
Nov. 14, 2023

(186) To Help You Understand the Conflict in Israel - Part 2

Part 2 of 2. Sharon and Philip dive further into the multi-faceted “why” behind the conflict in Israel, and this time, from the “Palestinian” side. They discuss the Abrahamic roots of Arabic people groups, the history of Ara…
Nov. 7, 2023

(185) To Help You Understand the Conflict in Israel - Part 1

Part 1 of 2. Israel is at war, and the news media is skewed in an anti-Israel direction. So, what’s this all about and how can you pray? Although they do not consider themselves to be experts on the subject, Sharon has been …
Oct. 31, 2023

(184) Faith Is in the Spirit, Not in the Flesh

Your spirit is the real you and that’s where faith resides. The Busses take up the subject of faith and how it relates to the spirit realm. Enjoy a fresh look at faith along with some captivating stories of walking it out. B…
Oct. 24, 2023

(183) “Eternal Light vs. Temporary Darkness” with Dean Braxton

Dean Braxton died for an hour and forty-five minutes and had an amazing experience in Heaven. He joins the Busses for an intriguing conversation filled with enlightening revelation about the Light, Life, and Love of God. Dar…
Oct. 24, 2023

(182) Make Fearlessness Your Position

Turmoil. Trouble. It seems like it’s all around. But you don’t have to live in fear! The Busses take you on a journey through the scriptures and share stories that will encourage you to take up your position as a child of Go…
Oct. 24, 2023

(181) Dark Reflections

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12Isn’t it odd that right in the middle of the “love chapter,” Paul talks a…
Oct. 24, 2023

(180) “Overcoming Fiery Trials” with Sherry Grubelnik

Have you ever been through fiery trials? Sherry Grubelnik joins the Busses to bring hope that you can overcome! Sherry gives her testimony of walking out her healing from two recent strokes, and how God is using it to increa…
Oct. 24, 2023

(179) Hidden Treasures

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay…” 2 Cor. 4:7 You are a jar of clay. Over and over, the Bible says so. And God has precious treasures placed in every one of us. But what does that mean? How should this understandin…
Sept. 19, 2023

(178) “Signs, Wonders, and Miracles: It’s All About Intimacy” with Jaqualin Pennyman

“If we can do it, you can do it!” Jaqualin Pennyman is a young man who moves in the power of the Holy Spirit in signs, wonders, and miracles, and his heart is to encourage you to do the same! Jaqualin shares with the Busses …
Sept. 12, 2023

(177) “Ordinarily Walking in the Supernatural” with Michael and Gordona Van Vlymen

You can live a supernatural life with Jesus today! Michael and Gordona Van Vlymen join the Busses to share their remarkable stories of how God brought them from surface-level Christianity to a place of walking in the superna…
Sept. 5, 2023

(176) “Do You Want to Know God Like Moses Did?” with Sheryl Simpers

“God, I want to know you like Moses did.” After Sheryl Simper’s first marriage fell apart, she was drawn to know God like never before, to know Him like Moses. So she “dated” Him for one year and found freedom from lies, hea…
Aug. 29, 2023

(175) How to Co-Operate with God

You were made to operate together with God! Sharon and Philip discuss God’s divine invitation to work in tandem with Him, an offer as old as creation itself. They uncover how maintaining a fervent prayer life nurtures an int…
Aug. 22, 2023

(174) “Jesus Revolution on Long Island” with Dan Reiter

“We were too dumb to make it complicated!” Dan Reiter was a young man when the Jesus Movement hit Long Island. In this delightful chat, he shares some amazing stories of his upbringing, how he went from a rock-n-roll musicia…
Aug. 15, 2023

(173) “Experience Realms of Glory” with Irene Fulmer

After walking with the Lord through her nursing career, the Lord told Irene Fulmer as she was retiring that all those years were her spiritual training for her ministry, Realms of Glory. She shares with the Busses many exper…
Aug. 8, 2023

(172) Compassion, Healing, and Divine Power with Irene Fulmer

Irene Fulmer is a retired registered nurse who has seen God move in the hospital! She joins the Busses to share things that the Lord did in her nursing career that will help you to understand the compassion, healing, and div…
Aug. 1, 2023

(171) “Align with Your Blueprint” with Rona Spiropoulos

Author Rona Spiropoulos joins the Busses to discuss what the Lord is saying today about His desire for us as individuals. Each person has come to Earth with a purpose from God that is unique. Your voiceprint is like no other…
July 25, 2023

(170) “God Wants to Use You in the Supernatural! Here’s How” with Reshma Allen and Michael Van Vlymen

You can live a supernatural lifestyle with God! Reshma Allen and Michael Van Vlymen join the Busses for a fascinating conversation about being translated by faith, waiting on the Lord, and the great need for discernment for …
July 18, 2023

(169) Generation Awakening with Don and Catherine James

Millennials and Gen Z, God needs you! It’s time for every individual to wake up to the potential that God put inside of them. Every person has sound and a way of expressing themselves that nobody else has. You are essential …
July 11, 2023

(168) “Gather Yourself, Oh Daughter of Troops!” with Patricia Arenas

The time to engage in spiritual warfare is now! Patricia Arenas has been operating in prophetic intercession for many years and her background of a career in the army has given her unique insight into receiving assignments f…
July 4, 2023

(167) “Just Say, ‘Yes!’” with Pastor Larry Mauriello

It’s time for Believers to expect to walk in the supernatural! It’s time to say yes to God. Pastor Larry Mauriello has an amazing history of living with signs and wonders like the book of Acts! As a staff pastor with a widel…
June 27, 2023

(166) It’s All About One

It’s ok to be “zero.” In fact, it’s necessary to be zero so that you can be “one” with the Father. You may be asking yourself, “Huh? What does that mean?” Here, the Busses discuss what the Lord has given Sharon for the Globa…
June 20, 2023

(165) “Israel–The Key to God’s Purpose in the Earth” with Claren McQueen

You may have heard the phrase, “Israel is God’s time clock.” But what exactly does this mean? Philip and Sharon are joined by Claren McQueen, a dear friend who spent many years living in Israel and serving as a worship leade…
June 13, 2023

(164) “How to Catch Up When You’re Spiritually Behind” with Pastor Tony Kemp

Do you feel like you’re behind in your spiritual walk? Truthfully, most of us are. But you don’t have to stay that way! And the answer isn’t found in just doing more things for God. It begins with your internal, spiritual de…
June 6, 2023

(163) “Take Courage to Walk in Your Unique Destiny with God!” with Rona Spiropoulos

Rona Spiropoulos is always bursting with unique and powerful revelation from the Holy Spirit, and has many years of experience in contending for, equipping for, and engaging in the Outpouring! She joins the Busses for an exc…