
June 3, 2020

11. The Leadership Example

A leader is, and always should be, an example to follow. Too often, people want the public platform, without putting in the private process to be the leader they are […]
May 6, 2020

10. Pandemic Perspectives

Perspective is everything in a season like this one. During this global pandemic, it can be challenging to see and think clearly. So much good will come out of this season if we can just […]
April 1, 2020

9. The Best Kind of Leadership

In episode 9, Shawn shares and brings awareness to a ‘better’ kind of leadership that we are called to live out. Healthy leaders, for the most part, desire to be the best version of themselves […]
March 4, 2020

8. Developing a Supernatural Culture

Developing culture in any area takes time, consistency, and requires certain key elements to be practiced over and over. In episode 8, Shawn shares four keys that will help assist […]
Feb. 5, 2020

7. Interpreting the Word of Knowledge – Part 3

Join Shawn in finishing Part 3 of a 3-part series on the ‘word of knowledge,’ one of nine supernatural gifts of the spirit. He will wrap up the last episode […]
Jan. 1, 2020

6. Interpreting the Word of Knowledge – Part 2

Join Shawn as he dives into Part Two of a 3-part series on the word of knowledge which is one of the nine supernatural gifts the apostle Paul invites us to pursue in First Corinthians chapter […]
Dec. 4, 2019

5. Leaning into the Word of Knowledge – Part 1

The word of knowledge is one of the nine supernatural gifts that the apostle Paul invites us to pursue in First Corinthians chapter 12. Like many of the gifts, it is often misunderstood as ‘out there’, mystical, […]
Nov. 6, 2019

4. Developing Awareness – Part 2

In this episode Shawn will complete the second part of a 2-Part journey into developing an awareness of the presence of God in our lives. In Part 2 we will […]
Oct. 2, 2019

3. Developing Awareness – Part 1

In this episode Shawn will take you on Part 1 of a 2-Part journey into developing an awareness of the presence of God in our lives and for others.  In Part […]
Sept. 4, 2019

2. Learning to See

In this second episode Shawn will be discussing and introducing the concept of seeing in the Spirit. To be the supernatural leader we are called to be, we must come […]
Aug. 6, 2019

1. Supernatural Leadership: Presence vs Principle

For the first episode we will be exploring the difference between presence and principle, the very foundation for supernatural leadership.  Join Shawn Gabie in understanding how they work together; presence being […]