
Jan. 11, 2022

Do You Want to Be a Dread Champion? You can start on that Path Today, Even if It Seems Impossible! (90)

Goliath was the dread champion of the Philistines, and Samson was a dread champion for Israel. Jesus Christ is the greatest dread champion! If He lives inside you, your humility and transparency will allow Him to be seen and…
Jan. 4, 2022

Receive a Deeper Revelation of the Power of an Endless Life through the Blood of Jesus Christ Today, No Matter Where You Are in Your Walk with Him (89)

Rona Spiropoulos, author of the book, The Blood, Entrance into the Supernatural shares in Part 2 with Sharon and Philip about how the blood of Jesus Christ affects our DNA when we receive Him. Because Jesus said, “I Am the D…
Dec. 28, 2021

Open Yourself into a Deeper Place in God Today through the Blood of Jesus Christ, even if You Don’t Think the Supernatural Is for You! (88)

In reality, salvation is the first step into the supernatural, but there is always more! Listen as Sharon and Philip interview Rona Spiropoulos about her book, The Blood, Entrance into the Supernatural . Hear the testimony o…
Dec. 21, 2021

How to Prepare for What's Coming - Part 2 (87)

Listen as Sharon and Philip relate amazing stories of believers who have walked with God and allowed Him to prepare for His miraculous intervention, even in extraordinarily difficult and even dangerous times. EMAIL: feedback…
Dec. 14, 2021

You Can Make Steps Today Toward Being Prepared for What's Coming, Even if You Don't know What That Is! - Part 1 (86)

So, what IS coming? Some of the prophets have been saying things like there is civil war or a new revolution coming. And if you look behind the scenes, it’s probably already going on, though thinly veiled in in the news. The…
Dec. 7, 2021

The Power to Release Offenses. Cancer! The High Cost of Unforgiveness with Shirley Smith, Part 2 ( 85)

Shirley Smith’s diagnosis of cancer shocked her as she had stood in faith against it for many years. Jesus visited her one night to reveal to her what had opened the door to this demonic attack and what to do about it. Liste…
Nov. 30, 2021

Cancer! The High Cost of Unforgiveness with Shirley Smith Part 1 (84)

Cancer! Shirley Smith had prayed against that dreaded diagnosis for many years! God had been using her in a powerful way in the nations. One night in the agony of pain and weakness, Shirley “had it out” with the devil. Liste…
Nov. 23, 2021

Be Prepared to Walk in the Supernatural (83)

God is calling His people to a closer walk with Him as He begins to pour out His Holy Spirit. He wants to move through His people in supernatural ways, but that requires having an intimate relationship with Him. Dr. Bruce Al…
Nov. 16, 2021

Translation by Faith Part 1 with Dr. Bruce Allen (82)

Remember how the Holy Spirit whisked away Philip in the Book of Acts after he had baptized the Ethiopian eunuch? God did that for His sovereign purposes. And now He is challenging those who will let Him build His selfless ch…
Nov. 9, 2021

Out of Weakness Be Made Strong (81)

Have you ever felt discouraged? Even the strongest feel that way sometimes! God is in the process of forging mature sons—a prepared Bride—men and women of steel who will work with Him the way Jesus did when He walked the ear…
Nov. 2, 2021

Encounter the Holy (80)

Have you had an encounter with God? Do you want to have encounters with God? Sometimes His Word “comes alive” to you, or you hear His voice, or an angel is sent to you from our Heavenly Father. Listen to this episode to lear…
Oct. 26, 2021

What Do I Need to Do Today So I Can Unlock My Tomorrow? with Pat McManus (79)

You can break out of your yesterday into your destiny for tomorrow, because God has a purpose for you to fulfill. Pat McManus, who hosts the podcast, “Breakthrough to Purpose” on the Charisma Podcast Network, joins Sharon an…
Oct. 19, 2021

How Do I Contend for the Presence of God? (78)

Are you hungry for the Presence of God? Sharon and Philip reveal three important things that you can do to help you go deeper in your relationship with Him. Join them as they share Holy Communion and reveal what you can expe…
Oct. 12, 2021

Your Voice Makes a Difference! Who Me? Yes, You! (77)

Every person on the planet was sent here by God with a divine assignment! You were made in the image of your Heavenly Father who spoke all creation into existence. Listen to find out how your voice also creates and makes a d…
Oct. 5, 2021

Your Appointment with God: How to Increase Your Spiritual Authority by Fasting (76)

Do you need more power in your spiritual life to be able overcome? To see breakthroughs in your family? To be able to pray with more authority? If so, then you NEED an appointment with God in fasting! Listen as Sharon and Ph…
Sept. 28, 2021

A New Look at America after a Thirty-One Year Experience of Communism in China-with Peter Snyder (75)

Special guest, Peter Snyder has been contending, equipping, and engaging in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the nations for forty years. He has a unique viewpoint of what is going on in America after having lived for fi…
Sept. 21, 2021

Mysteries of the Atonement in Yom Kippur (74)

The mysteries of God are not hidden from us; they are hidden for us to discover! But there are some mysteries that have been hidden from the powers of darkness! Jesus’ death as our atonement was one of them! But how could Je…
Sept. 14, 2021

One of Hell's Best-Kept Secrets - Part 2 (73)

Hell's Best-Kept Secret: "If you don't forgive, you won't be forgiven!" Do you realize that you are under a barrage of attacks from the powers of darkness to keep you from fulfilling your destiny? They are out to hurt, torme…
Sept. 7, 2021

One of Hell’s Best-Kept Secrets (72)

Hell's Best-Kept Secret: "If you don't forgive, you won't be forgiven!" The forever loser lies and manipulates to deceive people and distract us from the truth. He tries to trick even Christians into going to Hell when we th…
Aug. 31, 2021

"Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit" with Dr. Robert Baldwin (71)

Are you hungry for more of God? Bob Baldwin’s hunger led him into the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and that brought the gift of faith. Adventures and miracles followed as he pursued the Lord and obeyed His leading. Bob prays f…
Aug. 24, 2021

Surrender is the Key to Servant Leadership (70)

The surrender that Jesus struggled to make in the Garden of Gethsemane is the most important example to us of how to enter servant leadership. He had lived on earth only doing what He saw His Father doing, and saying only wh…
Aug. 17, 2021

How to Qualify for Servant Leadership (69)

Jesus modeled servant leadership in so many ways, even though the Father had given all things into His hands. Sharon and Philip discuss how God works in our lives to qualify us to lead as Jesus did as we step into the role H…
Aug. 10, 2021

“The Holy Spirit Goes to School” with Marylois Little (68)

As the new school year begins, it’s time to pray for the students and teachers. Our Father’s heart is to pour out His Spirit in our schools. Listen to learn how to take up the challenge and responsibility to pray effectively…
Aug. 3, 2021

Don't Just Drink from the River and Die in the Desert-with Mathew Reames

Sharon and Philip welcome Mathew Reames, a young worship leader and teacher, who shares the work of God in his life to overcome the unintended word curses that were meant to stop him from becoming a musician. He also shares …