
Aug. 10, 2023

Burning the Bible in Sweden – Is it Legal and Should it Be

In recent months, Sweden has been embroiled in a domestic conflict that has spilled over into international forum, with wide and even violent consequences. Following the burning of a Koran in front of a mosque, an applicatio…
Aug. 3, 2023

Advocating for Israel 24/7

Hananaya Naftali is a respected Israeli thinker, writer, public speaker and influencer. He’s fought in battle for Israel against terrorists in Gaza, and continues to do so in the public sphere, via social media, all over the…
July 27, 2023

What is Tisha B’Av and Why All the Mourning

Tisha B’Av is the day on the Biblical calendar that is the saddest, most solemn, and on which Jews around the world have mourned and fasted for millennia. Why? What happened that’s so bad and how do Jews have a whole season …
July 20, 2023

Playing in the Temple Where Jesus Worshiped

Have you ever thought of actually going into the actual house in which Jesus worshiped and preached? The Temple in Jerusalem? Since the year 70, almost 2000 years, we could have only imagined that. Until now. Gate Zero is …
July 13, 2023

Singing Out for Israel

Lily Isaacs is the talented and inspiring matriarch of “The Isaacs,” an award winning musical group that ranges from gospel to country, and bluegrass to Christian contemporary. Lile is also the child of Holocaust survivors, …
July 6, 2023

Christians Coming Back to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Tommy Waller is a pioneer in building bridges between Jews and Christians and Christians with Israel. He’s a respected voice, and role model who challenges Christians to come back to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Fol…
June 29, 2023

The Future of Israel

What is the future of Israel? The question can be answered in many ways, and this conversation with a visionary critical thinking and Zionist social entrepreneur, Shlomo Lazar, will not disappoint. After two years of hostin…
June 22, 2023

Terrorists Murdered His Wife and Daughters

This is the conversation we wish we were never having, but must have. On April 7, the Dee family was changed forever as terrorists opened fire on a car driven by Lucy Dee, executing Lucy and two of her daughters, Maia and R…
June 15, 2023

The Queen of Sheba Comes Back to Israel

The Queen of Sheba is known to have come to Israel to seek out King Solomon’s wisdom. She became a physical bridge between Israel and Africa, one with deep roots and tradition still today. Major Daughter is a South African m…
June 8, 2023

How Building Bridges with Jews Changed my Life as a Christian

There’s no more significant way to mark our 100th episode than by speaking with three dear Christian friends, all involved in building bridges with Jews for decades. How has being in fellowship with Orthodox Israeli Jews im…
June 1, 2023

What’s So Important About the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are the cornerstone of Jewish law and the morality and ethics of Jews and Christians, as well as western society, and have been for centuries. In recent years, some have challenged the significance of t…
May 25, 2023

Title Your People Will Be My People

What’s it like to become a Jew? In the Book of Ruth, Ruth the Moabite declares to her Jewish mother-in-law, “Your people will be my people, your God will be my God.” It’s the ultimate act of love, and loyalty, but Jewish tra…
May 18, 2023

Jerusalem and Zion: What’s the Difference

This week, Israel and Jews and Christians throughout the nations celebrate Jerusalem Day, the anniversary of the miraculous reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty in 1967. What’s the historic and prophetic sign…
May 11, 2023

Take a Class With Jonathan Feldstein

Usually, as host, I am behind the microphone, inviting guests, and asking the questions. Recently I was invited to teach a virtual class by my friend Susan Warner. Dozens of people participated as I explored the nature of s…
May 4, 2023

An Israeli Activist in the Trenches at Columbia

Ofir Dayan embodies Israeli and Jewish history with her mother’s family in the Land for generations, and her father’s family immigrating from Argentina. She’s an inspiring and up and coming Israeli leader who considered her…
April 27, 2023

What’s Sacred About This Season In Israel

Dr. Mike Cohen is a thought leader and long-time bridge builder between Jews and Christians with a diverse background as a writer, teacher, speaker, and so much more. His family history is a depiction of the history of the J…
April 20, 2023

From Mourning to Celebration

Israel is the only country in the world where Memorial Day immediately precedes Independence Day. Hillel Fuld is a thought leader and thinks that for Israel, this is not only not a paradox, but it’s normal, and it’s proper. …
April 13, 2023

Finding Beauty in the Holocaust

Is it possible to find beauty in the Holocaust, or is the very notion shocking and inappropriate? Lesley Richardson has carved out a beautiful niche in redefining beauty and telling the stories of Holocaust survivors through…
April 6, 2023

Judicial Reform, Democracy, and Unrest in Israel

For the past three months, Israel has been embroiled in a domestic conflict regarding proposed judicial reforms that’s led to regular protests of hundreds of thousands, deepening divisions and polarization between those loos…
March 30, 2023

Is Israel Outlawing Christianity?

News of proposed legislation in Israel set off a storm recently with implications that, in some way, Israel might be outlawing Christians from practicing or sharing their faith. Distressed Christians around the world engaged…
March 23, 2023

Blessing Israel is Good for Business

Blessing Israel is not just something good to do because God says so; it’s good for business. Mark Dreistadt and Steve Wearp embody that reality and have grown to carve out significant businesses that relate to promoting Is…
March 16, 2023

Making Biblical Art

Art. It’s Biblical. From the inspired people tapped to create and construct the Tabernacle to so many other references to art, and the countless examples of the Bible inspiring art. Did you ever wonder how one overlays the B…
March 9, 2023

Strengthening Your Child’s Faith With Biblical Excavations

Responding to the phenomena of an increase in Christians taking their children out of public schools and beginning to home school them, along with all the societal trends that are taking place in parallel, there’s a new para…
March 2, 2023

Celebrating Purim – Good for Your Health and Happiness

Purim is the festival where we celebrate the miraculous salvation of the Jews of Persia, 2500 years ago. But God is not even mentioned in the Book of Esther. What happened that’s so significant that this Book is part of the…