
Nov. 17, 2021

Dream Again

Do you know what God’s preferred picture for your future is? Do you have a vision that is causing you to dream about the future that awaits your arrival? There has never been a greater time in our lifetime to dream than ri…
Nov. 10, 2021

Get Off Your Seat

Why do so many Christians, pastors and spiritual leaders sit comfortably and never engage the fight for the spiritual climate of the territory that we have been given? Sitting and watching will never change the political an…
Nov. 3, 2021

I Choose Joy

In this current climate we look all over the nation and around the world and there doesn’t seem to be very much to entice joy. However, we choose the state of our mind and the way in which we determine life. The way we thi…
Oct. 7, 2021

Engage the Battle

We cannot back down. Principalities and powers are at work to divide humanity and diminish the Kingdom of God in the earth. It is time for the people of God to get out of our spiritual lazy chairs, and fight for the Kingdo…
Sept. 29, 2021

Where Are the Lions?

In today’s culture Christianity is depicted as a group of people who are supposed to sit in the humility of their frailness and become doormats to the culture around them. This lie is perpetrated in manipulative religious s…
Sept. 22, 2021

Vaccine Mandates & Religious Exemptions

Government coercion has continued in the healthcare system in the form of government mandated vaccines. Fortunately, the Constitution protects us all from the tyranny and overreach that government has attempted to do in this…
Sept. 1, 2021


Relationships often become RelationSLIPS and can cause us to be challenged in the way in which we tolerate, engage, and journey forward with those in our spheres. God has strategically positioned people in our lives for sea…
Aug. 25, 2021

My Body, My Choice

In this tumultuous American culture people are pressed and challenged to defend their value systems and culture of morality. Standing strong and remaining firm upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit is vital to the sustaina…
Aug. 4, 2021

Open the Doors

For so many generations the Church has added man-made doctrines and denominational influences into their systems of faith and incorporated it into the development of people. But have those influences opened the doors or clo…
July 21, 2021

Church Trauma

Every person that attends church on a regular basis and has involved themselves in local church activity, has experienced church hurt or church trauma at some capacity. How do we move beyond the hurt and the pain that past …
July 14, 2021

Governmental Rebellion

Most Christians during COVID were faced with their home church closing their doors and many were faced with what to do in the face of global fear and unknown questions, as our government attempted to mandate our lives. In t…
June 3, 2021

Introducing, Shatterproof!

You may be pressed, but you will not be crushed because God has made you Shatterproof! Pastor Todd Callahan will help you in your journey of faith and strengthen you to overcome the pressures of the culture so you can accel…