
Jan. 18, 2022

Which Women Was Paul Talking About? (Walk Thru the Bible Week 51)

In Paul’s final letters he advices the young leader Timothy how to handle specific problems in the church under his care. Only when we understand what was happening in Ephesus and the small church there do we understand why …
Jan. 11, 2022

Paul the Roman Citizen (Walk Thru the Bible Week 50)

The Apostle Paul was hand-picked by the Risen Christ for a pioneering and ground-breaking calling. This zealous Jew was called to take the good news of the kingdom to a pagan, gentile world. Could anything have been harder? …
Jan. 4, 2022

Don't Be Ignorant of This Mystery (Walk Thru the Bible Week 49)

Romans is considered to best, most concise presentation of the gospel in all of the New Testament. Interesting that it also includes the most thorough treatment of God’s dealings with the people of Israel and how the church …
Dec. 28, 2021

Walk by The Spirit (Walk Thru the Bible Week 48)

The early church was initially made up of Jews who believed Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, and boy were they surprised when gentiles started getting saved. This introduced so many problems into the already difficult life of t…
Dec. 21, 2021

It Doesn't Get More Exciting Than This (Walk Thru the Bible Week 47)

Two of the most exciting portions of Scripture include the resurrection of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the early church. In-between those two events is a conversation between Jesus and the disciples tha…
Dec. 14, 2021

Jesus the King (Walk Thru the Bible Week 46)

Experience the final week of Jesus’ life and listen in as He begins to prepare His disciples for what lies ahead. He warns of the coming destruction of Jerusalem and describes His eventual return to earth at which time He ta…
Dec. 7, 2021

The Holidays with Jesus (Walk Thru the Bible Week 45)

Do you sometimes bemoan the holidays because of family squabbles? Well, you haven’t seen anything until you hear about Jesus’ holidays. Each time Jesus arrives in Jerusalem for a holiday, He has major confrontations with Jew…
Nov. 30, 2021

Do You Have Ears to Hear? (Walk Thru the Bible Week 44)

Jesus used parables depicting common every day events in order to convey spiritual truths. While they were an effective teaching tool the disciples often asked for further explanation. We too need the help of the Holy Spirit…
Nov. 23, 2021

The Heart of the Matter (Walk Thru the Bible Week 43)

This week we will come to the heart of Jesus’ message and purpose. The people were looking for someone to free them from the brutal rule of Rome. Jesus had come, however, to reveal the heart of the Father to the people and t…
Nov. 16, 2021

One Amazing Moment! (Walk Thru the Bible Week 42)

This week we will come to that climactic moment the world had been waiting for—the moment God had been setting the stage for not only throughout the Old Testament but also during the 400 year period in between the Old and Ne…
Nov. 11, 2021

The Old Testament in 15 Minutes

Hear the story of the Old Testament summed up in just 15 minutes. This is an excellent review of the Old Testament and great way to prepare to read through the New Testament. Understand the grand story behind all the stories…
Nov. 9, 2021

He Will Send a Messenger Before Him (Walk Thru the Bible Week 41)

Nehemiah demonstrates great leadership as he brings a third group of exiles back to rebuild Jerusalem. He encounters much resistance but in the end the walls are rebuilt. Ezra leads the people in a renewal of their covenant …
Nov. 2, 2021

God Saves His People and His Plan (Walk Thru the Bible Week 40)

The temple has been rebuilt but Jerusalem is still in ruins. Yet, Zechariah is given visions of a day when Jerusalem is the center of world attention and the nations will come up to worship the Lord there. At the same time, …
Oct. 26, 2021

Restoring the Fortunes of Zion (Walk Thru the Bible Week 39)

The prophets Haggai and Zechariah are used by God to bring correction and encouragement to the people of Israel tasked with rebuilding the temple. Their words echo those to Moses and Joshua hundreds of years earlier: “be str…
Oct. 19, 2021

The Time to Favor Zion Has Come (Walk Thru the Bible Week 38)

After seventy years of exile, singing the songs of Zion in a foreign land and wondering if God would ever favor them again, the children of Israel witnessed the end of the Babylonian empire. The new Persian king, Cyrus, allo…
Oct. 12, 2021

When God Speaks (Walk Thru the Bible Week 37)

The book of Job teaches many lessons—one is how God speaks with power and not just words. When God speaks to us it is often accompanied with an overwhelming peace or with the resolve and commitment necessary to obey His prom…
Oct. 5, 2021

God Delivers Those Who Obey Him (Walk Thru the Bible Week 36)

Ezekiel leaves the exiles with his final vision of a magnificent temple belonging to a future era of restoration. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to bow down to the golden idol and are delivered out of the fiery furnac…
Sept. 28, 2021

God Will Vindicate His Name (Walk Thru the Bible Week 35)

The Lord gives King Zedekiah one last chance to save Jerusalem from destruction, but he refuses. So, the Babylonians conquer Judah and burn all of Jerusalem including the temple, and a remnant flees to Egypt taking Jeremiah …
Sept. 21, 2021

A New Covenant (Walk Thru the Bible Week 34)

God gives King Zedekiah one last chance to repent but he refuses. So Ezekiel’s wife dies as a prophetic sign it is all over and the Lord had lost his beloved Israel to judgment. He had done everything He could to avoid this …
Sept. 14, 2021

Departure of the Glory of God (Walk Thru the Bible Week 33)

While Jeremiah was the main prophet within the kingdom of Judah, God calls one of the exiles to be the prophet to those in captivity. Ezekiel has tremendous visions beginning with one when God calls him into ministry and the…
Sept. 7, 2021

I Know the Plans I Have for You (Walk Thru the Bible Week 32)

This week is the beginning of the end of Judah as Babylon turns it into a vassal state and begins deporting exiles. One young man taken into exile early on is Daniel who later reads the prophet Jeremiah’s letter in which he …
Aug. 31, 2021

God Reveals His Word and Fulfills It (Walk Thru the Bible Week 31)

As Assyria falls and Babylon emerges, the prophet Jeremiah gets impatient with God and complains about the ridicule and rejection he is facing by prophesying coming judgment. But God is at work, and as the godly king Josiah …
Aug. 24, 2021

Jeremiah's Lonely Call as Prophet (Walk Thru the Bible Week 30)

As Zephaniah is warning that the Day of the Lord is coming and Jeremiah begins his hard and lonely calling to warn Judah about their sinful ways, King Josiah begins to purge the nation of idolatry. While his reforms are not …
Aug. 17, 2021

Isaiah's Vision of Restoration (Walk Thru the Bible Week 29)

The prophet Isaiah saw into the future and described the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross in astounding detail. He also foresaw a day when God would restore His people to their land with the blessing and assistanc…