
April 21, 2023

Making the Unclean Clean

Little boys love to terrorize little girls with things most girls find disgusting like bugs, snakes, mice, and … Well, this week you may feel squeamish reading God’s rules regarding several very disgusting things! But the po…
April 18, 2023

Why Celebrate Israel’s 75th

The ICEJ is hosting two gala dinners to celebrate Israel’s 75th Anniversary in May 2023, and today we want to discuss why. When commemorating this anniversary, we are celebrating a miracle of God. Israel’s birth was against …
April 14, 2023

Distinguishing Between Holy and Unholy

As children we all learn the difference between being dirty and being clean! It is drilled into us by our mothers who make sure we take our baths and wash our hands. The lesson of cleanliness helps us learn the spiritual dif…
April 12, 2023

Exciting Announcement

We have been busy at work building new resources and tools for you as well as planning two exciting events to celebrate Israel’s 75th anniversary. I hope you will listen in to learn about these resources and opportunities to…
April 4, 2023

Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

This week is the Feast of Passover and the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. These two feasts may overlap in their commemoration of the Exodus, but there is deeper meaning found in each and their respective observa…
March 31, 2023

God in the Details

This week we are going to learn about the purpose of the laws and regulations found in Leviticus. God took a people out of Egypt who knew next to nothing about Him—nor how to approach Him—and began to lovingly reveal Himself…
March 24, 2023

Drawing Near to a Holy God

We are starting the fun book of Leviticus this week! Yahoo! It is a tedious book to read through, but together we will highlight the importance of this book and what God was revealing to His people in it—namely, how they we…
March 17, 2023

A God on the Move

We can learn many wonderful lessons from the design and construction of the tabernacle in the book of Exodus. But overarching them all is the fact the tabernacle is not a permanent monument as seen in Egypt but a temporary d…
March 10, 2023

Purim’s Lesson about Choice

To understand the feast of Purim and the story of Esther, we must first understand the story in Exodus of the unprovoked attack by Amalek upon the children of Israel. It helps to explain how, centuries later, a descendant of…
March 3, 2023

The Heart of Aaron

One biblical character we don’t hear that much about is Aaron. It sounds like Aaron was a wonderful person and one we would all like to know. In fact, the Bible hints that God knew Aaron’s humble heart and intentionally chos…
Feb. 24, 2023

Where God Meets with His People

Once the children of Israel agreed to be God’s covenant people, God instructed them to build Him a house to dwell in. Why would the God of the Universe choose to limit Himself to a particular place to meet with a particular …
Feb. 17, 2023

Thank God for the Law!

As we read through the Torah this year, we will be wading through many rules and laws! To twenty-first-century ears, those rules and regulations seem antiquated and restrictive—even harsh. But how did they sound to the ears …
Feb. 10, 2023

What Would Jethro Do?

Jethro provides a beautiful example of gentile support for the people of Israel. He was not Israelite nor Hebrew, yet he rejoiced in the miracle of the deliverance of the children of Israel. He then gave Moses wise advice on…
Feb. 3, 2023

When You Need A Miracle

We have all encountered problems that looked to be insurmountable. We may have felt boxed in and that there was no way out. But that is exactly when God can perform a miracle. If the situation is not impossible, it does not …
Jan. 27, 2023

The Firstborn

This week we read about the tenth and final plague in Egypt: death of the firstborn, a plague that seems horribly cruel. Many skeptics have used this story to disavow the Bible—and the God of the Bible. But we find the mercy…
Jan. 20, 2023

Meaning of the Plagues

The story of the Exodus is preceded by ten plagues that just about destroy the country of Egypt. At first glance the plagues seem to be too harsh and vindictive. But there is much more to this story! The God of Israel was ex…
Jan. 13, 2023

Moses’ Burning Question

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush it was to begin answering a question that Moses obviously had burning in his heart. Moses had an identity crisis. Once he understood who he was he understood what he was to do. I…
Jan. 6, 2023

What God Meant for Good

We all have plenty of opportunities to be jealous of others—even in church life or ministry. True peace is when we are content with God’s will for our life or ministry and do not strive to be someone else. Ishmael and Isaac,…
Dec. 30, 2022

A People Set Apart

As we assess our lives and make new year’s resolutions, let’s learn an important lesson found in this week’s Torah reading. God used Joseph to save his family from famine, but it meant moving them to Egypt. Joseph knew the d…
Dec. 23, 2022

God at Work in the Details

Have you ever gone through a time when you wondered where is God? I can assure you that if you have invited Him into your life, He is busy at work in the details, but we often don’t recognize His handiwork until later. The C…
Dec. 16, 2022

The Story of Hannukah

Many Christians are not familiar with the significance of the Hannukah story because the story is not told in the Bible. It occurred inbetween the Old and New Testaments. But the Maccabean defeat of the Seluecid forces allow…
Dec. 9, 2022

The Land Is Given to Jacob

Jacob is now returning from Padam Aram and needs to reconcile with Esau. As he travels south along the eastern side of the Jordan River he sends for Esau who lives in Edom. Once he makes peace with Esau Jacob then crosses th…
Dec. 2, 2022

Why We Can Trust our Bible

The biblical accounts of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob come alive when we study them in Israel – the very land in which they occurred. When viewing a 4,000-year-old mud brick gate to a city Abraham was said to have visited, we u…
Nov. 25, 2022

No More Famine in the Land

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all encountered famine in the Promised Land. It was a difficult land that required faith to enter and faith to remain. It was also a land set aside for a specific people and only when they took posse…