
Sept. 10, 2024

Overcoming The Pitfalls And Pressure To Impress People

Leaders who seek the next level cannot live their lives impressing others. It is an unrealistic expectation. What we can do is our best, and find comfort in the fact that we are improving daily from the person we were the da…
Sept. 3, 2024

Determining Is It God Or Is It You

Many leaders wrestle with whether their next move is in God's will. Discerning the will of God can be difficult especially when it is your desire to be aligned with what God wants you to do. In this episode Dr. Walker will g…
Aug. 27, 2024

The Energy Of Synergy: Making It All Make Sense

This episode will assist you and your team in working collaboratively and intentionally. When you understand synergy, your teams energy is focused on the same thing which results in greater clarity and productivity.
Aug. 20, 2024

Managing Problematic People

Dealing with difficult people is a challenge for all leaders. This episode will give you practical steps on how to manage those on your team or those who engage your organization who you may deep problematic. Problematic peo…
Aug. 13, 2024

How To Make Your Organization Grow

Dr. Walker has over 31 years of practical leadership in growing organizations. In this episode he shares some of his best practices to help your organization experience exponential growth. Get ready to expand.
Aug. 6, 2024

Becoming A Flexible Leader

This episode focuses on helping you as a leader remain relevant. Leaders who are flexible are incredibly successful because they know how to pivot when necessary. This episode will help you become more flexible leader
July 30, 2024

Your Personal Happiness Matters

Self-care is very important in leadership. Many leaders forfeit their personal happiness to assure others enjoy it. This episode will show you the benefits of personal happiness in your workplace and give you tips on how to …
July 23, 2024

How To Pay Attention To Details

Details make or break vision. When you are committed to creating systems that intentionally focus on details, you position your organization to become successful. This episode will guide you on how to pay attention to detail…
July 16, 2024

Leaders Who Lead With Empathy

In this episode Dr. Walker shares 7 important tips that can help you become a more empathetic leader. This episode underscores the importance of empathy in leadership and explains what is produced once it is displayed.
July 9, 2024

How To Make A Good Impression

It has been said that you only get one chance to make a good impression. Dr. Walker prepares you to make that impression and gives important tips to consider as you are preparing for those who will engage you or your organiz…
July 2, 2024

Confronting A Culture Of Stagnation

Every leader experiences seasons where those entrusted to carry out the vision seemingly lose passion. This can result in complacency and ultimately stagnation. When a culture of stagnation is present, it must be confronted …
June 25, 2024

Managing The Under The Radar Season

There is a season when nobody knows your name. It's the season when you have the best opportunity to develop and sharpen your toolbox. Dr. Walker shares how to turn frustration into innovation and creativity. This is a seaso…
June 18, 2024

It Should Be A Marriage And A Merger

Dr. Walker takes a honest look at marriage and helps you understand the business side of coming together. There is great value in understanding the merger of marriage, You will gain practical tools on how to leverage your co…
June 11, 2024

Building With The Right People

Having the right team is critical to the success of your organization. Dr. Walker gives 7 traits that should be present in the people you have around you. If you build with these, you will be become successful in the impleme…
June 4, 2024

How To Handle Jealousy

If you are successful you will have to deal with jealousy. This episode will help you understand the origin of it and how to remain productive in the midst of it. You have to lead through jealousy and accomplish the vision y…
May 28, 2024

How To Lead Until They Get It

Have you ever been frustrated trying to move a vision forward among people who just didn't get it? We all have. This episode will give you practical strategies on how to get everyone excited about the vision God has given yo…
May 21, 2024

Preventing Your Flaws From Becoming Your Failures

All leaders have flaws, but there are things you can do to assure that you are not hinder by them. You can put certain things in place to assure productivity and preserve the integrity of your vision. This episode will show …
May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024 - Eliminating Entitlement

Entitlement is more common among organization and their teams than you might think. People make assumptions that are incorrect and often attempt to assert unrealistic expectations upon leadership. As a next level leader, it …
May 7, 2024

Trusting After You've Been Hurt

Leadership comes with many stripes. Leaders are often in the bullseye of pain. When hurt, it is important that you continue to function at a high level How do you accomplish this? How do you trust and again and who should yo…
April 30, 2024

Managing The Moods And Morale Of Your Team

One of the most important lessons leaders can learn is that our team takes our lead. How we assist people through challenging seasons is a witness to our ability to lead. This episode will give you some practical tips on how…
April 23, 2024

Lessons In Closed Doors

Closed doors can be discouraging, especially when you've given it your best effort. Dr. Walker reveals that all closed doors are not bad. When you understand the possibilities that exist when doors are closed, it will help y…
April 16, 2024

Don't Let It Change You

Success can change any of us without us being aware it is happening. Humility and consistent character are values that assure your continued success as a leader. Dr. Walker explains how pride hinders our efforts and gives yo…
April 9, 2024

How To Deal With Constant Complainers

Nobody likes complaining people around. It can be deflating when you are constantly critique by people who always find fault in your best efforts. This episode will help you navigate through the negativity and continue to pr…
April 2, 2024

How To Overcome Complacency

One of the enemies to success is complacency. In this episode Dr. Walker explains how to remain progressive in the fulfillment of your vision. You will receive practical tips on how to identify the signs of complacency and o…