
May 25, 2021

Can We Communicate with Angels? (Ep 73)

Should human beings seek angelic encounters, initiating conversations with them? Some Christian teachers insist we can and should. Is this pure, biblical truth or an erroneous approach also found in New Age spirituality? You…
May 18, 2021

Can Christians Command Angels: True or False? (Ep 72)

Can believers command angels to do their bidding? Some teachers of the Word say we can. Angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to and for the heirs of salvation, so shouldn’t we exert some kind of authority ov…
May 11, 2021

The Revelation of Angels Part 2:Truths and Misconceptions (Ep 71)

Angels are mentioned over 250 times in the Bible. Their God-given purpose is inseparably intertwined with God’s plan for humankind. Does every person have a guardian angel? Is there such a thing as “an angel of death”? What …
May 4, 2021

The Revelation of Angels (Ep 70)

Angels fill many roles: worshipers, warriors, watchers, messengers, ministers, protectors, and administrators of God’s affairs in heaven and earth. They are vitally important to the plans and purposes of God. However, there …
April 27, 2021

Are All Names for God Legitimate? (Ep 69)

Some pluralistic thinkers propose any name assigned to God in any religion is legitimate and appropriate. Is that true? Or is there a correct revelation of the divine name that uniquely and powerfully grants access into a pe…
April 20, 2021

From Cows and Cobras to the Cross of Christ (Ep 68)

Prema Sankarsingh was raised in a Hindu temple, however, as a child, Jesus appeared to her in two dreams. Twenty years later, through a miraculous coincidence, she was led to true salvation. Though she worshiped many of the …
April 13, 2021

The Law of Attraction: True or false? (Ep 67)

Is “The Law of Attraction” a legitimate approach to success in life? Does it work? Is it the same as “The Law of Sowing and Reaping” in the Bible? What are the differences? What is “The Secret” and should it be embraced by p…
April 6, 2021


Is it necessary to receive forgiveness from God? Is it necessary to forgive others? Though all positive religions emphasize the second, many do not embrace the first. Learn what Buddhism, Hinduism, New Age Spirituality, Shin…
March 30, 2021

12 Ways God Speaks (Ep 65)

Learn to be more receptive to God's voice and the wisdom He shares. This teaching will help you more clearly identify when and how God is speaking to you. The Eternal Shepherd of our souls communicates 12 different ways to g…
March 23, 2021

Christians and Muslims: 10 Similar Beliefs (Ep. 64)

Muslims and Christians hold ten similar beliefs that can help build a bridge of communication between the two worldviews. Use these points in your next conversation with a Muslim and see if it doesn’t open the door to sharin…
March 16, 2021

What’s wrong with worshiping Idols? (Ep.63)

The world is full of religions that practice idolatry—the representation of various manmade deities in statues, images, or drawings that are used as objects of worship by devoted followers. Is this wrong? How does the true a…
March 9, 2021

Meditation Investigation: What's Wrong? What's Right? Part 2 (Ep. 62)

Eight primary meditation methods are found in eastern religions and new age spirituality, such as breath meditation, chakra meditation, and mantra meditation. In the last episode, we focused on the true biblical approach to …
March 5, 2021

Meditation Investigation: What's Wrong? What's Right? Part 1 (Ep. 61)

Almost all religions teach methods of meditation. Not all are acceptable to God. If meditation techniques are mechanical, mindless, monotonous, mundane, magical, or even overly mystical, they are probably the wrong approach.…
Feb. 23, 2021


From Masonic ceremonies to Luciferianism to the depiction of Greek gods and goddesses alongside George Washington, the capitol building in DC has been spiritually under siege since 1793. What does God think about this and wh…
Feb. 16, 2021

Is the Return of Jesus Spiritual, Not Literal? (Ep. 59)

There is a belief among some Christians that the second coming of Jesus Christ is spiritual, not literal, that it will happen in His people, that there will be no visible return of Jesus to the earth, and that all the script…
Feb. 9, 2021

Does the Bible Teach Reincarnation? (Ep. 58)

New Agers often promote reincarnation by quoting Bible passages. For instance, concerning John the Baptist, Jesus said, “If you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah.” How do you prove just one life when dealing with this …
Feb. 2, 2021

Luciferian Symbols and the European Union ( Ep. 57)

What does the European Union have to do with the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, the Whorish Woman riding the Beast in Revelation 17, a false Greek deity named Zeus and a Luciferian dedication ceremony of a new tunnel through …
Jan. 26, 2021

Is the “Star of David” the ancient symbol of Israel? (Ep. 56)

Is the “Star of David” the ancient symbol of Israel or the menorah lampstand? Trace the history of this six-pointed star and surprisingly, you will encounter false religions and idolatrous worship. However, on May 14, 1948, …
Jan. 19, 2021

Umbanda Spiritism’s Connection to Black Lives Matter, Beyonce and Jay-Z (Ep. 55)

Discover Umbanda Spiritism’s connection to Black Lives Matter and Beyonce in this interview with Ivani Greppi, a former Umbanda Spiritist medium. Discover why BLM rioters cry “Say the name!” and the Umbanda deities highlight…
Jan. 12, 2021

Why Is “the Kundalini” Called “the Serpent Power?” (Ep. 54)

Why is “the kundalini” also called “the serpent power” by gurus, yoga advocates, and new agers? Is the serpent a symbol of something evil or good? Is there a demon called “a kundalini spirit”? Has it invaded the church? Thes…
Jan. 6, 2021

Excuse Me, Congressman Cleaver, Brahma Is Not the “Monotheistic God”! (Ep. 53)

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver recently ended a prayer over the 11th Congress invoking “the monotheistic god, Brahma, and ‘god’ known by many names by many faiths.” This all-inclusive view is surprising especially because he is…
Dec. 30, 2020


We are on the precipice, about to plunge into the tribulation period. Will the church escape, seven years before the end of the age, by means of a pre-tribulation rapture? Or will there be a post-tribulation catching away, t…
Dec. 22, 2020

Did Three Kings Visit Jesus in Bethlehem? (Ep. 51)

Almost every nativity scene involves three kings from the Orient riding camels visiting the baby Jesus at a stable in Bethlehem. At least five beliefs associated with this popular tradition are most likely wrong. What are th…
Dec. 16, 2020

Five Prophetic Words God Spoke to Me Audibly in 2020 (Ep. 50)

Five times, God has spoken to me audibly in 2020 concerning dangerous and troubling things going on in our nation and our world. Instead of the normal, comparative religion theme of this podcast, this episode is all about th…