
Oct. 18, 2023

The Art of Intercession Part 9: How to Pray the Prayer of Intercession Pt. 2

Margie continues her series "The Art of Intercession" where she breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how. to intercede from a Biblical perspective
Oct. 11, 2023

The Art of Intercession Part 8: How to Pray the Prayer of Intercession Pt 1

Margie continues her series "The Art of Intercession" where she breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how. to intercede from a Biblical perspective.
Oct. 4, 2023

The Art of Intercession Part 7: Visualization and Prayer

Margie continues her series "The Art of Intercession" where she breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how. to intercede from a Biblical perspective.
Sept. 27, 2023

The Art of Intercession Part 6: Approaching the Throne of Grace

Margie continues her series, "The Art of Intercession," where she breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how to intercede from a Biblical perspective.
Sept. 20, 2023

The Art of Intercession Part 5: The Labor of Love

Margie continues her series "The Art of Intercession" where she breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how to intercede from a Biblical perspective.
Sept. 13, 2023

The Art of Intercession Part 4: Intercession, The Greatest act of Love

Margie continues her series "The Art of Intercession" where she breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how to intercede from a Biblical perspective.
Sept. 6, 2023

The Art of Intercession - Part 3

In this new series, The Art of Intercession, Margie breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how to intercede from a Biblical perspective. If you would like to invite Margie to speak at you…
Aug. 30, 2023

The Art of Intercession - Part 2

In this new series, The Art of Intercession, Margie breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how. to intercede from a Biblical perspective. Join Margie as we pray for the rising generations…
Aug. 23, 2023

The Art of Intercession Intro - Part 1

In this new series, The Art of Intercession, Margie breaks down the importance of intercession, what it means to intercede, and how. to intercede from a Biblical perspective. The Gifts of the Spirit are many and I often get …
Aug. 16, 2023

Praying for a Nation Part 3

In this 3 part series, Margie uses a mixture of Scripture and prophetic insight to teach on how we as Christians strengthen ourselves in the Word of God and intercede for America. If you would like to invite Margie to speak …
Aug. 9, 2023

Praying for a Nation Part 2

In this 3 part series, Margie uses a mixture of Scripture and prophetic insight to teach on how we as Christians strengthen ourselves in the Word of God and intercede for America. The Gifts of the Spirit are many and I often…
Aug. 2, 2023

Praying for a Nation Part 1

In this 3 part series, Margie uses a mixture of Scripture and prophetic insight to teach on how we as Christians strengthen ourselves in the Word of God and intercede for America. Prayer is the cornerstone of Margie Fleurant…
July 26, 2023

Calling the Prodigals Home

In this final part of her series focused on praying for our children, Margie teaches on the importance of standing in the gap for prodigal children. For further teaching on prayer, check out Margie's book, Focus: Eliminating…
July 19, 2023

Praying For and With Small Children

In this podcast, Margie teaches you how to pray with your children when they are young as well as how to pray FOR them while they are young. In case you've missed the rest of this series, you can watch the video versions, HE…
July 12, 2023

Prayer for Spiritual Hunger in the Rising Generations

Margie will be sharing on how to pray for an increase of spiritual hunger in the rising generations and then TOGETHER WE WILL PRAY! For further teaching on prayer, check out Margie's book, Focus: Eliminating Distractions for…
July 5, 2023

Praying in Tongues for the Rising Generations

Margie gives a brief teaching about the power praying in tongues has on the rising generations. This time TOGETHER was fruitful, strong and bold. If you would like to invite Margie to speak at your church, event, etc please …
June 28, 2023

Exercising our Discernment for the Rising Generations

Margie will empower you to exercise the discernment in the place of prayer for the rising generations. The enemy will not intimidate us by keeping things hidden from us. We will arise as Watchman over our own households and …
June 21, 2023

Praying the Word of God for the Rising Generations

TOGETHER we will pray Bible verses over the children in our sphere of influence. It is time for the fathers and mothers (spiritual and natural) to PRAY and INTERCEDE for the younger generations - specifically Millennials and…
June 14, 2023

Prayer of Protection for the Rising Generations

Margie teaches how to pray prayers of protection for the rising generations - with a special focus on the schools and places our young people frequent. Margie Fleurant teaches people about prayer that enters into God’s prese…
June 7, 2023

Prayer For the RIsing Generations

Join Margie as we pray for the rising generations for spiritual enlightenment as well as exercising our authority over the spiritual warfare from the enemy. Together we pray! If you would like to invite Margie to speak at yo…
May 31, 2023

Prayer for a Revelation of the Heart of God Among the Rising Generations

We will be praying bold prayers for the rising generations. Add the names of the young people you want to pray for in the comment section, your journal or even on your phone notepad. 'Margie's newest book is officially relea…
May 24, 2023

Is There a Watchman in the House

God is going to teach us how we can put up our spiritual antenna by using discernment as watchmen in our own homes. Let me simplify....we as caregivers/believers stand in a position of authority, and He will allow us to prot…
May 17, 2023

Fueling the Awakening with Bold Prayer

Margie has a word for weary and tired caregivers - then we will pray into the awakening that has begun among the rising generations. It is time for the fathers and mothers (spiritual and natural) to PRAY and INTERCEDE for th…
May 10, 2023

Discerning the Enemies Plans

Margie shares on how the enemy influences young people and invites you to join her in intercession. For more teachings and content from Margie on prayer and intercession, follow her on Facebook and Instagram - @MargieFleuran…