
May 17, 2022

The Spiritual "Black Plague"—An Enemy Called Sin / Part 2 (121)

Bible believers claim that humanity’s problem is sin—that sin causes separation from God—and that repentance and faith toward God bring forth the cure. The New Age, on the other hand, claims that sin does not exist, repentan…
May 10, 2022

Chanting Mantras: Fruitful or Futile? (120)

Is the practice of chanting mantras a powerful means of awakening the Christ nature and achieving enlightenment as many teach, or is it a futile and incorrect attempt at penetrating the realm of the supernatural? Does it hel…
May 3, 2022

7 Reasons I No Longer Practice Yoga (119)

The word “yoga” means yoke. It implies being yoked, not with the “true God,” but a deity named Brahman, described as ultimate reality in Hinduism, an impersonal cosmic force. Most westerners consider yoga just a trendy way t…
April 26, 2022

What Are “Lightworkers”? (118)

New agers, witches, pagans, and promoters of the Law of Attraction often call themselves “lightworkers.” What does that term really mean? Is it good or bad? Should it be embraced or shunned? Can followers of Jesus call thems…
April 19, 2022

What is Nirvana? Unraveling the Mystery (117)

The highest spiritual state attainable in Buddhism is called “Nirvana.” In Sanskrit, it means “a blowing out,” like the blowing out of a candle. What does that mean? Some claim it describes the same experience called Samadhi…
April 12, 2022

What Happened Between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection? (116)

What happened to Jesus between His crucifixion and His resurrection? Only a few scriptures deal with this most amazing segment of His redemptive journey. Some Bible teachers insist He suffered damnation as a sinner and was t…
March 31, 2022

The “Law of Karma” in Hinduism and the “Law of Sowing and Reaping”: Are They the Same? (115)

Many people assume the “Law of Karma” in Hinduism and the biblical “Law of Sowing and Reaping” in Christianity are the same, but they are not. There are similarities, but there are also significant differences. In contrastin…
March 22, 2022

What Really Is “The Kundalini”? (114)

What is “the kundalini” and why do gurus, yoga advocates, and new agers also call it “the serpent power”? How do seekers pursue a “kundalini awakening”? Why are the Hindu deities, the goddess Shakti and the god Shiva, associ…
March 15, 2022

What Is the “Third Eye” and Did Jesus Believe in It? (113)

“The Third Eye” is a mysterious, eerie image of an eye in the middle of the forehead. Does it really exist? Is it the sixth chakra, as some claim. If so, what is its function and purpose? Do chakras exist and do they need to…
March 8, 2022

The Higher Self or the Conscience: What's the Difference? (112)

Hinduism teaches that all human beings have a “higher self” which is already one with God. Buddhists call this the “Buddha Nature”; New Thought terms it the “Christ Principle.” Christians, however, believe in “the conscience…
March 1, 2022

What If They Never Hear the Gospel? What Then? (111)

Billions of people throughout the earth have never heard of Jesus—what happens to them when they die? A primary objection to Christianity concerns how unjust it would be if God required faith in the Gospel of those who have …
Feb. 22, 2022

Maya or Deception: What’s Clouding the Minds of People? (110)

Hinduism teaches that maya (delusion) prevents human beings from understanding their true nature (the belief that they actually are God). Christianity teaches human beings live misguided lives because of deception. Are both …
Feb. 15, 2022

The Yin Yang Symbol: What Does it Really Mean? (109)

The Yin Yang symbol is a recognized image around the globe. It is used symbolically even in many non-religious ways—including jewelry and rock music. But what does it really mean? Does it just represent the contrast between …
Feb. 8, 2022

Is Truth Relative? What Does that Even Mean? (108)

When people say, “Truth is relative,” or “Truth is subjective,” what do they mean? Are these true statements? Or false? Before we can make any progress toward the goal of understanding, embracing, or establishing truth in ou…
Feb. 1, 2022

Hinduism versus Christianity: Eight Main Differences (107)

Hinduism and Christianity are very different in many ways---in the interpretation of the nature of God, the nature of the universe, the nature of human beings, the nature of salvation, and the ultimate destiny of the univers…
Jan. 25, 2022

The Mysterious Ancient Hebrew Greeting SHALOM (106)

“Shalom” is the word Jews normally use to greet one another. It is an ancient biblical word with intriguing overtones of meaning that make up a powerful spiritual proclamation and prayer. It is an faith-filled appeal to God …
Jan. 19, 2022

What is the meaning of the Hindu greeting "Namaste"? (105)

Hindus and New Agers often greet each other with a respectful gesture of folded hands and a slight bow as they utter the word “Namaste.” Many yoga classes open with this exchanged statement. Is this just an ordinary greeting…
Jan. 11, 2022

Do All Religions Worship the Same God?

“All religions are one—we all worship the same God!” You hear this opinion voiced quite often. But is it true? If a Muslim, or a Sikh, or a Hindu, or a New Ager claims to love God and worship God—is it audacious and ludicrou…
Dec. 28, 2021

Is There Really Only One God?

“There is only one God!”—When discussing the Godhead with Hindus, Sikhs, or New Agers, that’s often the response you get. It’s the idea that, on an ultimate level, we are all worshiping the same God regardless of religious a…
Dec. 22, 2021

Were the “Wise Men” Who Visited Jesus---Kings, Priests, Astrologers, Magicians, or Something Else? (102)

The Greek word translated “wise men” is magos , from which we get the term “magi” (the root of the words “magical” or “magician”). Magi were usually involved in occult spiritual practices like astrology. Many theories and tr…
Dec. 15, 2021

Religion vs. Spirituality: Which Is Best? (101)

“I’m not part of any religion; I believe in being spiritual.” Many people make this claim, especially sincere truth-seekers who desire an understanding of the true God and want to experience the supernatural world. But is re…
Dec. 10, 2021

Establishing Truth Through the Lord’s Prayer Part 3 (100)

In this third episode of “The Lord’s Prayer,” we continue our focus on this amazing combination of petitions and declarations that Jesus gave the church. Not only does this prayer reveal the proper approach to the Father, it…
Dec. 1, 2021

Establishing Truth Through the Lord’s Prayer Part 2 (99)

“The Lord’s Prayer” was constructed by the genius of God, not only to give us a proper approach to the Father, but to reveal major facets of the belief system we should embrace as followers of Jesus. In this episode, we will…
Nov. 23, 2021

Establishing Truth Through the Lord's Prayer Part 1 (98)

In just over 60 words, “The Lord’s Prayer” establishes biblical doctrine as compared to other world religions on major issues like the nature of God, the nature of the universe, and the nature of true salvation. Individual w…