Jonathan Cahn's New Book The Dragon's Prophecy is Coming Soon!


Oct. 12, 2017

The Days of One-Eternitieth

Whatever good you would do, do it now. Treat this day as if it comes around only once in an eternity—because it does.
Oct. 10, 2017

The Mystery Harvests

Live today in the way of the kingdom. Before you see the blessing, rejoice and give thanks for it. Celebrate your mystery harvest.
Oct. 5, 2017

The Khatan

Bring the most ungodly, dark and untouched part of your life to the Khatan. Let Him touch it, and every part of your life.
Oct. 3, 2017

The Idumean Mystery

Have you lived trying to compensate for the lack of a blessing? Stop striving. Focus today on fully receiving your blessing from God.
Sept. 28, 2017

The Wings of Messiah

The Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. Touch God today with the darkest, most painful, most ungodly part of your life—that you might find that healing.
Sept. 26, 2017

Khataah: The Name on Your Sin

Messiah is your Khataah—your sin and your savior. Take every sin, guilt, shame, failure and mistake in your life and put His name on each one. Then give to him that which is His.
Sept. 21, 2017

The Tenth of Av Redemption

Remember in the past how God has turned your sorrows into blessings? Know that for every Ninth of Av in your life, God will always give you a tenth.
Sept. 19, 2017

The Rebegotten

As God took on your nature and life, so today take on His nature, live His life and walk in the footsteps of the heavenly.
Sept. 14, 2017

The Haftorah Mystery

Take a Word from Scripture you can walk in this day. See for the exact and appointed moments for the Word to come to fruition.
Sept. 12, 2017

Mystery of the Semikhah

God has performed Semikhah and placed your sins upon Messiah. Live this day as one whose sins have been absolutely, for certain and for real, taken away forever.
Sept. 7, 2017

The Bridegroom's Visitation

Today, encounter the Bridegroom. But instead of trying to reach Him, let Him reach you, just where you are and just as you are.
Sept. 5, 2017

The Mystery of the Triangles

The blood of the Lamb breaks every chain and bondage. Walk today in the power of the Lamb and break free.
Aug. 31, 2017

In His Deaths

Jesus died and rose again to put your old life in the past. Give that which is old a eulogy and a burial. Be finished with it and be free.
Aug. 29, 2017

The Secret of Yoma

Jesus' death and resurrection removed the chasm between the sinful and the most holy. Use the power of Messiah today to open the doors that are closed.
Aug. 24, 2017


Rachamim doesn't mean mercy. Open your heart today to find out what rachamim means in accordance to God's plan for you. Listen now.
Aug. 22, 2017

The Apostasia

There is a great falling away in front of our eyes. Find out what this ministry means and how it connects to man and the departing.
Aug. 17, 2017

The House of Bread

Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem and what does it have to do with bread? Unlock this mystery by listening now.
Aug. 15, 2017

The Double

There is a mystery to Barabbas the criminal and you. Listen to find out how you are connected to this mystery.
Aug. 10, 2017

King of the Curse

Give your thorns, sorrows and sadness to the Lord. Hear now why He is the King over the curse.
Aug. 8, 2017

The Footstool World

You are living in a footstool world but where do you put the weight of your feet? Listen to find out more about this mystery.
Aug. 3, 2017


Every day you will take another step toward your appointed destiny. Listen how as the mystery of Aliyah is revealed.
Aug. 1, 2017

Kissing God

How do you kiss God? Listen to unravel this intimate mystery and how it includes worship.
July 27, 2017

The East-West Continuum

Take time to ponder how far God has taken your sins away from you by listening to this mystery.
July 25, 2017

Appointing Your Days

There is a way to prepare for the days a head of you. Listen as this secret is revealed.