
Nov. 16, 2021

When Jesus said, “You are gods!”—what did He mean? (97)

When Jesus said, “You are gods!”—who was He referring to? Many New Agers believe this statement reveals that He taught the divinity of all human beings. Some Christians boldly claim a ‘god-like’ status even now based on this…
Nov. 9, 2021

OM: Mystical Word or Empty Syllable? (96)

Why is the word “OM” considered so sacred and powerful? How many religions recognize it as a spiritually potent word? What association does it have with three of the most revered gods of the Hindu pantheon: Brahma, Vishnu, a…
Nov. 2, 2021

The Rapture Controversy - Part 5 (95)

Will God’s people be in this world when His wrath is poured out and if so, will they be protected? What is the difference between “tribulation” and “wrath”? Why does the Bible say that at one time we were all “children of wr…
Oct. 26, 2021

The Rapture Controversy - Part 4 (94)

Failing to understand the difference between the word “tribulation” and the word “wrath” is one of the main reasons some believers wrongly gravitate toward the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture. Believers are never promis…
Oct. 20, 2021

The Rapture Controversy - Part 3 (93)

Why does the Bible teach that Jesus will come back “as a thief in the night”? Jesus compared his return and the church’s condition to the days of Noah. Why should believers want to be the ones “left behind”? This episode may…
Oct. 12, 2021

The Rapture Controversy - Part 2 (92)

Did the early church fathers teach a pre-tribulation rapture? If not, when did that doctrine first make its appearance? Why did Paul say the Antichrist must be revealed before our “gathering together” to the Lord takes place…
Oct. 5, 2021

The Rapture Controversy - Part 1 (91)

The great tribulation is rushing toward us like a dark, ominous, swirling storm cloud. Will the church be ready to take a strong and final stand for truth or will God allow His people to escape seven years before the end of …
Sept. 28, 2021

Does the Universe Love You? (90)

Google the question, “Does the universe love me?” and millions of affirmative responses will pull up, encouraging you to believe that “the universe has your back” or that you should “trust the universe”—and how to consciousl…
Sept. 21, 2021


Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved chapters in the Bible. It hides a rarely understood mystery concerning the “valley of the shadow of death.” Your host, Mike Shreve, unveils this mystery, and then he shares five times he h…
Sept. 15, 2021


Every religion’s name reveals an important insight about that belief system: either its origin or a primary concept its followers embrace, or both. Surprisingly, these names often speak of longings common to all who seek the…
Sept. 7, 2021

The Golden Rule in World Religions (87)

Why is the “Golden Rule” found in almost every major religion? Some assume it indicates all those religions are equally legitimate paths to God. Is that right or wrong? If this concept is found in the Scripture base of multi…
Aug. 31, 2021

10 Yoga Poses that Offer Worship to Hindu Deities (86)

Do you think going to a yoga class is harmless? Think again. The poses assumed, according to the teachings of Hinduism, are offerings to specific Hindu deities. Ten yoga poses will be examined in this teaching. Shiva, the go…
Aug. 24, 2021

Jesus in World Religions (85)

Many religions include Jesus in their doctrinal base, but they define His identity, His nature, and His purpose in non-biblical, and often, heretical ways. Bible believers need to be equipped to recognize these erroneous vie…
Aug. 11, 2021

Do Mormons and Christians Love the Same JESUS? (84)

Dallas Jenkins, the talented and respected producer of THE CHOSEN TV series (films about the life of Jesus), recently commented concerning Mormons and evangelical Christians, “We love the same JESUS.” Is that true? Is the Je…
Aug. 4, 2021

What Does the Quran Say About Jesus? (83)

Jesus is a very prominent figure in the Quran. He is mentioned 97 times in 93 verses. His name is Isa. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and is considered a prophet. He worked miracles and is coming back again. …
July 27, 2021

The Mystery of the Book of Life (82)

Only in Christianity and Judaism do you find the concept of “The Book of Life”—mentioned sixteen times in the Bible. Since God is omniscient—and He knows all things past, present, and future—why would He need a book or a reg…
July 20, 2021

What Is the “Evil Eye”? (Ep 81)

Hearing the phrase—“the evil eye”—strikes fear in the hearts of those who are superstitious. It involves a belief that a malevolent glare directed toward a person can cause misfortune, harm, injury, and even catastrophic pro…
July 13, 2021

The Statue of Liberty—Occult Symbol or Emblem of Freedom? (Ep 80)

Does the Statue of Liberty, that beloved icon of freedom and hope, contain occult symbols promoting false religious belief systems? If so, are they innocuous and unimportant, or proof of dark, ominous, evil influences invadi…
July 7, 2021

The Mysterious Symbol of the Tree of Life (EP 79)

What does the tree of life represent? Intriguingly, this spiritual symbol is discovered, not only in biblical Judaism and Christianity, but also, in Buddhism, Islam, and Kabbala (which is the mystical branch of Judaism), as …
June 29, 2021

Does God Create Evil? (EP 78)

The King James Version of Isaiah 45:7 quotes God as saying, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil.” This translation makes it sound like the Creator is the source of all the evil in this world…
June 22, 2021

Two Encounters with Satan —Ten Lessons Learned (EP 77)

Two direct encounters with Satan taught me numerous lessons that have been part of the foundation of revelation in my walk with God. Both occurred at night, in a dream-like state. In the first dream, the Holy Spirit rose up …
June 15, 2021

Nine Myths About Satan - Part 2

Is Satan’s personal name really Lucifer? Was he the worship leader of heaven before he fell? Did he hover over the throne of God in heaven? Did a third of the angels fall with him? Often believers repeat biblically-based ide…
June 8, 2021

Nine Myths About Satan - Part 1 (75)

So many beliefs about Satan cannot be proven by Scripture. Just because they are generally accepted doesn’t mean they are right. Is Satan’s skin red? Does he have a tail and batwings? Does he reign in hell? Can he torment yo…
June 1, 2021

The Mysterious Nephilim of Genesis 6 (Ep 74)

Were the Nephilim giants of Genesis 6 the offspring of fallen angels and earthly women? If so, why are they mentioned after the flood too—since everyone except Noah’s family were drowned? Is this mysterious passage simply ab…