Your boldness is being challenged by the enemy and he is pushing back. Don’t despair it’s just evidence of your promotion in the spirit. New mantles were released and activated - just as it was for Peter and John in Acts 3. …
Pastor Adam reminds Christians that we have the fire and power of God inside us. From Romans 8:11.Tap into the power source and transform your sphere of influence.
God has been releasing new mantles and mantle assignments this past week and will continue this week! You may be feeling the pressure and accelerationa of these mantles falling upon you and your need to move Now! Don’t allow…
This week and we have passed through Feast of Shavout, you’ve received His covenant mantle and now individual mantles are being released. God has branded you with His covenant mantle and is now releasing angels to bring you …
Pastor Adam discusses the importance of a new light and anointing on new leaders to combat the dim light of previous leadership in this season. He expounds on scripture in 1 Samuel 3 and the contrast of Eli to Samuel.
Tonite June 11 begins the Feast of Shavuot through June 13. This is the 6th of Sivan on the Hebrew calender -a time where God calls the Jewish people to covenant relationship with Him through the Torah in Exodus 19 and 20. I…
Pastor Adam shares how Jesus and the Apostle Paul both exhort the believer to stop letting the past keep us down but instead to get grounded so we can press forward and fulfill God’s purpose and destiny for our life!
We are being tested for expansion! This week Jesus ascended on the 40th day after resurrection which is Hebrew month of Iyar 26 at sundown which is June 3 in evening and then Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost is 50th day after r…
This week covenant wealth strategies are coming from heaven to help mobilize us. The danger is that we will receive a strategy and covet it for gain only, instead we must thank God for His covenant provision in accordance wi…
This is the week on Iyar 16 which is May 24 where supernatural provision fell from heaven ! The Israelites were in the wilderness which means “the place of SUBDUE. “ It was a realm of submission. God was revealing His goodne…
We have entered the new Hebrew month of Iyar which is best remembered as the time the Israelites received supernatural provision from heaven in the form of manna. God is enlarging your tent pegs and spreading things outward …
Tonite at sundown we have entered the new Hebrew month of Iyar on Tuesday May 7. This month is known as the month of radiance and light. We have come through Passover and received our promotion and the 7 Blessings of the Lor…
We have crossed over Passover and now we’re entering into a season where the secrets of the kingdom of heaven are being made manifest. It’s time to bust through restrictions as Jesus death, burial, resurrection and ascension…
In Matthew 26:28, Jesus says about Himself , “ For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” That word shed in the Greek means to POUR OUT! He is not just bringing us a trickle…
The new season of freedom is here - the month of Nisan begins sundown April 8. Since this is the first month and a leaving behind of past we must go through a period of repentance and forgiveness. A new start is here! This i…
Last week of Adar 2 and God is shifting us by encouraging us to clean up loose ends and make moves to close things out so the new comes forward in the new Hebrew month of Nisan which happens April 8. That evening will be the…
We passed through Purim and we are on the last 2 weeks of Adar 2. God is preparing us to cross into our new season and sustain in this new place in the new month of Nisan. We went from the revelation of Purim where we stood …