
Oct. 18, 2021

House With A History Of Divorce

A VERY conservative church leader from North Arkansas called with a strange question one day: “My daughter just bought the house next door. The last THREE couples who lived there got a divorce. How do I CLEAN the house SPIRI…
Oct. 15, 2021

A Prayer To Start Each New Day

What can you do to protect you and your family from the enemies of Christianity each day? What can you pray for even before you get out of bed each morning? Tune in to this episode and get a specific daily prayer battle plan!
Oct. 13, 2021

59 - The Atheist Teacher Next Door

Is your work environment hostile to Christianity? Are YOU being targeted or harassed by an unbelieving co-worker? Then THIS episode is for YOU. Learn what THIS teacher did to literally change the atmosphere in her workspace.…
Oct. 11, 2021

58- A Vase From Honduras

Are you sure there are no symbols in your home that honor a demon or Satan in some way? This lady in New Jersey texted me a picture of a vase from Honduras with a weird symbol on it asking if the symbol was evil... This is w…
Oct. 8, 2021

57 - A Former Witch Called

This lady had practiced witchcraft for over 20 years before becoming a Christian. She and her husband are now baptized believers and active in church. She had heard about the spiritual warfare stakes, and sent her husband to…
Oct. 6, 2021

56 - Earth 5 - New Earth Details

This episode covers the details of the NEW earth, the FIFTH of the five earths in Scripture. Have you EVER heard a sermon on new earth? Did you know the Bible gives LOTS of details, and the ONE of those details is that new e…
Oct. 4, 2021

55 - Earth 4 - Restored Earth Details

This episode covers the details of the RESTORED earth, the FOURTH of the five earths in Scripture. Romans 8, Acts 3, and many OTHER passages indicate a restoration of earth and resurrection of the people. Details and verses …
Oct. 1, 2021

54 - Earth 3 - Post-Flood Earth Details

This episode covers the details of the POST-FLOOD earth, the THIRD of the five earths in Scripture. Details and verses about the characteristics of this earth are presented for consideration and contemplation. Come enjoy wit…
Sept. 29, 2021

53 - Earth 2 - Cursed Earth Details

This episode covers the details of the CURSED earth, the SECOND of the five earths in Scripture. Details and verses about the characteristics of this earth are presented for consideration and contemplation. Come enjoy!
Sept. 27, 2021

52 - Earth 1 - Original Earth Details

This episode covers the details of the ORIGINAL earth, the first of the FIVE earths in Scripture. Very interesting details and verses about the characteristics of earth, Eden, and what life was like are presented for your ki…
Sept. 24, 2021

51 - 5 Earths In Scripture

Satan has a strategy: he wants to make HEAVEN out to be dull, boring, and unattractive, but this series on the 5 earths in scripture sets the stage for the NEW Earth which Scripture says is ETERNAL. Come join us for this 6-p…
Sept. 22, 2021

50 - Billy Couldn’t Read Scripture Or Pray

Billy called me asking for prayer. He said he had looked at porn for so many years that he THOUGHT he now had a DEMON attached to him. He was LITERALLY unable to read Scripture or Pray. He could read anything ELSE, but not t…
Sept. 20, 2021

49 - An Electric Miracle

You will not BELIEVE this AWESOME true story of some city workers in a North Texas town! They were standing IN the water in a ditch working to fix a water-line leak when a high-voltage line was accidentally cut and sparks fl…
Sept. 17, 2021

48 - Legba

Does your child have an imaginary friend? Could it be one of Satan’s allies? Join us for this AMAZING true story of a 7-year-old girl in a CHRISTIAN home who had strange nighttime visitations that resulted in a decline in he…
Sept. 15, 2021

47 - Ethan Was Only 3

In episode 33, “Grandma, There Are Big, Mad Men Out There,” I mentioned that Satan is after our children. This true story is a textbook example, and encourages us to ask our children the right QUESTIONS and it also unveils a…
Sept. 13, 2021

46 - Battle Plan Summary 21-45

It’s ALWAYS good to review what we have learned! This episode is a review of the insights and strategies in our spiritual war against the unseen enemies of the Kingdom and the church! This review covers Battle Plan Episodes …
Sept. 10, 2021

45 - Ancient Covenant Step 10 - Son Exchange

The TENTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a SON exchange. A FIRST-born son exchange. Each man would send his own first-born son to go and live with his new covenant partner--permanently. Th…
Sept. 8, 2021

44 - Ancient Covenant Step 9 - Name Exchange

The NINTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a NAME exchange. Each covenant partner would give PART of his name to the other person. That part would be ADDED to your original name, giving you …
Sept. 6, 2021

43 - Ancient Covenant Step 8 - Covenant Meal

The EIGHTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a Covenant MEAL. The entire meal centered around the pronouncement of blessings and curses (Step 7) in front of WITNESSES as EACH covenant partner…
Sept. 3, 2021

42 - Ancient Covenant Step 7 - Blessings & Curses

The SEVENTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a pronouncement of blessings and curses in front of witnesses. This was a formal event and these witnesses were there to confirm a serious & perm…
Sept. 1, 2021

41 - Ancient Covenant Step 6 - Mark On The Body

The SIXTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a MARK on the BODY. Listen in to this session to learn how ANCIENT people practiced this body mark and how covenant marks (Old AND New Testament ve…
Aug. 30, 2021

40 - Ancient Covenant Step 5 - Death Walk

The FIFTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a WALK of DEATH. This death walk is a symbolic gesture emphasizing the total commitment on the part of each party. This is an amazing event that de…
Aug. 27, 2021

39 - Ancient Covenant Step 4 - Sacrifice

The FOURTH step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a SACRIFICE. Covenants REQUIRE a sacrifice! THIS is why God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, and why Jesus sacrificed His life on Calvary’s cross…
Aug. 25, 2021

38 - Ancient Covenant Step 3 - Weapons Exchange

The THIRD step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a WEAPONS Exchange. The weapons exchange is a VERY significant event that signals an important truth! Come learn what it is! Is there something sim…