
Aug. 18, 2020

Head and Body: How Things Work in the Spirit – Part 2 (Ep. 17)

Part 2 of a 2-part series. In this episode, Sharon and Philip Buss are joined by Pastor Justin Goff of Grace City Church in Harrison, AR. Pastor Justin has received an amazing revelation of how things work in the spirit real…
Aug. 11, 2020

Head and Body: How Things Work in the Spirit – Part 1 (Ep. 16)

In this episode, Sharon and Philip Buss are joined by Pastor Justin Goff of Grace City Church in Harrison, AR. Pastor Justin has received an amazing revelation of how things work in the spirit realm, that it’s not about male…
Aug. 4, 2020

Creating the Atmosphere of Heaven in Worship: Interview with Mark Bristow (Ep. 15)

In this episode, Pastor Mark Bristow teaches how Spirit-led praise and worship conveys the emotion of the Holy Spirit to the congregation, helping them to feel what He feels, and creates the atmosphere of Heaven where the Ho…
July 28, 2020

Walking in the Anointing with Pastor Mark Bristow (Ep. 14)

What’s it like to flow in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit? How does it work, and how do we get into that flow? Pastor Mark Bristow has been used by the Lord for many years in signs, wonders, and miracles. In this …
July 21, 2020

For Such a Time as This - Sharon and Philip's Love Story (Ep. 13)

When Sharon and Philip Buss celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary in 2020, they shared their love story as a beautiful example of Romans 8:28. Be encouraged that God does know the end from the beginning, and through the …
July 14, 2020

The Glorious Goodness of Our Father – Part 2 (Ep. 12)

How much of the glory are you hungry for? Through our relationship with Jesus, we can go from glory to glory, experiencing the goodness of God in more ways than we can imagine! Join Philip and Sharon Buss and two special gue…
July 7, 2020

The Glorious Goodness of Our Father Part 1 (Ep. 11)

What is the connection between God’s goodness and His glory? And what did Moses see when the Lord showed him His back? Join Philip and Sharon Buss and two special guests as they explore these questions, and discuss the seven…
June 30, 2020

Rest Assured (Ep. 10)

Distractions are all around us to keep us from focusing on Jesus. He challenges all who are weary and heavily laden to come to Him and rest. The Passion Translation says, “my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power” (2 Cori…
June 23, 2020

Whose Ways? (Ep. 9)

Whose ways are in your heart today? Are they the ways of the world, or the ways of our loving, Heavenly Father—His ways are infinitely higher! He wants to share the mysteries of His ways with us as shut ourselves in with Him.
June 16, 2020

Crashing the Gates of Hell (Ep. 8)

The sentence of death comes from sin. The forever loser holds sinners captive in an effort to take them to Hell with him. Jesus paid the price to set us all free and holds the keys to those gates. Our Holy Spirit inspired pr…
June 9, 2020

A Prophetic Dream (Ep. 7)

Our guest, Tabby Peter, shares a prophetic dream of a time when people are in panic as battles rage. She saw how mature believers can expect to be able to minister, meeting different needy ones with ease as the Holy Spirit e…
June 2, 2020

When God Does the Unexpected (Ep. 6)

In an interview, Healing Evangelist Dr. Mark Bristow shares some of the remarkable miracles he has seen God do and some of the unexpected things that happen when God shows up.
May 26, 2020

The Fiery Passion of God (Ep. 5)

Join us as we take a look at the fiery, passionate love of God for us and how He longs for us to have the same fiery, passionate love for Him. More Resources at https://eth-s.org/main/raise-me-up-an-altar-of-worship/
May 19, 2020

Raise Up an Altar of Worship! (Ep. 4)

Raise Up an Altar of Worship! The Lord said, “I need you to raise Me up an altar of worship. I bless you.” What does it mean? What is an altar? How should we worship? This message came earlier this week from a prophetic inte…
May 12, 2020

Threats vs. Promises (Ep. 3)

Threats vs. Promises: The master conspirator is attempting to throw off the restraints of God, using many dark alliances. We are called to walk in God's promises as part of His restraining force to thwart the forever loser.
May 5, 2020

The Coming Pentecost (Ep. 2)

This Passover was more literally like the first Passover in Egypt than any we have experienced in our lifetimes. Everyone has been hunkered down in their homes, waiting for the plague to pass over. Sharon and Philip Buss bri…
April 28, 2020

Global Outpouring (Ep. 1)

The great Global Outpouring of the Holy Spirit as described in Joel 2:28 and initiated on the day of Pentecost, is on its way from Heaven, and when it gets here in fullness, we will see unprecedented miracles and harvest bey…
April 23, 2020

Introducing, Global Outpouring!

God is about to pour out His Spirit in a way the world has never seen! Right now, God is looking for Believers who will contend in prayer, be equipped, and engage in the greatest harvest of all time.