Welcome to the Strang Report podcast!


Aug. 14, 2020

Will the World See Christians Respond in Mercy Toward Jerry Falwell Jr.?

John Wesley Reid addresses believers in his article on "The Christian Post" site, "Dear Christians: The world saw Falwell's sin, will they see your mercy? ", after Jerry Falwell Jr. posted an inappropriate photo that went vi…
Aug. 12, 2020

It Is Time for the Prophetic Voice of the Church to Lead with Alex Clattenburg

People are looking for the church to step out in the spiritual confidence in this time of unrest during the coronavirus pandemic. Listen as Pastor Alex Clattenburg of Church In the Son in Orlando, Florida, shares how the ene…
Aug. 10, 2020

Charisma Panel: How Churches and Pastors Can Respond to COVID-19

Listen in as host Stephen Strang brings together pastors Samuel Rodriguez , Rodney Howard-Browne , Bishop Harry Jackson , Mark Driscoll , Benny Tate , and Eugene Smith as they discuss what is happening emotionally, spiritual…
Aug. 10, 2020

How God Is Moving in Wondang-Ki Orphanage in India with Rosella Ridings

One person can make a difference for the kingdom of God. Hear the miraculous story of pastor and ministry leader Rosella Ridings , who obeyed God's call to help children. She shares stories of how the Holy Spirit is moving t…
Aug. 6, 2020

Kathie Walters Explains Truth Behind Trump's Connection to Hebrides Revival

Listen as Kathie Walters shares the history behind The Hebrides Revival, which started in Scotland more than 70 years ago. She explains the truth behind the rumors on whether President Trump was connected to the sisters who …
Aug. 5, 2020

Encountering the Power of the Holy Spirit

After 45 years, Charisma magazine is still following the same calling and vision. Listen as founder Stephen Strang shares how the Lord put on his heart to report what is happening spiritually around the world and to inspire …
Aug. 4, 2020

Pastors Henry and Alex Seeley Invite the Holy Spirit to Descend on Nashville

Meet The Belonging Co. Senior Pastors Henry and Alex Seeley as they tell how God brought them from Australia to Nashville, Tennessee, to transform a spiritual culture. Listen as the Seeleys share their focus on helping other…
Aug. 3, 2020

Inspiring Story of How a Young Couple Uses Technology and Compassion to Reach Unreached in Asia

Stephen Strang introduces "Missions Monday" with Roy and Rhea, who minister in a country that is 99% non-Christian, including the unreached Rohingya people. Their story will inspire you to pray for and support missions and m…
July 30, 2020

How to Rescue Our Country With Faith and Conviction Featuring Dr. James Dobson (Part 2 of 2)

In part 2 of this special interview, Dr. James Dobson and Stephen Strang continue their conversation about America and current events focusing on religious liberty. Hear how the Holy Spirit will give boldness for believers i…
July 29, 2020

How to Rescue Our Country With Faith and Conviction Featuring Dr. James Dobson (Part 1 of 2)

In this special episode, Dr. James Dobson turns the table on host Stephen Strang where Dr. Dobson asks the questions. Listen to part one of their conversation as they discuss where America stands on faith and conviction.
July 24, 2020

Why We Back the Blue with Sheriff Grady Judd

Well-known Sheriff Grady Judd of Florida's Polk County talks with Steve Strang about the protests against police in cities across the U.S. On the whole, Judd points out that police "stand in the gap between good and evil." S…
July 22, 2020

Why Charisma Reports on Politics and the Role of the Church

"I have to be faithful to what God has called me to do." Host Stephen Strang and founder of Charisma magazine explain why he reports on politics and the part the church plays in standing up for our freedoms and biblical mora…
July 20, 2020

The Viral Church with Michael Todd

Listen to how Pastor Michael Todd uses the internet to fulfill Christ's Great Commission. Learn how it challenges tradition but is impactful. Watch the original message that made Todd go viral.
July 17, 2020

Verified by God with Michael Todd

Listen as Pastor Michael Todd shares his unconventional path to leading on of the fastest-growing Pentecostal churches in America. Read Todd's story in the July 2020 Issue of Charisma magazine.
July 15, 2020

A Great Man of God: A Tribute to Evangelist Dr. Morris Cerullo

Listen as host Stephen Strang honors the legacy of the late evangelist Dr. Morris Cerullo in this episode of the Strang Report. Cerullo passed away on July 10, 2020, at the age of 88 and was known affectionately known to mil…
July 9, 2020

What Christian Leaders Are Saying About Dana Coverstone's Prophetic Warnings

Host Stephen Strang continues the conversation about Kentucky Pastor Dana Coverstone's recent prophetic dreams of warning. Strang shares responses of prominent Christian leaders to Coverstone for a better understanding of wh…
July 8, 2020

Seek to Understand: Stephen Strang Addresses Past and Present Prophecies Warning America

Kentucky pastor Dana Coverstone recently discussed dreams of warning for America in a social media post that has gone viral. Host Stephen Strang addresses these dreams along with popular prophecies given over the years. He s…
June 22, 2020

Are We In the Middle of Events Leading Up to the End Times?

Listen as Ken Fish of Orbis Ministries discusses with host Stephen Strang recent events in our nation and around the world that are moving people to ask if we are in the end times. Fish shares how we are in a 20-year period …
June 17, 2020

There is Power In A Simple Act of Kindness with Hal Donaldson

Hear stories about the power in simple acts of kindness. Convoy of Hope President and CEO Hal Donaldson shares how this organization stepped up during the pandemic to distribute more than 10 million meals to families who los…
June 15, 2020

In His Footsteps Walks Readers Through Fear to Freedom with Gabby Heusser

Gabby Heusser has experienced how God's sweet interruptions bring wholeness to a broken life. Hear how she could not walk without crippling pain and one day followed the Lord's leading to turn on "The 700 Club." After hearin…
June 15, 2020

How You Can Help the Poorest of Jewish Believers Around the World Return to Israel

Rescue, Return, Restore. Listen as Rev. Gary Cristofaro, director of development for Ezra International, tells stories of how this organization adheres to the calling God has given them to respond each day to providing human…
June 9, 2020

Secrets to a Lifetime of Success with Pat Williams Part 2

In part two of this special interview with Pat Williams, Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic shares more about the principles of leadership that never change no matter the advancement of technology from his book " Mr.…
June 8, 2020

Secrets to a Lifetime of Success with Pat Williams Part 1

Special guest Pat Williams, Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic, joins host Stephen Strang in the podcast studio to share the seven leadership principles from his book " Mr. Little John's Secrets to a Lifetime of Succ…
June 5, 2020

Dealing With Racial Tension In Our Country

In the episode, host Stephen Strang shares his thoughts on the protest, riots, and politicizing the tragic death of George Floyd. You will hear Strang share his personal experience with racial tensions during the Trayvon Mar…