
Nov. 27, 2020

Witnesses Become World Changers (Ep. 48)

Just before ascending, Jesus identified a primary title that would rest upon the church. He said, “You shall be witnesses.” They changed the world. On the first Thanksgiving in 1621, the pilgrims “witnessed” their gratitude …
Nov. 20, 2020

Called to Be “True Yokefellows” (Ep. 47)

Jesus removes the yoke of sin but offers a new yoke—the yoke of discipleship. He urges, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me.” Animals yoked together must be willing to go the same direction at the same speed. Explore the …
Nov. 13, 2020

The Bride of Christ: His Undefiled (Ep. 46)

The bride of Christ is called “His Undefiled” in the Song of Solomon. How is that possible? We have all been defiled by the fallen nature. Yet “the bride” has been presented as a “chaste virgin to Christ.” Restored spiritual…
Nov. 6, 2020

His Dove (Ep. 45)

The bride of Christ is named “His Dove” in the Song of Solomon. Those who are married to the Lord Jesus in a covenant relationship fulfill this symbol in five profoundly beautiful ways. This revelation is rich and will give …
Oct. 30, 2020

The Mystery of the Shulamite Bride (Ep. 44)

The “Shulamite” is a unique name for God’s people in the Song of Solomon. That deeply symbolic book features loving conversations between a bridegroom and his bride-to-be, symbolizing Jesus, the heavenly Bridegroom and the b…
Oct. 23, 2020

Adopted Sons (Ep. 43)

The Holy Spirit is called “the spirit of adoption” (Romans 8:15). In that role, he fills the hearts of those who are estranged from God and births them into the family of God. From that point, we are no longer orphans, helpl…
Oct. 16, 2020

The Anointed of The Lord (EP. 42)

What is the “anointing” and who are the “anointed”? Why is oil a symbol of the anointing and why does the Bible promise, “The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” (Isaiah 10:27)? Learn why the word “Messiah” mea…
Oct. 9, 2020

Heirs of Salvation (Ep. 41)

The word “salvation” means deliverance. It means far more than just being forgiven of sin and restored to a right relationship with God. It means deliverance from any negative or evil thing encountered in this world includin…
Oct. 2, 2020

The Temple of God (Ep. 40)

Solomon’s temple contained many mysterious, prophetic symbols revealing the nature of the true, permanent Temple of God that He is presently constructing with living stones (born again believers) in this New Testament era. B…
Sept. 25, 2020

The Salt of the Earth (Ep. 39)

After giving the beatitudes, Jesus told His followers, “You are the salt of the earth.” Salt, in one way or another, changes whatever it contacts. So, God uses His people to bring change to this needy world. Be inspired and …
Sept. 18, 2020

Peacemakers (Ep. 38)

“Blessed are the peacemakers,” the seventh beatitude, is the pinnacle, the outcome of the development of the first six beatitudes in our lives. But to make peace in this strife-filled world, we must first obtain peace -- fro…
Sept. 11, 2020

Hephzibah (Ep. 37)

Hephzibah—a name for the bride of Christ in Isaiah 62:4 that is rarely claimed or understood by the children of God. Yet its interpretation will escort us back to the glory of Eden, yet in a greater, more beautiful, more per…
Sept. 4, 2020

True Worshipers (Ep. 36)

Though billions of people worship God, not all of it is acceptable in His sight. Jesus asserted "true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth." This dual requirement is so essential He added, "the Father is…
Aug. 28, 2020

An Everlasting Foundation (Ep. 35)

The righteous are called “an everlasting foundation” in Proverbs 10:25 (KJV), for God is building his work on them in this world. However, believers are able to fill this role only because they have eight God-given, eternall…
Aug. 21, 2020

Watchmen (Ep. 34)

A watchman is a protector or guard who warns others of impending danger to keep them safe. Many assign this role only to prophets or leaders in the church, but Jesus plainly said, “What I say to you, I say to all: Watch! (Mk…
Aug. 14, 2020

Disciples Part 2 (Ep. 33)

Ten primary signs of a true disciple are found in Jesus’ teachings. These are some of the most challenging declarations the Savior ever made to His followers. Those who truly act on these divine directives become world-chang…
Aug. 7, 2020

Disciples - Part 1 (EP. 32)

Many claim to be “Christians,” but true, dedicated “disciples” are rare. Yet this is the most used title for believers in the New Testament. Jesus did not say, “Go and make believers of all nations.” He said, “Make disciples…
July 31, 2020

Vessels of Mercy (Ep. 31)

Two types of people occupy this world: vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath. A vessel is an object purposefully created to be filled with some kind of substance. God has mercifully created us to be “filled”—with His presenc…
July 24, 2020

The Strong (Ep. 30)

God promises to “divide the spoil with the strong” in Isaiah 53:12. Four sources of strength make God’s people invincible, unconquerable, and everlastingly victorious. No wonder Scripture commands, “Let the weak say, I AM ST…
July 17, 2020

Ambassadors for Christ (Ep. 27)

An ambassador is a representative, a messenger sent on a specific mission, one who speaks, not his own mind, but the mind and will of those who are represented. God pleads through His ambassadors for erring sinners to be rec…
July 10, 2020

The Blessed of the Father (Ep. 28)

God’s people are “the blessed of the Father.” Jesus became a curse, that the blessing of God might pass to His people. Now we are “blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph. 1:3) It’s time to c…
July 3, 2020

Partakers of His Glory (Ep. 27)

No one can share GOD’S GLORY! Right? No, that’s wrong! God’s people are referred to as PARTAKERS OF THE GLORY and THE HOUSE OF HIS GLORY! Before He went to the cross, Jesus even prayed, “Father, the glory you gave Me, I have…
June 26, 2020

Our Calling to be “Children of the Prophets” (Ep. 26)

God’s people are called “children of the prophets” in Acts 3:25. We exist spiritually because of the prophetic utterances that have shaped our lives, from prophets of ancient days and from the greatest “Prophet” of all: the …
June 19, 2020

Oracles of God (Ep. 25)

God calls His people to speak as “oracles of God” (1 Pt. 4:11). In other words, we are to speak as if God is speaking through us—words of truth, words of faith, words of love, words that are powerfully anointed of His Spirit…