Jonathan Cahn's New Book The Dragon's Prophecy is Coming Soon!


Sept. 20, 2023

The Triunity of Love: repost

Partake of the triunity of love. As God has made you the object of His love, today, make those who don't deserve it become the object of yours.
Jan. 2, 2018

The Mantle of Messiah

Today, fully take up your mantle in Messiah. And by the power and the authority of the Spirit, step out to fulfill your high calling.
Dec. 28, 2017

The Mystery of the Eighth Day

Seek today to live beyond your circumstances, beyond the world, beyond the finite, in the day beyond days, in the Eighth Day.
Dec. 26, 2017

The Chaldean Mystery

Take a promise from His Word. Believe the promise with all your heart. Step out and live your life in light of it.
Dec. 21, 2017

The Midbar

Put away the distractions, those things that keep you from hearing. And go into the wilderness, the midbar, and seek the voice of God.
Dec. 19, 2017

The Nazarene Mystery

Let Messiah's life come through your life. Let His love come through your love and your life become His branching--His Nazareth.
Dec. 14, 2017

The Way to the Mountaintop

Today, focus only on one course, one path, one journey, one destination and one direction--up. Aim to go higher with every step.
Dec. 12, 2017

The Mystery of the Cherubim

In Messiah, all barriers are gone. Move forward this day in that power, through every veil, wall, separation, hindrance and cherubim.
Dec. 7, 2017

The House of Spirits

Move all the more away from the darkness you left. And pray all the more for the civilization in which you dwell.
Dec. 5, 2017

The Capernaum Mystery

Come to Kaphar Nachum today. Repent of anything not in His will. Then dwell in the comfort of His presence where your miracle awaits.
Nov. 30, 2017

The Power of the Yud

today, take the smallest of actions, but in a new direction, the first step toward the life of victory you're called to live--the yud of a new journey.
Nov. 28, 2017

The Wells of Yeshua

Today, come to the wells of Yeshua, and in joy, draw forth and partake of the rivers of the living waters of the Spirit of God.
Nov. 23, 2017

The Masada Mystery

Bring your most hopeless situations and issues to God. Believe God for the impossible. Live and move in the power of the impossible.
Nov. 21, 2017

The Triunity of Love

Partake of the triunity of love. As God has made you the object of His love, today, make those who don't deserve it become the object of yours.
Nov. 16, 2017

The Sixth Day

The life of man is given on the sixth day. Receive your life, your breath and your new creation in the sixth day of Messiah.
Nov. 14, 2017

Infinity in a Jar

missing description
Nov. 9, 2017

The Day of the Resheet

If the Resheet has overcome, so then can you. Today, in full confidence of the power given you on the Day of Resheet, overcome!
Nov. 7, 2017

The Mystery of the Rains

Seek the outpouring of His Spirit on your life to touch your dry ground and make it fruitful. Prepare and receive your latter rains.
Nov. 2, 2017

The Mystery of Gatshmanim

Today, let every desire and ambition that is not of God be surrendered and crushed. And in their crushing, be filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit.
Oct. 31, 2017

The Mystery of the Secret Angels

In this mystery from the Book of Mysteries, Jonathan Cahn reveals the meaning of the Hebrew word "ruach," and the identity of God's secret angels.
Oct. 26, 2017

The Mystery of the Zeroah

By the Zeroah, God saved his people out of Egypt. By the Zeroah, salvation came to the world. Jonathan Cahn reveals the mystery of the Zeroah and what it means for you.
Oct. 24, 2017

How Life Becomes a Breeze

If you live your life against the Spirit, you are walking against the wind and everything you do becomes harder; you become worn down. Jonathan Cahn reveals the Mystery of the Ruach, which will show you how to walk with the w...
Oct. 19, 2017

The Mystery of the Tamid

The Tamid lamb sacrifices and the crucifixion and death of Jesus have a lot in common. Jonathan Cahn explains why Messiah IS the Tamid.
Oct. 17, 2017

The Answer to Everything You Need

The Hebrew word yasha means to deliver, to help, to preserve, to save. Jonathan Cahn explains just what that means for you as a believer.