
May 9, 2023

Is Everyone a Child of God? (169)

In the coronation ceremony of Prince Charles, he knelt before the altar and prayed, “God of compassion and mercy . . . grant that I may be a blessing to all thy children, of every faith and belief.” That statement implies th…
May 2, 2023

Does God Create Evil? (168)

The King James Version of Isaiah 45:7 has God saying, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil.” This older translation makes it sound like the Creator is the source, not only of good, but also, …
April 25, 2023

7 Words From Jesus Often Misunderstood (167)

As a follower of Jesus, I often discuss doctrinal beliefs and lifestyle choices with followers of other religions (and those who are not religious at all). At times, when I point out the biblical view, I get the response, “D…
April 18, 2023

Does the Universe Love You? (166)

Google the question, “Does the universe love me?” and millions of affirmative responses will pull up, encouraging you to believe that “the universe has your back” or that you should “trust the universe”—and how to consciousl…
April 11, 2023

The Golden Rule in World Religions (165)

Why is the “Golden Rule” found in almost every major religion? Some people use information like that to suggest all those religions are equally legitimate paths to God. Is that right or wrong? If this concept is found in the…
April 4, 2023

The Mystery of the Book of Life (164)

The Mystery of the Book of Life In Psalms 56:8, David claimed that God keeps a record of every tear we shed in His “book.” Surely that was a reference to the “Book of Life,” a concept that is only found in Judaism and Christ…
March 28, 2023

Jesus in World Religions (163)

Many religions include Jesus in their doctrinal base, but they define His identity, His nature and His purpose in non-biblical ways. Bible believers need to be equipped to recognize these erroneous views and respond with the…
March 21, 2023

What Does the Quran Say About Jesus? (162)

Jesus occupies a very prominent role in the Quran. He is mentioned 97 times in 93 verses (ayat). In Arabic, His name is Isa. It is quite intriguing to discover common concepts found in both the Quran and the Bible. However, …
March 14, 2023

What is the meaning of the Hindu greeting "Namaste"? (161)

Hindus and New Agers often greet each other with a respectful gesture of folded hands and a slight bow as they utter the word “Namaste.” Many yoga classes open with participants making this statement toward each other. Is th…
March 8, 2023

The Jesus Revolution / My Story / Part Two (160)

The Jesus Movement was a time when uncommon divine visitations were common. The wind of the Spirit was blowing in an unprecedented way. On this episode, Mike Shreve shares a remarkable move of God that happened during that t…
Feb. 28, 2023

The Jesus Revolution / My Story / Part One (159)

By the fall of 1970, the Jesus Movement was a spiritual tsunami wave cresting over the United States. At the time, I was a yoga teacher at four universities and running a yoga ashram in Tampa, Florida. It was an incredible e…
Feb. 21, 2023

What is the “evil eye”? (158)

Hearing the phrase—“the evil eye”—strikes fear in the hearts of those who are superstitious. It involves a belief that a malevolent glare directed toward a person can cause misfortune, harm, injury, and even catastrophic pro…
Feb. 14, 2023

Are All Names for God Legitimate? (157)

Some pluralistic thinkers propose any name assigned to God in any religion is legitimate and appropriate. Is that true? Or is there a correct revelation of the divine name that uniquely and powerfully grants access into a pe…
Feb. 9, 2023

Connecting the Dots: Shaktipat and Celebrating Satan at the Grammys (156)

What is Shaktipat? It is a powerful, spiritual impartation that some yogis claim to be able to transfer to their disciples. According to Hindu lore, it is an instant awakening of God-consciousness. But what really happens an…
Jan. 31, 2023

HOLY SMOKE! Pope Frances in a Smudging Ceremony (155)

Recently, during a penitential pilgrimage to Canada to apologize to the indigenous people, Pope Francis, along with about seven Catholic cardinals, took place in a smudging ceremony. Also, after Biden assumed the presidency,…
Jan. 24, 2023

SABBATH: A Shadow of Good Things to Come (154)

Did you know there are more Sabbaths mentioned in the Bible than just the seventh day of the week? Did you know all these Sabbaths are described as just a “shadow of good things to come” (Hebrews 10:1). What are those “good …
Jan. 17, 2023

Which is right: Saturday or Sunday Worship, or something different? (153)

Since the beginning of the Church, controversy has swirled around the issue of the proper day of the week that Christians should gather for corporate worship. Is Saturday or Sunday the correct Sabbath? Was this ancient tradi…
Jan. 9, 2023

The Forgiveness Factor (152)

Is it possible to receive forgiveness from God? Is it important for us to forgive others? Though all positive religions emphasize the latter, many do not subscribe to the former. Learn what Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age Spirit…
Dec. 27, 2022

The Mystery of the Breath of Life (151)

The biblical account of creation states that God breathed into Adam the “breath of life” and he became a “living soul.” What exactly is the “breath of life”? Is it the same as natural breath and is it still within every huma…
Dec. 20, 2022

The Mysterious Magi (150)

The Greek word translated “wise men” in the Bible is magos , from which we get the term “magi” (strangely, the root of the words “magic" and “magician”). Magi were usually involved in occult spiritual practices like astrolog…
Dec. 13, 2022

Avatar: Modern Word or Ancient Mystical Idea? (149)

Most people relate to the word “avatar” as the name of a 2009 blockbuster movie set in a fictional world called Pandora. People also create “avatars” as representative images in video games, on Facebook, or other online acti…
Dec. 7, 2022

The Quest for Power (148)

Religion is a desperate quest for power: power to comprehend the mysteries of life, power to rise above personal defeats, power to penetrate higher spiritual realms, power to overcome suffering, power to predict the future, …
Nov. 22, 2022

The Gratitude Beatitude (147)

How appropriate it would be if the attitude of gratitude was highlighted in a ninth beatitude, “Blessed are the grateful, for God often works miracles for them!” In this "True Light" episode, you will discover that the story…
Nov. 15, 2022

Desire & Suffering: Buddhism vs. Christianity (146)

Buddha’s “Four Noble Truths” state that life is full of suffering and the cause of suffering is desire. So, the way to overcome suffering is to overcome desire. Is that true? Or is there a biblical view that solves the probl…