
Aug. 12, 2022

157 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood On The Ground

When Jesus died and shed His blood for you and me he shed blood in 7 places. The first place he shed blood was on the ground. SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Active-Faith.org #StakeTheLand h…
Aug. 5, 2022

156 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood - Stephen’s Story

Do NOT miss this amazing story of a man raised as a Christian who turned to a homosexual lifestyle for years before his fears drove him to pray the blood of Jesus over his home. Tune in to see what happened after he prayed t…
July 29, 2022

155 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood - Healing Power

Can PRAYING the blood of Jesus onto YOUR pain make it go away? Is this actually a possibility? Tune in to THIS amazing story and then try it for yourself! Remember, you must have FAITH! They were healed according to their FA…
July 22, 2022

154 - Prayer + Jesus’ Blood - Introduction

Perhaps the most POWERFUL weapon in Scripture is the Blood of Jesus. This is the first of a series of podcasts on this topic. Don’t miss this introduction to the series. SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stak…
July 15, 2022

153 - Can Scripture Stakes Remove Church Splitters?

What if staking your church could actually remove church troublemakers who are trying to cause problems? Tune in to hear all of these interesting, true stories! SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challen…
July 8, 2022

152 - Can Scripture Stakes Solve Church Unrest?

What if staking your church could actually calm people who have been troublemakers? What if this simple act of faith was like an ointment bringing peace in YOUR congregation? Tune in to this interesting story of a church who…
July 1, 2022

151 - Can Scripture Stakes Bring New Church Members?

What if staking your church could actually attract people seeking a new church? What if this simple act of faith was like a flame bringing moths who are seeking God and need to have the fellowship and encouragement available…
June 24, 2022

150 - Prayer + Oil Is A Weapon Part 3

Why would you use OIL as you pray for someone? Is it special oil? Why will this make a difference in getting cleaning up a “haunted house”? Tune in & SEE! SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Act…
June 17, 2022

149 - Prayer + Oil Is A Weapon Part 2

Why would you use OIL as you pray for someone? Is it special oil? Why will this make a difference in getting rid of nightmares? Tune in & SEE! SteveHemphill1@me
June 10, 2022

148 - Prayer + Oil Is A Weapon

Why would you use OIL as you pray for someone? Is it special oil? Why will this make a difference in my prayers for healing? Tune in & SEE! SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Active-Faith.org #…
June 3, 2022

147 - Inviting Jesus Into Your House

Have you ever invited Jesus into your home… LITERALLY? Tune in to this episode for THIS great suggestion and HOW to do that! SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Active-Faith.org #StakeTheLand
May 27, 2022

146 - Can A Symbol On A Vase Bring Evil?

Is that a weird thought? Can symbols actually usher in a demon to YOUR home? If it COULD, would it cause you to re-evaluate the items in YOUR house? Tune in to THIS interesting episode and hear what SCRIPTURE has to say abou…
May 20, 2022

145 - Scripture Revealed The Prison Chaplain Was A Witch

Did you know you don’t have to prove you are a Christian to be a prison chaplain? Tune in to THIS amazing true story about a Christian woman in prison for drugs who returned to her faith and posted verses around her CELL and…
May 13, 2022

144 - Can Scripture Help A Church Budget?

Tune in to THIS interesting story of a church who was adding on to their building facility when all KINDS of problems broke out, immediately running up expenses that put them a quarter of a million dollars over budget. Could…
May 6, 2022

143 - Forgive In Order To BE Forgiven

Do people have to ASK for your forgiveness to be forgiven? Is forgiveness required only if the offender asks the offended? You MIGHT be surprised at the Bible answer. Tune in to THIS episode to find the answer. SteveHemphill…
April 27, 2022

142 - God’s Power For Our Daily Battles

Do YOU need daily reminders and encouragement to make it through the difficulties You are facing? Most of us do. God’s Power For Our Daily Battles is a spiritual warfare focused verse of the day, and perhaps the only one of …
April 22, 2022

141 - An Arkansas Haunted House

Do YOU believe in “haunted houses”? What if supernatural phenomenon are really demonic encounters DISGUISED as the “previous occupants” of that home or property? Do NOT miss this amazing story! SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the…
April 20, 2022

140 - Can Scripture Reveal Government Corruption?

Often if there IS governmental corruption, it is manifested in the finance office. Tune in to THIS amazing story of what happened in ONE state with the state capitol was staked and prayed over. What became evident was AMAZIN…
April 18, 2022

139 - God’s Power For Our Daily Battles

Do YOU need daily reminders and encouragement to make it through the difficulties You are facing? Most of us do. God’s Power For Our Daily Battles is a spiritual warfare focused verse of the day, and perhaps the only one of …
April 15, 2022

138 - Preventing The Divorce Of A Friend

Divorce has become rampant. Do YOU know someone in danger of going through a divorce soon? Encourage them with THIS amazing story! SteveHemphill1@me.com Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge Active-Faith.org #StakeTheL…
April 13, 2022

137 - Spiritual Weapon #5 - Pray + Watch

I used to think we had 2 spiritual weapons from Scripture: Prayer and God’s Word, but we have MANY more. Learn about #5 in my list of over 50 in this interesting episode. We will cover the Bible verses urging us to add WATCH…
April 11, 2022

136 - God’s Power For Our Daily Battles

Do YOU need daily reminders and encouragement to make it through the difficulties You are facing? Most of us do. God’s Power For Our Daily Battles is a spiritual warfare focused verse of the day, and perhaps the only one of …
April 8, 2022

135 - Can Bad Marriage Demons Cling To A House?

Have you ever moved into a new home and had trouble sleeping? Could there be a connection to the struggles the PREVIOUS owners were dealing with? You MIGHT be surprised at the answer to that question in this interesting epis…
April 6, 2022

134 - Can A Koran Invite Nightmares?

What if a CHRISTIAN buys a KORAN to help him convert Muslims? Can the presence of this Muslim document ultiimately be the root source of terrifying nightmares? Do NOT miss this episode for the answer to that question! SteveH…