
March 22, 2024

It Takes Time to Birth Something

Perseverance in the Lord is staying faithful despite trials and tribulations, trusting in God's plan and timing. It requires unshakeable hope and strength through prayer, reflection, and community. Every challenge becomes a …
March 15, 2024

Follow God's Plan

Follow these steps to understand and follow God's plan: 1. Pray regularly, pouring out your heart and seeking guidance. 2. Read the Bible to discover His truths and let them guide your decisions. 3. Meditate on Scripture to …
March 8, 2024

Making Prayer a Priority

Making prayer a priority is essential for nurturing our spiritual life and deepening our relationship with God. It’s not about perfection; it’s about consistency and authenticity. May your conversations with God become a sou…
March 1, 2024

3 Levels of Prayer

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthe…
Feb. 23, 2024

Revival is Here

The power of obedience echoes throughout history, captivating those who seek guidance and believe in a higher purpose. It demands surrender, the ability to listen to and follow a narrow path, overflowing with love, and endur…
Feb. 16, 2024

Embracing Persecution

As a Christian, facing persecution can be one of the most challenging experiences you may encounter. Whether it involves ridicule , discrimination , or even physical harm , understanding how to respond in a way that honors G…
Feb. 9, 2024

You're Accepted by God

Most of us spend our entire lives trying to earn acceptance. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “You are a chosen people." Christ has accepted you — not based on your performance, something that you earned, or something that you deserve, but…
Feb. 2, 2024

Define the Contribution of Your Relationships

Friends can influence our behavior, our faith, and our growth as followers of Christ. Choosing friends wisely is important because it affects their relationship with God and their witness to others. God wants Christians to h…
Jan. 26, 2024

Respecting Your Goals & Dreams

Dreams and goals are important for every Christian, as they reflect the desires and plans that God has for us. Dreams and goals are not just about worldly success or personal achievement but about fulfilling our God-given pu…
Jan. 18, 2024

Weapons of Warfare

Prayer, praise and passion are essential for our spiritual growth and maturity. They are also powerful weapons against the enemy and the world. They can help us overcome temptations, trials, and troubles. They can help us ex…
Jan. 12, 2024

Remaining Teachable in 2024

Being teachable is crucial for Christians seeking to grow in their faith and obedience to God. It requires humility, a willingness to learn from others and seek wisdom from God's word. A teachable Christian relies on God's g…
Jan. 5, 2024

Keys to Open Doors

Spending time in the presence of God can open up many opportunities for personal growth, spiritual development, and social connection. By being in God's presence, we can experience His love, grace, and peace, and learn more …
Dec. 29, 2023

Manage Your Relationships

Surrounding yourself with godly and positive people and influences can have a profound impact on your life. The Bible tells us that “evil company corrupts good habits” (1 Corinthians 15:33) and that “he who walks with wise m…
Dec. 21, 2023

Why is Faith Important?

Faith provides hope, strength, and comfort during challenging times. Faith also helps people find meaning in their lives and may lead to personal transformation and growth.
Dec. 15, 2023

Why Faith Is Important

Faith is an essential part of life for many people. It is the belief in something that cannot be seen or touched, but is felt deep within. Faith can provide a sense of purpose, hope, and comfort during difficult times.
Dec. 8, 2023

The Power of Early Prayer

Prayer is a way of communicating with God, expressing our gratitude, asking for His help, and aligning our will with His. Set your day on course by starting it with a conversation with Your Father.
Dec. 1, 2023

Embracing the Necessity of Change

Change is inevitable, but how we respond to it is up to us. We can choose to resist it and suffer, or we can choose to embrace it and thrive. Embracing change is not easy, but it is necessary and rewarding. It can help us gr…
Nov. 24, 2023

Miracles Happen in God's Presence

Part 2 in the Miracles Still Happen series.
Nov. 17, 2023

God Still Does Miracles

God is still a sovereign God, and our modern world has not somehow minimized His ability to act in miraculous ways. 👏 “Walking in the Spirit” Store Walking in the Spirit Devo https://checkout.square.site/merchant/ML721NZ7K9Z…
Nov. 10, 2023

Look for Problems to Solve

God allows difficulties in our lives to shape us and make us more like Christ. He places us strategically to bring a solution through us for our good and His glory.
Nov. 3, 2023

Don't Waste Your Wealth

As followers of Christ, we are responsible for proper management of God's creation and giving generously to those in need. We can do this by standing up for ministries that support the poor, living humbly and sustainably, an…
Oct. 27, 2023

Stay Consistent

Staying consistent in your Christian walk is important for several reasons: it shows your obedience to God, helps you grow in faith, enables you to overcome trials, brings peace and joy, and impacts others around you. Thus, …
Oct. 19, 2023

Become Debt Free

As a Christian, it is important to be debt-free. Debt can cause us to compromise our values and limit our ability to serve God, damage relationships, and bring stress. Being debt-free brings peace and freedom to pursue God's…
Oct. 13, 2023

Discover Your Real Source

Everything good in our lives comes from God. Remember that God is your Source—the perfect and on-time Source for everything you could ever need or want.