer in Israel called Tish’a B’Av which is the end to 3 weeks of mourning in Israel over the destruction of 1st and 2nd temples and the bre…
Aug. 2, 2022

Bad Seed Overcome

Pastor Adam Smithyman shares how the seed of the woman defeats the enemy. The objective of evil is to corrupt the genetics of humans. There is a bad seed the enemy deposited into humanity but through Jesus we overcome.
July 28, 2022

God is Revealing the Breaches in Your Temple

We are entering the new Hebrew month of Av on sundown, July 28 and this is a time where God is revealing the breaches in our walls. He is revealing where the areas in our spirit, soul, and body have breaches or holes where t…
July 21, 2022

God is Soul Detoxing Now!

It is time to do a Soul Detox. Your mind, will and emotions are being detoxed from the things you are worshipping more than God. We are His sanctuary called to be holy and righteous. We are called this month to remember the …
July 19, 2022

Be Alert in the Garden

Humans are God’s representatives to rule. The serpent leads the humans into rebellion. Pastor Adam pulls together revelation from Ezekiel 28 about our arch enemy satan with Genesis 3. If you know your enemy you can defeat hi…
July 14, 2022

Overcoming Idols of the Flesh

On Saturday, July 16 is the 17th day of Tammuz which begins the Three Weeks of Mourning in Israel over Moses coming down Mt . Sinai and breaking the Ten Commandments as he found the people worshipping idols. It also represen…
July 7, 2022

Sons of God in Heaven with Pastor Adam Smithyman

Did you know there is a divine counsel called the sons of God in heaven? Did you know the supreme creator God, gave heavenly rulership to the sons of God who are a part of the heavenly divine counsel? Listen today as Pastor …
July 5, 2022

You Have an Inheritance! - Prophetic word

God is releasing new mantles from heaven and you are receiving new mantle assignments. Angels are bringing them to you. You are also receiving a new mantle from God as a recipient of an inheritance from God. God has given y…
June 30, 2022

Faith in Hollywood and the Media with Dr. Meri Crouley

Dr. Candice interviews Dr. Meri Crouley on Faith in Hollywood and the Media. Do you feel you have made too many mistakes for God to help you? Are you overwhelmed and need encouragement to keep going? Dr. Candice interviews D…
June 28, 2022

New Mantles are Coming

The brand new Hebrew Month of Tammuz begins sundown on Tuesday, June 28 and God is releasing new mantles from heaven as we endeavor to grow in our identity in Christ. We are called to leave behind false identities and idol…