
June 22, 2021

The Art Of Networking

Networking is key to being a next level leader. It’s critical to the success of your organization. Join Dr. Joseph as he provides strategies on effective networking and it power it can have in transforming your business.
June 15, 2021

Don't Loose You In What You Do (73)

This week Dr. Joseph leads a candid discussion of how to take care of yourself when leading organizations.
June 8, 2021

Identify And Eliminate Threats To Your Success (72)

Next Level Leaders must understand and identify threats to success. Join Dr. Joseph as he explains simple ways to avoid distractions, leading to a more productive organization.
June 1, 2021

Reimagining Your Leadership Model-Leading From The Middle (71)

Leading from the middle is important when running an effective organization. Leaders must reimagine current business structures to tap into collaboration and group thinking. Join Dr. Joseph as he argues how leading from the …
May 25, 2021

Unleashing The Potential Of Those Connected To You (Ep 70)

Collaboration is key when unlocking the potential of those connected to you. When God gives a vision, it will involves others. It is essential for Next Level Leaders to understand how to release potential in others. Find out…
May 18, 2021

Dealing With Exhaustion (Ep 69)

Have you ever been simply exhausted? Join Dr. Joseph as he guides us through how to recognize exhaustion early so burnout doesn’t occur.
May 11, 2021

Final-Risk and Reward (68)

This episode of Next Level Leaders examines risk, reward and faith. Dr. Joseph discusses how calculated risks are necessary in each level of success achieved.
May 4, 2021

Success In Shifting Seasons (Ep 67)

Shift happens. It’s inevitable. Next-level leaders understand that seasons come and go. Adaptability is key and real leadership knows how to adjust quickly. Join Dr. Joseph as he provides ways to adapt in shifting seasons.
April 27, 2021

Knowing When To Pivot (Ep 66)

When is it time to pivot or shift into the next level? Next-level leaders will often ask this question. Join Dr. Walker as he walks through scenarios that might arise when it's time to pivot.
April 20, 2021

Maintaining Your Confidence (Ep 65)

Maintaining confidence and having assurance about yourself is essential to effectively lead others. So, how do we maintain confidence through life’s many setbacks? Join Dr. Joseph for this insightful look into the importanc…
April 13, 2021

10 Things That Should Set You Apart (Ep 64)

What is it that sets a Next Level Leader a part from everyone else? What makes a next level leader different? Join Dr. Joseph as he examines 10 characteristics that separate real leaders appointed by God, from the rest of th…
April 6, 2021

If It Were Easy, Anybody Could Do It (Ep 63)

Hey, it’s tough being a Next level leader right? Join Dr. Joseph as he walks us through why many are called but few are chosen. You were chosen and called to this work because of your capacity to handle challenges. Stop doub…
March 30, 2021

Interview with Dr. Stephanie Hale Walker (Ep 62)

Join Dr. Joseph as he concludes Women’s month with Dr. Stephanie Hale Walker. She speaks openly about her ‘fork in the road moment,” chronicling her journey from medicine to her larger purpose in holistic beauty. Dr. Steph d…
March 23, 2021

Interview with Ladonna Boyd (Ep 61)

Join Dr. Joseph as he has a conversation with Ladonna Boyd, president and CEO of R.H Boyd Publishing Company, one of the oldest black owned publishing company in the United States, as she discusses the importance of storytel…
March 16, 2021

Interview with Judge Rachel Bell

Join Dr. Jospeh as we continue our ‘Winning Women’ series month with a conversation with Judge Rachel Bell. She discusses what inspires her and how she moves her vision to reality with human inspired work through community e…
March 9, 2021

Interview with Dr. Lakisha Simmons AchieveHer (Ep 59)

Join us as we honor amazing women during Women’s appreciation month. Dr. Joseph jumpstarts this series by interviewing the amazing financial guru, Dr. Lakisha Simmons. Dr. Simmons has an incredible story of triumph over life…
March 2, 2021

The Discipline To Deliver (Ep 58)

The discipline to deliver deals with developing healthy routines and models, so goals are accomplished on time. ’Next level leaders’ recognize the importance of razor-sharp focus and develop plans for the most realistic path…
Feb. 23, 2021

While In Pain (Ep. 57)

It’s inevitable for leaders to experience pain at some point in life. What happens when we experience moments where we absolutely cannot put on our game face? It’s ok to stop and deal with pain when you’re hurting, yet decid…
Feb. 16, 2021

The Right Motive Mision And Method (Ep. 56)

Have you ever examined the ‘why’ behind your mission? Next Level Leaders understand the motivation behind their goals. Be clear about your motive and make sure your mission is great. Join Dr. Joseph as he gets to the heart o…
Feb. 9, 2021

Managing Your Emotions (Ep. 55)

If emotions are not under control, they can burn out of control. Dr. Joseph speaks dynamically on how leaders manage emotions. Emotions are not bad. In fact, leaders are most effective when they exemplify emotions and learn…
Feb. 2, 2021

Leadership and Lonliness Conversation with Bishop T.D. Jakes (Ep. 54)

Join Dr. Joseph this week as he has a dynamic conversation with Bishop T.D. Jakes on leadership and loneliness. The conversation tackles key issues facing many leaders today, from managing public success to dealing with priv…
Jan. 26, 2021

The Art Of Saying No (Ep. 53)

Next Level Leaders understand the art of saying no. Learn early that ‘no’ is an answer. Join Dr. Joseph as he discusses the psychology behind the inability to say ‘no.’
Jan. 19, 2021

Breaking The Spirit Of Procrastination (Ep. 52)

Join us on this episode of Next Level Leaders as Dr. Joseph discusses ways to break the spirit of procrastination when distractions are everywhere.
Jan. 12, 2021

How To Know Who's With You And Who's Not (Ep. 51)

Relationships matter! Leaders know that everyone in your crowd is not in your corner. In this episode, Dr. Joseph teaches the principles of managing relationships. Like Jesus knew who would betray him, it’s important to iden…