What if you were told a huge asteroid was going to hit the earth on Friday, April 13, 2029. Would you believe it? End-times expert Tom Horn believes one of the end-times prophecies in Revelation 8 foretells of "Wormwood" str…
Listen as host Stephen Strang gives his perspective on this historic speech and why it confirms Christians need to vote for Trump's reelection in 2020.
Frank Amedia shares he still believes Trump will win this year's election and explains this impeachment is a political abortion. He warns Christian to continue in prayer that politicians do not get weary from the continued h…
Practice what the Bible says about leadership in the home and in the office. Host Stephen Strang welcomes Dr. Steve Greene, executive producer of the Charisma Podcast Network, to talk about how to love people while being tou…
The director of the International House of Prayer says not only did he raise up Trump as a defender of Christian values and religious freedom, but he also used Paula White Cain to influence Trump for the good.
Angel Belcher was honored by President Donald Trump due to her servant's heart to serve God and her community. After Hurricane Michael hit South Florida, Angel used her own resources to help feed the victims who lost everyth…
On Jan. 28, 2020, President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited plan for the Middle East. The plan is a two-state solution. As a Christian Zionist, host Stpehen Strang shares he does not give a 100% stamp of approval on t…
In this episode, host Stephen Strang talks with Dino and Cheryl Kartsonakis on how they are seeing revivals happening right now. Dino includes stories about his memories working with Kathryn Kuhlman you will not want to miss…
The host of "SkyWatch TV" Tom Horn sheds light on end-times prophecy unfolding before our eyes. In this episode, he tells the story of the supernatural encounter he had that led to writing the book " The Wormwood Prophecy ."
Listen as host Stephen Strang talks about this historic day where President Donald Trump was the first president to speak at the March for Life and comments from Christian leaders.
Listen as Christian political insider Doug Wead says what this really is should be called "impeachment lite." He breaks down the articles of impeachment and how it is motivated out of hatred of this president and a desire to…
Listen as Christian political insider Doug Wead speaks the truth about Trump in his new book, Inside Trump's White House. Learn how a conversation with Ivanka Trump after Wead's appearance on BBC led to the writing of the bo…
Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Stephen Strang recently spoke to his niece, evangelist Alveda King, who not only is executive director of Civil Rights for the Unborn but is also the foun…
The same day Stephen Strang appeared on "Fox & Friends," Donald Trump signed an executive order protecting prayer in public schools. Listen as Strang explains to "Fox & Friends" host Steve Doocy why Christians need to view T…
Pastor John Alarid, a young man in his 40s, has already experienced many of life's hardships, including drug addiction. He was even in prison a few times, but God gloriously saved him. Listen to this miraculous story and how…
The answer to this question rests in our country's Judeo-Christian foundation. Listen as Stephen Strang shares from his book "God, Trump and the 2020 Election" and discusses with TCT's host Tom Nolan the impact President Tru…
Kenneth Copeland, Paula White Cain, Dennis Prager and others have read and written endorsements for the book "God, Trump and the 2020 Election," written by host Stephen Strang. Listen as Steve shares the words from others on…
In September, Rev. Patrick Conroy, chaplain for the U.S. House of Representatives, used his opening prayer to do spiritual warfare, casting out demonic spirits from Congress . Listen as host Stephen Strang speaks about this …
Europe has a reputation for being spiritually dead, but God has been moving in mighty ways in this continent. He's using a woman with a broken past to do so. Listen as Shaneen Clarke, Christian author and founder of A Woman'…
Listen to learn what compromise in the church could mean for this year's presidential election as host Stephen Strang reads from his Charisma magazine article "A Holy Challenge for a Secular Time." To receive a print version…
Those who know Donald Trump personally say that behind the persona portrayed in the media is a genuinely nice man who cares about people and who generates fierce loyalty from others as a result. Host Stephen Strang shares hi…
Listen as host Stephen Strang shares from his new podcast God, Trump and the 2020 Election why you are not voting for a person who lives a perfect Christian lifestyle, you are voting for someone who defends your right to fre…
President Donald Trump kicked off his "Evangelicals for Trump" coalition on January 3, at an event at a Pentecostal church in Miami. Enjoy this episode from God, Trump and the 2020 Election podcast show, as host Stephen Stra…