
Dec. 26, 2022

WW5– What is the Difference Between the Soul and the Spirit?

How do we know the difference between the spirit and the soul? How is understanding the difference about the spirit and the soul helpful to our healing? Tune in today to find out how the spirit leads the way to healing the s…
Dec. 23, 2022

176 - Are Demons Around The World REAL? (Tokoloshe Story)

Many cultures around the world show widespread (if not universal) belief in the existence of unseen beings and their ability to affect our physical world. Do YOU believe, or are you skeptical? Do NOT miss this episode ... St…
Dec. 19, 2022

WW4 – Did King David Have Soul Wounds?

Did David talk about the soul? What did he say about the wounded soul? Tune in today to find out what King David had to say about his wounded soul. charli@active-faith.org Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Active-F…
Dec. 16, 2022

175 - Can Scripture Increase Corn Production?

What if I told you a TRUE story about a missionary who cleared some land to plant corn to help feed people… and when his crop came it their yield per acre caused all the AREA farmers to come ask what they had done differentl…
Dec. 9, 2022

174 - Her Grandson Was Being Controlled By Demons

Are you thinking demons don’t exist today? Do you believe demons were only active during the first century? This grandmother did, but her grandson’s declaration made her change her thinking... SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the …
Dec. 5, 2022

WW3 – How do We Know if we have Soul Wounds?

How do soul wounds affect our behaviors? This is a second look at more behaviors that indicate a need for inner healing. Tune in today to find out what soul wounds how they effect the overall health of a Christian. charli@ac…
Dec. 2, 2022

173 - Active-Faith.org Is All About Spiritual Warfare

This episode is an overview of all the things we have going on in our Active Faith spiritual warfare ministry. THANK YOU to our ministry partners who support our work on an ongoing basis and pray for us regularly! Please joi…
Nov. 28, 2022

WW2 - How do Soul Wounds Affect Our Behaviors?

Can a Christian have soul wounds? How do soul wounds effect a Christian’s life and others lives around them? Tune in today to find out what soul wounds how they effect the overall health of a Christian. charli@active-faith.o…
Nov. 25, 2022

172 - Case Study - Katy M

I usually get several calls per week (sometimes more than 1 per DAY) with questions about how to handle difficult family situations in reference to spiritual warfare. This is a real case study I am sharing so you can see how…
Nov. 21, 2022

WW2-Why Do Christians Need to know about Soul Wounds?

Can a Christian have soul wounds? How do soul wounds affect a Christian’s life and others lives around them? Tune in today to find out what soul wounds are and how they affect the overall health of a Christian. charli@active…
Nov. 18, 2022

171- Battle Plan For The Wounded Warrior

Tune in for this exciting announcement and introduction! A new MONDAY segment of Battle Plan will now offer help for the healing of soul wounds and people who have been abused, neglected, or church-hurt. Do NOT miss this int…
Nov. 11, 2022

170 - Can Worship Stop Transgender Laws? (Worship Is A Weapon)

Can WORSHIP be a weapon against the demonic agenda in our modern world? Even if it was effective for Saul (when David came and played praise music and Saul was comforted), can it still make a difference today? Tune in to f…
Nov. 4, 2022

169 - Can Children See Demons?

A local contacted me one day because her grandson refused to come to her home anymore. He said there was a big, scary man in the bedroom. They saw no one, but decided to stake the house. Tune in to see what happened. SteveHe…
Oct. 28, 2022

168 - Can Scripture Expel Librarian Witches?

What if the librarians in YOUR city started promoting witchcraft, wicken, and magic spells? What would YOU do? What if they took it even further and started lining each entrance with sand to "ward off evil spirits"? Tune in …
Oct. 21, 2022

167 - A Personal Prayer Request

Satan does NOT like this ministry. Will you please pray for us to accomplish GOD’S purpose? Tune in for more details. SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Active-Faith.org #StakeTheLand https://a…
Oct. 14, 2022

166 - Can Scripture Stop Transgender Agenda In Schools?

After being interviewed on “The Bottom Line” by Jaco Booyens, I received a SECOND call from a lady in Oregon who was concerned the transgender agenda being forced on our children in the local school. She asked for my suggest…
Oct. 7, 2022

165 - Haiti - A Demonic & Voodoo Stronghold

Tune in for THIS story about sending 500 stakes to Haiti and learn how the pastor who picked up those stakes got attacked even though no one knew those stakes were in his vehicle. Why? Because our UNSEEN enemies knew! SteveH…
Sept. 30, 2022

164 - Can Scripture Expose Election Fraud?

After being interviewed on "The Bottom LIne" by Jaco Booyens, I received a call from a lady in Oregon who was concerned about fraud in their local elections. She asked for my suggestion for a situation like that. You won't B…
Sept. 23, 2022

163 - Jonathan Climbed A Hill & Won A War

You don’t need a huge percentage of your city to change the spiritual atmosphere and gain ground for the Kingdom of God. Just like the Marines, you just need a few good men or women… Are YOU willing to step up to the plate a…
Sept. 16, 2022

162 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood On His Side

When Jesus died and shed His blood for you and me he shed blood in 7 places. The 7th place He shed blood was on His side when He was pierced on the cross. Tune in to see what THIS symbolizes. SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the M…
Sept. 9, 2022

161 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood On His Hands & Feet

When Jesus died and shed His blood for you and me he shed blood in 7 places. The 6th place He shed blood was on His hands and feet when He was nailed to the cross for our sins. Tune in to see what THIS symbolizes. SteveHemph…
Sept. 2, 2022

160 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood On His Head

When Jesus died and shed His blood for you and me he shed blood in 7 places. The 5th place He shed blood was on His head when He was adorned with the crown of thorns. Tune in to see what THIS symbolizes. SteveHemphill1@me.co…
Aug. 26, 2022

159 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood On His Back

When Jesus died and shed His blood for you and me he shed blood in 7 places. The 4th place He shed blood was on His back when He was whipped. Tune in to see what THIS symbolizes. SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take…
Aug. 19, 2022

158 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood On His Face & Cheeks

When Jesus died and shed His blood for you and me he shed blood in 7 places. The 2nd and 3rd placed He shed blood was on His face from a beating and from His cheeks as they pulled his beard. SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MO…