
Nov. 10, 2022

An Idolatrous Heart

Do you have an idolatrous heart? You may not worship a statue, but many people put money, objects, entertainment, and other non-God things at the center of their lives. In this episode, Steve goes to the Old Testament and di…
Nov. 3, 2022

Ready for War

Are you READY FOR WAR? In this episode, Steve talks about the literal threats of war as well as the spiritual attacks that exist in our world today. We as Christians have a power source that equips us for every battle ahead.…
Oct. 27, 2022

Self Never Satisfied

The self is never satisfied. In this episode, Steve discusses self-love, which has leaked into the churches and into our hearts. This false gospel comes with consequences. A hunger for more of yourself leaves little room for…
Oct. 20, 2022

In the Name of Jesus

In the Name of Jesus! Healing, revival, and miracles can happen today. So why don’t we see those things every day all around us? In this episode, Steve talks about one major way in which we sabotage ourselves. Many people ta…
Oct. 13, 2022

When the Glory Departs

What happens when the glory of God departs? A true move of God is the glory of God, and without it, we are empty. In this episode, Steve goes to 1 Samuel and talks about the way wickedness shuts out God. But God wants to dwe…
Oct. 6, 2022


YES or NO? When God speaks, how do you respond? Our answer can either help or hinder revival. God says ‘yes’ to us—being the good father, providing for us, protecting us, and keeping His promises. In this episode, Steve talk…
Sept. 29, 2022

Stiff-necked People

Who are “stiff-necked people”? Before his death, the first martyr Stephen confronted his accusers, who were stiff-necked religious leaders that resisted the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Steve explores the importance of Step…
Sept. 22, 2022

On the Verge

What if your church is on the verge of revival?! In this episode, Steve goes to the Bible to answer this question. Revival has certain indicators, and God moves in a distinct way. We must recognize revival so that we don’t m…
Sept. 15, 2022

Choose Me, Jesus!

“Choose me, Jesus!” At the core of revival, the hearts of the God’s people cry out for His presence. In this episode, Steve talks about Zacchaeus’ determination to see Jesus and why Jesus picked himout of the crowd. Even the…
Sept. 8, 2022

Break the Silence

Let’s BREAK THE SILENCE just like Jesus did! After 400 “silent” years, the Son of God brought with him a new wave of people—ordinary but involved with God activity. In this episode, Steve points to the godless and lawless so…
Sept. 1, 2022

Choose Your Position

Choose your position! Life doesn't just happen to you. You decide the course of your life and where you sit in the Kingdom of God! In this episode, Steve goes to the story of Mary and Martha, and he looks at how we shoulder …
Aug. 25, 2022

Where Help Comes From

Who will save us? Where does help come from? In this episode, Steve continues his teaching on the Good Samaritan. We try to be the superhero (or Good Samaritan) in our own lives, but the world continually tries to attack us.…
Aug. 18, 2022

Helpless People & Selfish Religion

We have a PROBLEM! A selfish religious system creates helpless people. The result is that the people in churches are just as discouraged and fearful as the people out in the world. In this episode, Steve goes to the parable …
Aug. 11, 2022

The Good Father

When is The End of The World? Is it NEAR?! The world is already so full of trouble and tribulation. Movies imagine an “apocalypse,” and preachers talk about the “end times” and the “rapture.” In this episode, Steve goes to 2…
Aug. 4, 2022

Send the Rain! (…or What It Takes to Get Revival)

Revival often starts with one person. Is that you? In this episode, Steve looks at the example of the prophet Elijah, who knew how to get ready for revival and wait on God. Today, there is a spiritual drought, and we need Go…
July 28, 2022

Ego on the Outside, and a Good that Overcomes Evil

There is an ego on the outside, and a good that OVERCOMES evil… Unfortunately, those two things do not work together. Evil has invaded our world and surrounds us. Every Christian has the opportunity to overcome it! The quest…
July 21, 2022

Uproot the Religion

In this episode, Steve looks at how revival really functions and how a carrier of revival pursues their Godly mission. Before the Kingdom of God can expand on earth, the people of God must make room. It’s time to uproot the …
July 14, 2022

No Shortcuts to Revival

We want revival now, but there aren’t any shortcuts. No shortcuts exist for getting us the presence and power of God. In this episode, Steve talks about how we easily fall into corruption and the traps of instant gratificati…
July 7, 2022

A Greater Grace

Every believer is gifted with the grace of God, or His unmerited favor. But a GREATER grace comes to us during the move of God—during revival. So what is the greater grace? In this episode, Steve talks about the "increase" a…
June 30, 2022

Get Rid of the Competition!

Get rid of the competition! In this episode, Steve goes to the story of the Rich Ruler. Not all of us are rich but we all must follow Jesus and can get rid of our lack. A major reason we don’t have revival today is because o…
June 23, 2022

The Narrow Way

Are you going the Narrow Way? In Luke 13, Jesus tells us about “the narrow door” into His Kingdom. We want to enter His presence, experience His power, and know more of who God is. We want to be saved and rescued by God. But…
June 16, 2022

The Kingdom is Now Ready

The Kingdom of God is now ready! Christians have the power of God within their grasp, but we get lost in the chaos of the transitioning world. In this episode, Steve talks about the excuses we make and the invitations to the…
June 9, 2022

More Than Conquerors

Are we “more than conquerors?” The Bible says that’s who we are meant to be! In this episode, Steve talks about why believers still struggle to conquer even their own lives. There’s a problem in the church today that’s keepi…
June 2, 2022

Compromise or Catch Fire

Will you compromise or catch FIRE? That’s the spiritual battle roaring within you! In this episode, Steve shows how John the Baptist and Jesus were true lovers of God who would not compromise. They faced down the Pharisees a…