
Oct. 14, 2022

Focus on Heaven

Heaven is a real place. If you are born again, Paradise is in your future; but, while you are on earth, your assignment is to make Heaven real for others. Go out today and preach salvation and minister the Word of God. As Ca…
Oct. 7, 2022

Walking in Truth

In the end times, the Bible speaks of a “remnant” who form their minds, not by the systems of this world, but through the Holy Spirit. Pray today that you will not be swayed by opinions, but stand firm on the omnipotent Word…
Sept. 30, 2022

Get Wisdom

"When we follow Jesus’ words and teachings, we are led through wisdom, because Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Wisdom is not found in a philosophy; it is found in a person—the person of Jesus Christ.” If any of y…
Sept. 23, 2022

God Thinks About You

Jeremiah 29:11 is a familiar verse to many of us: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV) God is always thinking about i…
Sept. 16, 2022

See the Big Picture

Paul writes, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these thi…
Sept. 9, 2022

Honor God’s Messengers

It is impossible to obey God unless we know His voice. Often, God will choose to use people to deliver His message – even people we don’t necessarily click with. Honor God by respecting His chosen vessel and do not let the n…
Sept. 2, 2022

Command Sickness to Leave

In Jesus’ ministry, He commanded diseases in all forms to leave the bodies of their sufferers. He spoke to people’s bodies to be healed of their brokenness, blindness, and deafness according to their faith. Today, we can do …
Aug. 26, 2022

God is Merciful

Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…” Mercy is the act of withholding a deserved punishment. Because of God’s mercy, we do not receive the punishment our sin warrants. Instead, …
Aug. 19, 2022

Avoid Hypocrisy

Merriam-Webster defines hypocrisy as “the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.” The Bible relates this pretense to yeast in how it affects and infects others a…
Aug. 12, 2022

God’s Glory Is Our Reward

No matter what you may be going through, God’s glory awaiting us will make our momentary struggles insignificant. When you are hurt, stressed, anxious, or confused, get with God. One moment in His presence is worth a thousan…
Aug. 5, 2022

Remember God’s Goodness

It is a new day, a fresh chapter. Today, change your tune and sing a new song. Declare the goodness of God. Speak to body and soul — Bless the Lord, oh, my soul. All that is within me, bless His holy name!
July 29, 2022

Uncover God’s Plan

Don't be discouraged because the battle is difficult. Just know that God is working it out in your favor, knowing that even the struggles are part of God's plan to strengthen you. Soon you will see the harvest begin to manif…
July 22, 2022

Decide to Rejoice

It is going to be a blessed day! Did you know the moment you declare God’s goodness over your life, your words ring out into the corridors of eternity? Not only does your environment change, but your mind, and attitude chan…
July 15, 2022

Thanksgiving in July

Words are poison or power; they are toxic or a healing tonic and faith-speaking. Are you destructive in complaining or creative through gratitude? Be around people who speak life, and detach your attitude from disbelief. Be …
July 8, 2022

Learn to Wait

Pain is discomfort created by disorder; Sometimes, God gets our undivided attention when we go through a painful circumstance or a time of delay. There are two types of pain — agony that hurts you and anguish that changes yo…
July 1, 2022


C.S. Lewis said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” To secure your future, you must endure the present. Do not give up; endure to the end and be saved (Matthew 10:22).
June 24, 2022

Know Why You Are Fighting

Today, envision a future that is so big that the past disappears. What God has in front of you is greater than any obstacle you will overcome.
June 17, 2022

Take Time to Laugh

In this episode of “Walking in the Spirit,” Carlos Rivera reminds us that often “what seems like rejection is really God’s redirection.” Keep looking forward, and don’t forget to laugh.
June 10, 2022

Wisdom Creates Abundance

Do you desire to serve the church? God is looking for those who will seek wisdom and knowledge for the purpose of caring for others. If you have the heart to live and lead in wisdom and integrity as Solomon did, do not be su…
June 3, 2022

God Is Greater

God is greater than anything we may go through. When we are in the presence of the Lord, we realize that the suffering we go through is nothing compared to His comfort and His glory. This world throws up many obstacles, but …
May 27, 2022

Appreciate What You Have

When we are sincerely and honestly thankful for what God has done in our lives, we will see an even greater blessing. “It is not happiness that makes us grateful, it’s gratefulness that makes us happy.” Dalai Lama
May 20, 2022

Choose Joy

The apostle Paul rejoiced when he was imprisoned. He knew a little something about choosing gratitude over griping and, as a result, the bars of his prison swung open wide. No matter your circumstances, choose today to be jo…
May 13, 2022

Keep Taking Steps

If your path is hard, it is because your calling is great. God is chipping away the unhealthy, unnecessary parts, and sanding down the rough edges. Surrender to the process and keep taking steps. You have the victory!
May 6, 2022

Watch Your Words

When you sow God's Word spoken by God into your own mind, you are sowing all you need to strengthen and sustain your mind, body, and soul. Sow life! Sow light! Sow hope!