
April 22, 2022

A Miracle Greater Than the Exodus

The Jewish world has been celebrating Passover this week and remembering how God delivered their ancestors from slavery in Egypt some 3500 years ago. Jeremiah prophesied that one day an even greater miracle than that would o…
April 19, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 6: The Story is Not Over

For many Christians there is a disconnect between the Bible—especially the Old Testament—and today. To remedy this we must understand the story of the Bible, its major players, and that the story was birthed in eternity and …
April 15, 2022

The God Who Brought You Out of Egypt

This week the Jewish world is celebrating Passover and remembering how God set their ancestors free from slavery in Egypt some 3500 years ago. There is something in this story for all of us because the God of Israel—our God—…
April 12, 2022

Is Israel a Racist Apartheid State?

A common accusation these days is that Israel is a racist Apartheid state. If this is true, then Christians who support Israel are supporting racism. It is a very important issue and I want to give you the answers to that qu…
April 8, 2022

Real Rest

Not only did God create the heavens and earth he created rest—a beautiful state of peace and tranquility. That is the life He intended for us all along. But true rest for our souls is only found in being forgiven of our sins…
April 5, 2022

Was Israel Founded on Stolen Land?

Israel’s detractors want to make us think that Israel was founded on stolen Arab land. A quick look at the facts presents a different picture. In this week’s episode we talk about the issue of land and the changes in the num…
April 1, 2022

Jesus' Advice About Anxiety

Jesus understood we all have concerns and anxieties. So, He addressed this in the Sermon on the Mount and directed His followers to not be anxious for anything but realize how much the Father loved and cared for them. Join u…
March 29, 2022

Why is Israel So Controversial?

Why is Israel so controversial? Most Christians travel there and come home loving the country and are committed to blessing the Jewish people and politically supporting Israel. But others say Israel is evil and is causing gr…
March 25, 2022

Cast Your Anxieties on Him

The Lord loves you so much that He wants to carry your cares and concerns for you. Therefore, 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “cast” our anxieties upon Him. If you walk away from a time of prayer and you are still anxious then you d…
March 22, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 5: Modern Israel

Modern Israel is a truly fascinating place. Its ethnic diversity and geographic contrasts alone make Israel an amazing place to visit. But the vibrancy of Israeli society is a modern marvel and is found in its religious dive…
March 18, 2022

Don't Be Anxious About Anything

Life is full of concerns and troubles. We all have them‑whether health issues, financial pressures, or relationship problems. But the Bible says we are not to be anxious about anything. When does our legitimate concern becom…
March 15, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 4: Founding of Israel

The founding of the State of Israel is nothing less than a miracle. Not only was God working within the Jewish people and through a secular Jewish journalist but a whole movement of Bible-based Christianity was praying and a…
March 11, 2022

Celebrating Esther

Most of us are familiar with the book of Esther and the famous verse “who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” But few of us understand the true significance of this story. The Persian empire …
March 8, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 3: Antisemitism

In Part 3 of Connecting the Bible to Israel Today we talk about the evil, relentless pursuit of the Jewish people known as antisemitism. It can be likened to a mutating virus that reinvents itself for new generations. Learn …
March 4, 2022

Defeating Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety is becoming epidemic in our nation. Many of us have suffered fear, isolation, and some level of loss during the pandemic but some 40% of Generation Z report having anxiety. Anxiety is a strong emotion—a mixture of wo…
March 1, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 2: Christianity

In Part 2 of Connecting the Bible to Israel Today we talk about the development of Christianity. As the early church grew it became predominantly gentile and not only lost appreciation for its Jewish roots but became hostile…
Feb. 22, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 1: Judaism

In Part 1 of Connecting the Bible to Israel Today we talk about the development of Judaism. During the time of Jesus’ ministry there were four main sects in Judaism, but after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD only one …
Feb. 18, 2022

What is Shabbat?

Shabbat is the Hebrew word for the 7th day of the week on which God rested from creation thereby making it holy and a day of rest for His people. The Jewish people have a special greeting that is more like a blessing for thi…
Feb. 15, 2022

Welcome to Israel Answers

We all have questions, and it seems that with everything going on in the world these days we have more questions than ever. Here at Israel Answers we want to help you find answers. Join us here each week as we connect Israel…
Feb. 11, 2022


Many of us are looking for more peace in our hectic lives. But what is true peace as found in the Hebrew word Shalom? It is a peace that comes from being made whole – having something provided that we had lacked. As you end …
Feb. 8, 2022

The Daily Bible with F. LaGard Smith ( Going Deeper Series )

With so many different Bibles available today, it is good to know the best ones for specific purposes. When it comes to reading through the Bible from start to finish, the job has been made much easier by F. LaGard Smith in …
Feb. 4, 2022

Announcing New Shabbat Shalom Devotionals

One of my most favorite memories of living in Israel was experiencing the peace and rest of a Shabbat. Many of us are lacking peace these days, so every Friday I plan to share with you a short devotional to bring inspiration…
Feb. 1, 2022

The Beginning and the End (Walk Thru the Bible Week 53)

This week we reach the end of the Bible and can, therefore, better understand the beginning! The book of Revelation climaxes with what God had intended in Genesis but lost—fellowship with mankind. The Bible tells this amazin…
Jan. 25, 2022

The Key to Revelation (Walk Thru the Bible Week 52)

We are going to close out the New Testament with books written from a Hebraic world view. The books of James and Hebrews were written to Jewish members of the early church and written about subjects of great concern to them.…