
Oct. 17, 2023

Shifting And Sifting

Every organization experiences shifts. Leadership is about managing these shifts and recognizing the sifting process that occurs as a result. Everything will not survive shifts, but this episode will explain how to understan…
Oct. 3, 2023

Letting Go of Liabilities

This episode deals with identifying and addressing liabilities within your organization. It can take years to build your brand and only minutes for to crumble because there was no attention to risk. Dr. Walker shares some pr…
Sept. 26, 2023

How To Maintain Your Creative Edge

When you are a next level leader you refuse to become irrelevant. Maintaining your creative edge is essential to your survival. It takes courage and capacity to remain recreative. In this episode you will gain practical and …
Sept. 19, 2023

The Right Team For Your Dream

When you have a vision or dream it's important to have a team that can accompany the scale of it. What you are dreaming about is Big and your team matters. In this episode Dr. Walker explains the kind of people you need on y…
Sept. 12, 2023

Surviving The Slumps

Slumps come with the territory. If you are a leader, you know that every season is not on the mountain. There are moments we all feel unmotivated. This episode will help you diagnose the causes of slumps as well as give you …
Sept. 5, 2023

Next Level Accountability

Every leader needs accountability, but when you enter a new level, it the demand is greater. There are necessary systems that should be put in place to protect you and your brand as you continue to go higher. This episode wi…
Aug. 29, 2023

Why You?

Have you ever why you were given the opportunities that you have? Have you ever questioned whether you were prepared or worthy of it? This episode will help you understand why you and not others. You are where you are for a …
Aug. 22, 2023

Avoiding The Trappings Of Success

Success is a blessing but can also be a curse to those who don't avoid the negative trappings. This episode is designed to steer you clear of those traits that have been the demise of numerous leaders. You can be successful …
Aug. 15, 2023

Appealing To A Broader Audience

This episode is about helping you expand your reach. So many leaders remain locked in to the familiar and miss out on greater opportunities because they have not been taught how to appeal to a broader audience. You will lear…
Aug. 8, 2023

How To Leverage Your Influence

The most valuable asset of leadership is influence. This episode will help you leverage it in order to get things done. When you leverage your influence you recognize the value of your voice at the table and the weight it ca…
Aug. 1, 2023

How To Lead When People Leave

Leaders handle the departure of staff and others differently. There are a host of reason why people leave, however you must learn the important lesson of leading in the midst of it. This podcast will give you strategic steps…
July 25, 2023

Goals and God

This episode is about focus and prioritizing your relationship with God in the midst of accomplishing your goals. There are many leaders who get so busy that we lose sight of the main thing. Goals are only accomplished when …
July 18, 2023

Remaining Faithful When You Are Frustrated

Accomplishing vision is not for the faint at heart. Whenever you enact change on an organization, conflict will soon follow. Many leaders are frustrated because of the the resistance they experience while stewarding their vi…
July 11, 2023

Determining Who And What Is Salvageable During The Shift

Shift happens. Whether we want it to or not. If we want to remain relevant we must be willing to embrace shifts as a part of the process. When we shift, everyone won't be able to go with us. The aim of this episode is determ…
July 4, 2023

Knowing The Right Time To Expand

Growth is the ideal goal for any organization, however it must be properly managed. When we expand it is imperative that we do so with an understanding of the implications it will bring. This episode will highlight when you …
June 27, 2023

Planning For Future Success

Leaders are forward thinkers. Planning for success requires a great deal of investment and intentionality with those you lead. In this episode you will learn how to lead your team forward and how to put yourself in position …
June 20, 2023

Grow Don't Swell

Growth is often viewed as a sign of success. In this episode you will discover that some growth is not necessarily success, it is swelling. When you identify the cause of the swelling you must be have the tools to remove it.…
June 13, 2023

Determining What's Essential

Leading in a post-pandemic culture has caused many leaders to re-examine what is essential to the success of their organizations. Effective leadership requires us making difficult decisions that will propel our organization…
June 6, 2023

Your Vision And Your Values

The intercession between our vision and values is something every leader needs to understand. Values speak to the "why" and vision speaks to the "what". When vision is executed effectively, it is important that our values re…
May 30, 2023

How To Remain Relevant

Every next level leader should not only desire success but sustainable success. Relevancy does not happen because you are successful in one season, it occurs when you are willing to be open to positive change and strategies …
May 23, 2023

The Art Of Intentionality

When we are focused on the achieving out goals, we have positive outcomes. This is possible when our energy is harness toward intentionality. In this episode you will gain tips on how the power of intentionality and how it c…
May 16, 2023

Getting Your Team To Think Outside The Box

The most precious resource you have are the people connected to your vision. Getting them beyond their comfort zone is the work of leadership. Getting them to think outside the box is the work of a next level leader. This ep…
May 9, 2023

How To Win After A Loss

Every great leader experiences loss. It can be emotional devastating to many, however in this episode we will give practical strategies on how to bounce back from a loss. You will learn that losing doesn't make you a loser, …
May 2, 2023

Adapting To Change

One of the most challenging things for leaders to do get those who follow to adapt to change. Change brings out of a lot of emotions, but this podcast will give you tips on helping your team as well as yourself adapt to the …