
July 27, 2021

“On Earth as It Is in Heaven” with Dean Braxton Part 2

(Part two of a two-part series). When Dean Braxton “flat-lined” while the doctor was fighting to save his life, he spent an hour and forty-five minutes in Heaven with the Father and Jesus, experiencing the eternal realm in a…
July 20, 2021

“On Earth as It Is in Heaven” with Dean Braxton (65)

When Dean Braxton “flat-lined” while the doctor was fighting to save his life, he spent an hour and forty-five minutes in Heaven with the Father and Jesus, experiencing the eternal realm in all its glory! In this episode, De…
July 6, 2021

Enjoy Your Life Every Moment with Claren McQueen (63)

Are you a worshipper? Do you love to spend time in the Presence of the Lord? Claren McQueen shares many personal experiences on his lifelong journey as a worship leader. A significant word of the Lord to him some time ago wa…
June 29, 2021

“How to Steward the Mysteries of God” with Tony Kemp (62)

Do you love the deep things of God? Are you hungry for His Presence and to know Him more? Pastor Tony Kemp shares the experience that began to grow out of his dissatisfaction when he realized that after 26 years in the minis…
June 22, 2021

Anointed in His Glory to See the Transformation (61)

In 2018, Becca Greenwood and her team of intercessors had a glorious encounter with the Lord in the chapel of Rees Howells’ Bible School of Wales in which He showed them a master key to intercession for the outpouring of His…
June 16, 2021

Israel: God’s Prophetic Time Clock for the Next Generation With Dr. Gene Little (60)

“Walk about Zion, go around her…that you may tell the next generation” (Psalm 48:12-13 ESV). Dr. Gene Little has been walking all around Zion, Jerusalem, and all the Land of Israel for more than 20 years as he and his wife, …
June 9, 2021

On the Edge of Breakthrough! (59)

Are you waiting for a breakthrough? Are you looking for the fulfillment of a prophetic word? Does it seem like all Hell is breaking loose right now? You are probably on the edge of your breakthrough! Sharon Buss shares a sne…
June 2, 2021

Experience Outpourings! with Mark Bristow - Part 2 (58)

Do you need a miracle? What does it feel like when a miracle is about to happen? How do you get the impartation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Mark Bristow, who has seen hundreds and hundreds of miraculous healings—…
May 26, 2021

Outpourings! Part 1 - with Mark Bristow (57)

The Busses welcome their friend and Board Member, Pastor Mark Bristow, who has seen hundreds and hundreds of miraculous healings—perhaps thousands. He received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as a youth and immediately began …
May 19, 2021

When Down Is Up—Unraveling Deception (56)

Things are often not what they seem! Deception is a perception of reality that isn’t real, but the Spirit realm and the ways of God are a higher grade of actual reality. The Lord has provided keys in His Word to unravel dece…
May 11, 2021

“My Parents Met in Auschwitz” with Siman Tov Allalouf (55)

Sharon and Philip welcome their guest, Siman Tov Allalouf, from Israel to share his experiences of the Holy Spirit moving in his life, beginning with the remarkable survival of his parents in Auschwitz. Siman Tov is on a spe…
May 4, 2021

Crazy Prophetic Intercession and Amazing Responses from God with Shirley Smith (Ep 54)

Shirley Smith was raised by a strict, harsh father who put her through difficult and dangerous situations to teach her not to fear. Little did he know that he was preparing her to serve God in dangerous situations in the nat…
April 27, 2021

Between Light and Darkness Part 2: Hold the Line (Ep 53)

The area between light and darkness in the dawn and dusk has a beauty and glory that is a picture of revival at the point where the two meet. The Busses continue to share of their experiences pushing back the darkness! Jane …
April 20, 2021

Between Light and Darkness (Ep 52)

The area between light and darkness in the dawn and dusk has a beauty and glory that is a picture of revival at the point where the two meet. The Busses share a number of stories of their experiences in that place! It’s time…
April 13, 2021

The Eye of the Needle (Ep 51)

Jesus described the difficulty of a rich man entering into the Kingdom of God as being like a camel going through the eye of a needle (a very small gate designed just for people). The Lord spoke a parable through Rev. Charlo…
April 6, 2021

Contending for the Outpouring (Ep 50)

Are you in need of a breakthrough in prayer? Sharon and Philip welcome Lila Terhune, the head intercessor during the Brownsville Revival to this podcast. Learn about Throne Room Prayer and seeking the heart of our Father. ht…
March 30, 2021

Don’t You Just Hate Hypocrisy?” (Ep 49)

The Busses share a little-known personal secret as they discuss a trait everyone hates: hypocrisy. Learn what the scripture says about what God wants to grow in us so that we will model the authenticity of the Kingdom of God…
March 23, 2021

Going to Heaven with Dean Braxton Part 2 (ep 48)

What is the most significant thing about Heaven? Sharon and Philip welcome their friend, Dean Braxton , for another episode to share his experience of when he died and went to Heaven. Although a Spirit-filled Christian at th…
March 16, 2021

Going to Heaven with Dean Braxton (Ep. 47)

What is it like to die? Have you been afraid of death? Sharon and Philip welcome their friend, Dean Braxton, to this episode to share his experience of when he died and went to Heaven. You will most likely be surprised by hi…
March 9, 2021

What Can God Do with Something So Twisted (Ep 46)

Although our society has developed warped thinking, nothing is too hard for God to fix! He created us with a purpose and assignment, and the thief is constantly working to thwart that through temptation and wounding. Sharon …
March 2, 2021

How Did We Get So Twisted? (Ep. 45)

Our society has become so twisted, so bent toward evil. Second Timothy chapter three describes it so well: fierce, arrogant, mocking, self-centered, obsessed with money, boasting, ungrateful, slaves to desires, ferocious, be…
Feb. 23, 2021

In the Courtroom of Heaven with Maurice Sklar (Ep. 44)

Messianic Concert Violinist, Maurice Sklar, joins Sharon and Philip to describe a very significant experience he had in December of 2018. He was summoned to the Courtroom of Heaven as a recorder of an end-time proceeding. Sa…
Feb. 16, 2021

In the Courtroom of Heaven with Maurice Sklar Part 1 (Ep. 43)

Messianic Concert Violinist, Maurice Sklar, joins Sharon and Philip to describe a very significant experience he had in December of 2018. He was summoned to the Courtroom of Heaven as a recorder of an end-time proceeding. Sa…
Feb. 9, 2021

Who Is Your Friend? (EP 42)

Sharon and Philip have a lively discussion about being friends with the world vs. being friends with God. If you are friends with the world, you are an enemy of God. And if you are friends with God, you obey Him and He gives…