
July 15, 2022

Work as Worship

God did not just command His people to rest on the seventh day but to work on the other six. The Hebrew word for work ( avodah ) can also be translated as service or worship. So in the Hebraic worldview all of life is sacred…
July 12, 2022

Jews and Christians Learning to Relate: Rabbi Shmuel Bowman's Story

Rabbi Shmuel Bowman grew up in a home that was always open to non-Jewish friends from the community. After making Aliyah to Israel, he discovered the critical security needs of communities near the Gaza strip, and as he bega…
July 8, 2022

Rest for Your Soul

We are all yoked to something. If you are feeling weary and burned out, you must have allowed something to become master that is draining you. Jesus promised that if you take his yoke—attach yourself to Him as Lord and maste…
July 5, 2022

Jews and Christians Learning to Relate: Dr. Tricia Miller's Story

After hearing Corrie Ten Boom speak many years ago, Dr. Tricia Miller began a quest to understand how the Holocaust could have happened in the heart of Christian Europe. Her quest took her to seminary where she completed a P…
July 1, 2022

Sabbath Blessings

In Jewish homes the Shabbat dinner includes a time when the father (or parents) pronounces part of the priestly blessing over each child. The mother is also blessed by the reciting of part of Proverbs 31 about the woman of v…
June 28, 2022

Jews and Christians Learning to Relate: Susan Michael's Story

This episode is the first of several highlighting the stories of pioneers in the field of Jewish Christian relations so we can learn from their experiences and advice. Today you will hear how Susan Michael became a pioneer i…
June 24, 2022

The Priestly Blessing

God wants to bless His children so much that He instructed the priests to pronounce a specific blessing of protection, grace, favor, and peace over them. He wants His children to be overtaken by blessings and to have peace t…
June 21, 2022

Jews and Christians Learning to Relate: Dr. Marvin Wilson Interview

An epic change has occurred in Jewish-Christian relations since the Holocaust. The predominant churches in Germany at the time—Catholic and Lutheran—were deeply shaken by the tragic murder of 6 million Jews knowing they had …
June 17, 2022

God Loves to Bless His Children

Our God loves to bless His people. But how does He bless them and what does it mean? The Hebrew word for blessing is based on the word for knee. We are to bow the knee to God, the King of the universe. In return He will best…
June 14, 2022

Jews and Christians Learning to Relate: Introduction

For the first time in 2,000 years Jews and Christians are learning how to be friends and relate to one another with mutual respect. To fully understand how new and delicate this relationship is though we must know our histor…
June 10, 2022

Overtaken with Blessings

God promised the Israelites that if they obeyed Him blessings would overtake them. God loves to bless His people but often it is our own disobedience that stands in the way. Jesus also noted that those who obeyed God’s Word …
June 7, 2022

Shabbat with Rabbi Shmuel Bowman (Going Deeper Series)

What a joy it was recently to sit with Rabbi Shmuel Bowman in a lovely garden in Jerusalem and discuss Shabbat. Rabbi Bowman shared how much he loves Shabbat and described it as a sanctuary of time set apart for fellowship w…
June 3, 2022

Why on Pentecost?

If you have any doubt there is a God in Heaven orchestrating events on earth, ask yourself what are the odds that the events of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurred on major Jewish feasts co…
May 31, 2022

Why Christians Support Israel Part 5: Biblical Reasons

The biblical basis for Christian support of Israel is extensive. The Torah, Psalms, prophetic books, and New Testament agree that God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are “everlasting.” Neither the calling of the Jewi…
May 27, 2022

Jerusalem, The Place God Chose

Jerusalem Day is coming up when Israelis celebrate the reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty in 1967. King David chose Jerusalem to be His capital city for political reasons some 3,000 years ago. Why did God t…
May 24, 2022

Why Christians Support Israel Part 4: Legal Reasons

In spite of what you may have heard, Israel’s founding is legally sound and was done with the support of the UN and the major international authorities of the day. The same political process created every national boundary a…
May 20, 2022

How to Be Holy

Because our God is holy we are supposed to also be holy. But what does that really mean? If you think it means to be more religious you are wrong. The biblical term for holy means to be “set apart” for a purpose. Israel was …
May 17, 2022

Why Christians Support Israel Part 3: Moral Reasons

Ironically, the Christian religion—an offshoot of Judaism, founded by the Jewish Messiah, and built on teachings of forgiveness and love—produced hatred, persecution, and even murder of the Jewish people. Something went horr…
May 13, 2022

Are You Listening?

The central prayer in Judaism quotes Deuteronomy 6:4 and begins with the Hebrew word Shema, which is the command to “hear” or “listen.” Jesus quoted this very verse when asked for the most important commandment. The question…
May 10, 2022

Why Christians Support Israel Part 2: Practical Reasons

There are many very practical reasons for any American to support Israel—the only stable democracy in a volatile region. We benefit from joint military, security, and law enforcement training not to mention their military an…
May 6, 2022

What is Aliyah?

This month is the celebration of Israel’s Independence Day and the return of the Jewish people to their homeland from some 150 countries. This return is called Aliyah in Hebrew, a biblical term that means to “ascend,” becaus…
May 3, 2022

Why Christians Support Israel Part 1: Personal Reasons?

Millions of Christians have visited Israel and had the life-transforming experience of their Bible coming alive. They returned home appreciative of the warm welcome they had received, the freedom of access to the Christian s…
April 29, 2022

The Holocaust: An Attempt to Stop God

Holocaust Remembrance Day is being observed this week in Israel and around the world. It is a painful day, and our hearts should break over the senseless death and carnage the Jewish people suffered. Be certain of this one t…
April 26, 2022

Dr. Michael Brown on Antisemitism

This week Israel is observing Holocaust Memorial Day — Yom HaShoah. Our commitment on such a day should be “never again” so I have a special guest in the studio to help us learn more about antisemitism and how to guard again…