Discover how the Holy Spirit brings faith and power to our life. We will learn from the powerful life of Stephen who we read about in the book of Acts. We will better understand how faith and power come from the Holy Spirit. ...
How can the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith? Discover how to walk in faith that is greater than the faith we now have. We will understand the difference between faith and unshakable faith. Where does the bible show us how to...
Discover how it is possible for the Holy Spirit to help our thoughts. How can we defeat the attack of Satan in our thought life? See how we can control our thoughts and speak words that will please God. Learn how the Holy Spi...
How is it possible to walk in the Holy Spirit while we live in an ungodly world? We will discover how the power in us is greater than the sin in this world. We will look at the scriptures that lead us into wa...
How does the Holy Spirit increase our faith? Is it possible to become a Christian without the Holy Spirit? Does the Bible tell us how the Holy Spirit helps our faith? Why is our faith and the Holy Spirit inseparable? Is fait...
We will search the scriptures for a better understanding of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help us in our weaknesses. The Holy Spirit brings wisdom and power and understanding. Discover how the Holy Spirit works in us...
During this series, we will learn how the Holy Spirit works in Christians. We will understand how vital it is to be led by the Holy Spirit. Our study will help us better understand the power in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. S...
The only way to live with true abundance is to live with purpose. What is true abundant living? Purpose is the key to living abundantly. Where does the Bible show the correct relationship between abundance and purpose. Abund...
Discover the keys to receive hope, joy, and peace. How is it possible to have peace during trials? What must we do to always live with joy? How do peace and purpose work together in our life? To listen to more podcasts and in...
Jesus sets the standard for purpose. How can we find out how the purpose of Jesus affects us? His purpose brings forth truth and life to us. Learn how the life of Jesus can be seen in his followers. To listen to more podcasts...
How does the Holy Spirit speak to us? Discover how the Holy Spirit reveals our purpose. How do we know when the Holy Spirit speaks to us? How the Holy Spirit helps us with our purpose. The Holy Spirit helps us in life. To lis...
What does our purpose provide for us? Does the bible have instructions for prosperity, purpose and abundance? How can our purpose bring abundant living? Which scriptures are proof that purpose and abundance work together? T...
How is it possible to live with abundant purpose? What is abundant purpose? We can prove it is possible through scriptures. Why do so many decide to live without hope of abundant living? Understand why God wants us to live wi...
We must follow the scriptures instructions on how to use our finances. Discover the good and bad use of money. We must understand why the scriptures are filled with financial advice. See how following God's purpose for us ...
Where does the Word of God give instructions on finances with purpose? The Lord speaks about money and finances frequently. Discover how our finances will be blessed by our God. See what the Lord desires us to do with m...
The Lord offers help to anyone in need, including Veterans. Discover the list of soldiers God recruited to bless his Kingdom. God offers help to veterans through the comfort of the Holy Spirit. His word provides direction fo...
When we see a Veteran, tell them “Thank you for your service”. Discover the ways we can reach out to our veterans. The Word of God is filled with examples of how to reach out to others. This also applies to all those who serv...
The Bible shows us how God will use our purpose in life regardless of our age. Both the young and old have a purpose. We must never feel we lose our purpose as we grow older. God gives us purpose for our entire life. To liste...
Discover where the Bible explains how our purpose brings God's promises. Understand the significance of knowing our purpose.We will examine the relationship of purpose and promises. Purpose is the birth of God's promises. T...
We must experience the potential of God's purpose in our life. Discover the scriptures that define our potential as Christians. How can we receive the potential our God has for us? Understand why living in God's purpose is ou...
This may be the most important podcast I will do in our series on living with purpose. See how the bible defines our purpose and shows how significant our purpose is in the body of Christ. I will list a few ways to know God's...
Today we will discover how to live with purpose. How to decide which Bible translation speaks to us? Understand how our purpose impacts every area of life. What does knowing our purpose bring to us? To listen to more podcasts...
How do we know our purpose in life? What do we do if we don’t like our purpose? We will discover the way God takes us to our purpose in life. Learn how to never give up on God’s purpose. To listen to more podcasts and informa...