
Aug. 23, 2021

37 - Ancient Covenant Step 2 - Belt Exchange

The SECOND step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a BELT Exchange. What was THAT all about? Why did it signify? Is there something similar in current day Christianity? Join us for THIS episode tha…
Aug. 20, 2021

36 - Ancient Covenant Step 1 - Robe Exchange

The FIRST step in ancient covenants which were practiced in Abram’s time was a Robe Exchange. What was THAT all about? Why did it signify? Is there something similar in current day society? Join us for THIS episode that answ…
Aug. 18, 2021

35 - Ancient Covenant Symbols & Steps

Did you know there are specific SYMBOLS that go with all 7 major covenants in Scripture? These are discussed and revealed in this interesting episode. Also covered is a list of the 10 specific steps in ancient covenants prac…
Aug. 16, 2021

34 - 7 Main Covenants In Scripture

What IS a covenant? Is it like a contract? Is it MORE binding than modern contracts? Why is an understanding of covenants important? Did God USED to work by covenant? Does He STILL work by covenant? How are covenants part of…
Aug. 13, 2021

33 - Grandma, There Are Big, Mad Men Out There

I believe children sometimes see unseen beings that adults can’t see. Do you believe that? You MIGHT after you hear this FANTASTIC story of what a 3-year-old saw after his grandmother staked her house! Don’t miss this!
Aug. 11, 2021

32 - Reviewing The Racial Unity Stake Verses

In Matthew 24, Jesus gives a list of signs of the last days. ONE of these is verse 7 (NLT), “Nation will go to war against nation,” and I always thought that meant one COUNTRY against another. But the Greek word for “Nation,…
Aug. 9, 2021

31 - Agoraphobic For 22 Years

Someone who is agoraphobic has a huge fear of people and crowds. This is a mental health issue. There is counseling available to help AND several drugs reported to help, but can God’s Word, the Holy Bible be a potential trea…
Aug. 6, 2021

30 - Reviewing The No Suicide Stake Verses

Know anyone who struggles with thoughts of suicide? Do YOU struggle with this kind of mental attack? God’s WORD has the answers you are looking for. Let’s LOOK AT and then PRAY these verses together! You are NOT alone! Do NO…
Aug. 4, 2021

29 - Reviewing The Original Stake Verses

Many who have HEARD about these stakes with Bible verses on them want to know WHICH verses I used. These aren’t the “magic 16 verses” like some sort of formula. Any NUMBER of verses are appropriate, but NOT included. (You ca…
Aug. 2, 2021

28 - Singing Meme To Heaven

How do you handle the death of a loved one? ONLY with God’s help. And He is able to make the transition through personal loss a story of victory and love and compassion! We will ALL lose loved ones, so begin now preparing yo…
July 30, 2021

27 - Angels To The Rescue, A Covid Recovery Story

Does God still send angels to the rescue TODAY? Me thinks SO! And here is my very personal story of how I truly believe that He DID because of the prayers of friends, family, and acquaintances! Do NOT miss this! You WILL be …
July 28, 2021

26 - Staking A City

Can a simple act of faith surrounding a city actually reduce the crime rate? Yes! You have GOT to hear this story! Join us for details, and consider planning to surround YOUR home town with this simple but powerful formula!
July 26, 2021

25 - Attacked During A Bible Study

The battle is real, and it sometimes spills over into the physical realm. This is the true story of being attacked in my own living room during a Bible study. There was $42,500 in damage in 4 minutes before the police could …
July 23, 2021

24 - Stakes In The Trunk

Does God’s Word have power in itself? Can an act of faith like placing God’s Word around a loved one make a true difference in the physical world? Yes! And this fantastic story is just one of MANY illustrations of that! List…
July 21, 2021

23 - Can Demons Affect Christians TODAY?

Did demons ONLY attack folks in the first century? Were they ONLY here during the ministry of Jesus to help prove He WAS the Son of God? Or do we see evidence of demonic activity and harassment in our modern world? Do NOT mi…
July 19, 2021

22 - Mold On The Walls

As Steve began pouring BACK over the Scriptures BECAUSE of these fantastic life experiences he was having in the arena of spiritual warfare, he began to discover something very surprising: spiritual warfare is often spotted …
July 16, 2021

21 - Battle Plan Summary 1-20

It’s ALWAYS good to review what we have learned! This episode is a review of the insights and strategies in our spiritual war against the unseen enemies of the Kingdom and the church!
July 14, 2021

20 - Scripture Stakes Are NOT A Talisman

Some TRY to call scripture stakes (spiritual warfare stakes) an UNSCRIPTURAL talisman, but that is NOT the case! Join THIS episode of Battle Plan and find out WHY!
July 12, 2021

19 - JESUS Taught Prayer ALONE Isn’t Always Enough

Isn’t PRAYER enough? Shouldn’t you just pray HARDER? OR, does Jesus teach that prayer by itself is sometimes not enough? You MIGHT be surprised at the answer! Tune in and find out the answer to this VERY important question!
July 9, 2021

18 - Talked Into Selling Stakes

TENT stakes with BIBLE verses on them? Are you KIDDING me? What for? Listen in to this unbelievable story of how GOD is blessing this idea and using it for HIS glory! You CANNOT make this stuff up! Visit Active-Faith.org Ema…
July 7, 2021

17 - Staking A Public School

Have you ever done a prayer walk around the school where your kids or grandkids go to school? Many have. Would you be open to a suggestion about how you can enhance the potency of the prayers by adding a physical element to …
July 5, 2021

16 - Victoria’s Nightmares

Do you know someone who has been having nightmares? Do your KIDS have nightmares? Do your FRIENDS have nightmares? Nightmares do NOT come from God. Would you like to know how to make nightmares STOP?! Be sure to tune in to t…
July 2, 2021

15 - Bill Was Planning His Suicide

What if someone came to you and said, “I have demons on my property and I’m planning my suicide, but I wanted to talk to you first.” What would you say? What would you do? This actually happened to Steve. Join us as we hear …
June 30, 2021

14 - My Search For Prayers Satan Hates & Pilgrims Story

When Steve wrote, “My Search for the Real Heaven,” he planned to share some of his greatest prayer success stories, and he did do that, but THIS story HAS to be at the top of the list! Join us for a fantastic true story abou…