
Feb. 23, 2023

War in Ukraine One Year Later: An Israeli Perspective

It’s been a year since Russia invaded Ukraine. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed and many cities in Ukraine destroyed. A year ago some thought the war was imminent and some thought it would never happen. Isra…
Feb. 16, 2023

Lone Soldiers in Israel: Not Alone Anymore

Among the many unique aspects of Israeli life are the army. Of course the army provided defense, but it’s also a great and highly respected pillar of Israeli society. Most Israelis are obliged to do military service which …
Feb. 9, 2023

Coming to Faith in Iran

Marzi Amirizadeh’s story is a story of miracles. Growing up in Iran, she was subject to a brand of Islam that was intolerant, cruel, and hateful. Coming to faith as a Christian in Iran is not common, and certainly not easy.…
Feb. 2, 2023

What’s So Great About Moses

Moses is known as the greatest leader in Jewish tradition. It’s not just because he and his life are featured in four of the five Books of the Torah, it’s how and why God chose him and what he did that are remarkable, and ye…
Jan. 26, 2023

Why Remember the Holocaust

In a generation that the last generation of Holocaust survivors are living their last years, remembering the Holocaust has never been more of an important obligation for us all. As we commemorate International Holocaust Memo…
Jan. 19, 2023

Israel’s Unique Faith Based Diplomacy

Faith and diplomacy in Israel are like bread and butter, but it takes someone with a special recipe to bring these together and make it as impactful as it can be. Josh Reinstein is a leader in this area, on the front lines …
Jan. 12, 2023

The Importance of Israel’s Christian Media Summit

Last month, Israel hosted the Sixth Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem. Some 150 Christian media personalities from dozens of counties. The agenda was full, including briefings and panel discussions on a range of topics, vi…
Jan. 5, 2023

What’s New in the Ancient City of David

What was King David’s zip code and how do we know? If an ancient letter were found today marked “Return to Sender,” where would it go? Join Ze’ev Orenstein of the City of David as we explore what’s new and what’s so signific…
Dec. 29, 2022

Top Ten Prophetic News Items in Israel in 2022

Modern Israel is the intersection between history and prophecy. It’s rare that current events don’t have historical context that goes back thousands of years, affirming Biblical accounts and prophecy. Looking at the news in …
Dec. 22, 2022

Seeing Israel through John Riley’s Microphone

John Riley is a respected journalist and commentator with a regular program, the Middle East Report, on American Family Radio. His focus is Israel and the Middle East, and he brings along a passion for Israel with detailed …
Dec. 15, 2022

Arab Terrorists Murdered Her Christian Twin Sister

On December 18, 2010, Kristine Luken was murdered by Arab terrorists in Israel. She died among the people she loved, in the Land that she cherished. Kristine was not an Israeli Jew, but an American Christian. Her death is no…
Dec. 8, 2022

Experiencing the Miracles of Chanukah

Some think of Chanukah simply as the Jewish Christmas because they take place around the same time. But Chanukah not only preceded Christmas, Jesus actually celebrated Chanukah, in Jerusalem, in the Temple. Did you know that…
Dec. 1, 2022

The Book of Jewish Knowledge

The Book of Jewish Knowledge might sound like a redundancy. Of course, the Jewish people are known as the People of the Book, with The Book being the Torah, the Bible. So if we have The Book, why do we need another? Well, w…
Nov. 24, 2022

November 29 and Biblical Prophesy

The secular month of November has two significant dates that are significant to the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy related to Israel and its restoration. While the people involved on these dates in modern history may not h…
Nov. 17, 2022

Making Sense of Israel’s Fifth National Election

Israel just held its fifth national election in 3.5 years. In many ways, it was a referendum on the leadership of past Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is now poised to return to the Prime Minister’s office for an unpre…
Nov. 10, 2022

Genesis 12: The Birth of the Nation

Is Genesis 1-11 just the prequel for the main show when God introduces Abraham and calls him to leave his home and go to Israel, promising to make a great nation in Genesis 12? It’s certainly the birth of the Jewish people, …
Nov. 3, 2022

Kanye’s Antisemitism Matters

If you’ve heard about Kanye West’s recent series of antisemitic comments, you may not be surprised but you’re still probably disappointed and shocked. More than just spewing antisemitic tropes and stereotypes, Kanye actuall…
Oct. 27, 2022

I Am Israel: The Book and the Movie

It’s always a pleasure to speak with someone who looks at Israel and the relationship between Christians with Israel from a unique perspective. It’s a special pleasure to do so when the lens through which someone looks is a …
Oct. 20, 2022

Undecided in Israel

Israel’s FIFTH national election in 3.5 years is taking place on November 1. Polls are indicating an outcome that may be inconclusive, leading to the inability of any person or party to form a government, and possibly a sixt…
Oct. 13, 2022

True Christian Friends of Israel

Christian friends of Israel is a general term encompassing tens of millions of people or more. It is also a ministry that’s based in Jerusalem, one of the pioneers from among the nations, placing themselves at the center of …
Oct. 6, 2022

Native Americans Bless Israel, Indigenous People to Indigenous People

A year ago, a Native Americans leapt to the forefront blessing Israel, passing the first ever resolution recognizing Israel as a sovereign Jewish nation and Jerusalem as its eternal undivided capital by the indigenous Cherok…
Sept. 29, 2022

The Miraculous Return of the Red Heifer to Israel

Two weeks ago, Israel celebrated a once in a lifetime event, the return of the red heifer. Not just once in a lifetime, but the first time in almost 2000 years. Their return was met with euphoria, celebration, raised eyebrow…
Sept. 22, 2022

Humanitarian Crisis in Pakistan – How Jews and Christians are Helping

In the wake of flooding not seen since Genesis, 33 million people in Pakistan have been impacted by record floods, loss of life, destruction of property, and a humanitarian situation that’s wiped out crops, creating hunger, …
Sept. 15, 2022

Biblical Israel Off the Beaten Path

Seeing the Land of Israel is a dream of millions. Modern Israel overlays recent historical milestones and events overlaid with archeological milestones and evidence of Biblical history. As much as one can spend a lifetime di…