
Nov. 9, 2022

Prophetic DREAM & VISION about God's People & What's Happening in the Universe Right Now

The Lord gave me a Prophetic Vision and a dream about how he sees the body of Christ and our part in the universe! Must Listen!!
Oct. 26, 2022

WEALTH TRANSFER: The Next Big Shift is Beginning

The next big wealth transfer shift is preparing to begin, it's a new season of wealth.
Oct. 26, 2022

Prophetic Word: Angels Visited Me and Brought a Word for the Body of Christ

Angels visited me in the night, they were hovering over my house and they released this prophetic song.
Oct. 19, 2022

MEGA PROPHETIC WORD for FLORIDA: God has Big Things For 2023.

The Lord gave me a Mega Prophecy over Florida for 2023, this prophecy was released to Florida Leaders on 10/4/2022.
Oct. 19, 2022

PROPHECY: God showed me what's coming over the next 10 years.

The Lord told me what's coming the next 10 years and what the body of Christ needs to be doing!
Oct. 12, 2022

PROPHECY: God showed me what's coming over the next 10 years.

The Lord told me what's coming the next 10 years and what the body of Christ needs to be doing!
Sept. 28, 2022

PROPHETIC WORD & DECLARATION over Florida! Must watch and share everywhere!

The Lord had me praying all throughout the night for Florida and the hurricane that's coming, he gave me a word and a declaration to release over Florida.
Sept. 28, 2022

MASSIVE *WARNING* DREAM for the WICKED, The Reckoning is Coming to God's Enemies.

The Lord gave me a serious dream about the Reckoning that's coming, God has been keeping track!
Sept. 21, 2022

SERIOUS Prophetic Dream about Angelic Activity & Prophecy about Angels

The Lord gave me a Prophetic Vision and a Prophetic dream about what's coming concerning Angelic activity on the earth must listen &watch! this is times and Seasons Prophecy.
Sept. 14, 2022

The Universe is Preparing to Break Out, The Impact is Coming

The Lord gave me a prophetic vision the universe and this is what he told me he's preparing to do!
Sept. 14, 2022

Prophetic Dream & Times & Seasons Word

The Lord woke me all throughout the night with the stirring for Florida, big warning for Florida to pay attention and a prophetic dream.
Sept. 14, 2022

Warning for Costa Rica: Big Things are Coming-Get Ready

The Lord kept speaking to me to intercede for Costa Rica then he gave me a vision of water and he said "I'm preparing to pour myself out, get ready Costa Rica."
Aug. 24, 2022

Blood Falling From the Sky, The Big ripple is coming-The remnant will have all they need

The Lord gave me a vision of blood dropping from the sky, he said there's a power available to my people! trust it!!
Aug. 24, 2022

Why Are We Seeing 111, 222, 333, 444, 555-Lets Talk about why you're seeing these numbers

I explain why we're seeing all the numbers and what they mean spiritually.
Aug. 24, 2022

BIG SHIFT COMING!! 111 Time is Now- Wealth Transfer is Upon Us

The Lord gave me a dream about the wealth transfer the big shift is now, what you need to know.
Aug. 12, 2022

Serious Dream: MASSIVE Things Are Coming in 60 days-August is Pivotal

The Lord gave me a times and seasons Prophetic Dream, August is pivotal, this is a month of preparation. get ready Body of Christ.
Aug. 10, 2022

A NEW RAIN IS COMING, This will prepare us to be the end time army.

The Lord gave me a beautiful vision of crisp rain glistening in the Sun, then he said a new rain is coming, like never known before.
July 27, 2022

ARIZONA PROPHECY: Pay Attention a new season is here AZ

The Lord gave me 2 Times & Seasons words for Arizona, He is Preparing you AZ, God needs you to lean in.
July 20, 2022

"Suddenly's are Upon Us" Sudden Flooding, Sudden tornadoes, Sudden Lightning.

The Lord gave me a vision of a sudden down pour of water and I felt it hit me, then he said the suddenlies are coming.
July 20, 2022

"Wall Street Crash" what does the body of Christ do? how do we survive?

The Lord gave me a word concerning the prophecy about Wall Street crashing, what is the body of Christ supposed to be doing and how do we make it through?
July 13, 2022

"The Snow Is Coming" Times & Seasons Word- Next Level Exposure

"The Lord Gave me a Vision of snow falling, he said the snow is coming. get ready Body of Christ. "
July 13, 2022

California PROPHECY: "California Disappeared" Will Cali Fall into the ocean?

"The Lord gave me Vision of California under water and it had disappeared."
July 7, 2022

MASSIVE WARNING WORD Body of Christ- Repent‼️

The Lord has brought me into prayer and intercession over the last two days over things that are happening that are breaking his heart. it's time to repent Body of Christ.
June 29, 2022

PROPHETIC VISION: Florida completely Covered in Fire, God is preparing to Clear the Land

The Lord gave me a vision of the entire State of Florida covered in fire, he said the Pentecost preparations are upon them to clear the land.