
Aug. 12, 2021

Isaiah's Message For Today with Kay Arthur (Going Deeper Series)

Renowned Bible teacher, Kay Arthur, shares her love for the book of Isaiah and the lasting message it has carried across millennia. It speaks to the very days in which we live and instructs us how to live our lives. Let Isai…
Aug. 10, 2021

God Hears Hezekiah's Prayers (Walk Thru the Bible Week 28)

King Hezekiah eliminated paganism throughout the Kingdom of Judah and reestablished pure worship of God in the temple. He also turned to God in times of need and as a result He experienced the grace of God—who not only heale…
Aug. 3, 2021

One Down, One To Go (Walk Thru the Bible Week 27)

Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord sings a song over his vineyard—the nation of Israel—and explains how there is no fruit coming from the vines so he is giving the vineyard over to be destroyed. One day, however, they will…
July 27, 2021

The Greatest Prophet (Walk Thru the Bible Week 26)

The prophet Isaiah was called at a critical moment in history with a mission to speak to a people who would not hear nor understand him. He was not called to great success in terms of impact but to declare the word of the Lo…
July 20, 2021

God's Love for His Wayward People (Walk Thru the Bible Week 25)

The Kingdom of Israel under King Jeroboam II was extremely wealthy, strong, and expansive. It looked great from the outside, but inside idolatry was taking over and society was decaying. The prophets Hosea and Amos list the …
July 13, 2021

They Are Still His People (Walk Thru the Bible Week 24)

The period of the divided kingdom includes a few good kings who try to do right but for the most part, it is full of idolatry and social decay. God’s grace gives the people centuries to get right with Him while He sends prop…
July 6, 2021

What in the World is Going On? (Walk Thru the Bible Week 23)

The story of the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah is more easily understood with this week’s overview of events and their political and geographical context. The actions of Elijah take on new mean…
June 29, 2021

God Will Judge Every Deed (Walk Thru the Bible Week 22)

Jeroboam is made king over ten tribes and is promised a kingdom as enduring as David’s. He leads the people of Israel into idolatry instead. Rehoboam is king over Judah, which includes Jerusalem and the temple, yet he also l…
June 22, 2021

The Wisest Man on Earth Becomes a Fool (Walk Thru the Bible Week 21)

Solomon had great wealth and wisdom, yet he became a fool. He loved his pagan wives more than he loved God and he fell into idolatry. God honors his promises to David and does not take the kingdom from Solomon but announces …
June 15, 2021

God Hears from Heaven (Walk Thru the Bible Week 20)

Solomon’s reign begins with the dedication of the newly constructed temple and God’s promise to hear from heaven when His people pray to Him from that place. Solomon is blessed with great wealth and wisdom and ushers in the …
June 8, 2021

Most-Quoted Psalm (Walk Thru the Bible Week 19)

This week we discuss the Psalm most-quoted in the New Testament - Psalm 110. This prophetic Psalm of King David describes Jesus’ role as the ascended King and eternal Priest. Another prophetic Psalm of David describes the cr…
June 1, 2021

Hallelujah! (Walk Thru the Bible Week 18)

The longest Psalm in the Bible—Psalm 119—is about the importance of the Word of God. Psalms 113-118 are known as the Hallel and are sung at every major Jewish festival. The Hallel contains the great messianic Psalm 118 which…
May 25, 2021

Going Up to Jerusalem With Singing (Walk Thru the Bible Week 17)

The Book of Psalms is made up of 150 songs used in prayer and worship. Most were written by King David and reflect his prayers during various times in his life. Some were written by priests and extol the beauty of the house …
May 18, 2021

The Place God Chose (Walk Thru the Bible Week 16)

King David has displeased the Lord and sees an Angel above the threshing floor of Arauna about to execute judgment on Jerusalem. The Bible records the purchase of this land on Mt. Moriah from Arauna so sacrifice could be mad…
May 11, 2021

God Promises David An Everlasting Throne (Walk Thru the Bible Week 15)

A pivotal moment in history occurs this week when God promises King David an eternal throne. From that spiritual high, David is then tempted and commits a terrible sin. His son then attempts to steal the kingdom from Him, an…
May 4, 2021

Jerusalem, the City of David (Walk Thru the Bible Week 14)

Once Saul dies David becomes King. He then takes the ancient Jebusite city of Jerusalem to be his capital. While the skeptics tried to relegate this story to mythology, modern archaeological finds are supporting the biblical…
April 27, 2021

When We Get What We Ask For (Walk Thru the Bible Week 13)

The difficult period of Judges comes to an end with a godly judge named Samuel. He is not only Israel’s last judge but is a priest and prophet who helps Israel transition from a theocracy to a monarchy. God informed Samuel o…
April 22, 2021

The Tabernacle at Shiloh with Dr. Scott Stripling (Going Deeper Series)

Susan interviews Dr. Scott Stripling the director of excavations at ancient Shiloh. He describes the exciting archaeological evidence he has uncovered pointing to a sacrificial system at Shiloh and verifying the history of t…
April 20, 2021

When Everyone Does As They See Fit (Walk Thru the Bible Week 12)

This week we read the entire book of Judges covering a period of over 300 years when the children of Israel went through cycles of sin, resulting in oppression by enemies, then after their repentance God would raise up a lea…
April 15, 2021

Evidence of the Conquest with Tim Mahoney (Going Deeper Series)

Susan interviews Tim Mahoney, film producer of Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus and Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea. Find out about the archaeological finds at Jericho and other sites in the Israelite conquest of the land …
April 13, 2021

Each Generation's Choice (Walk Thru the Bible Week 11)

This week we hear the miraculous story of the fall of Jericho and why that ancient city was the first on God’s list to conquer. The Israelites then go on to take the Land and divide it up amongst the tribes. Only problem is …
April 8, 2021

Crossing the Jordan with Dr. Chris McKinny (Going Deeper Series)

Susan interviews Dr. Chris McKinny about the layers of meaning behind the 40 year wilderness wanderings and the crossing of the Jordan river. They also discuss prophetic insight into future events that take place at that ver…
April 6, 2021

Are You Ready? (Walk Thru the Bible Week 10)

This week Susan discusses Moses’ renewal of the covenant with a new generation of Israelites after 40 years in the wilderness. Joshua then takes over leadership and it is finally time to enter the Promised Land! Are you read…
April 1, 2021

Loving the Law with Rabbi Shmuel Bowman (Going Deeper Series)

Susan interviews Rabbi Shmuel Bowman about his work as a Torah Scribe and what Torah means to the Jewish people. He describes certain commandments and how they are observed today. http://www.outofzionshow.com http://www.icej…