
Dec. 10, 2020

Mulan, Taoism, and the Disney Worldview (Ep. 49)

The Disney movie “Mulan” promotes Taoism beliefs, like the power of “chi,” ancestor worship, and a deity called “the phoenix.” Though good traits are celebrated like loyalty, bravery, truth, and devotion to family—false reli…
Dec. 1, 2020

Desire and Suffering: Buddhism vs. Christianity

Buddha’s “Four Noble Truths” state that life is full of suffering and the cause of suffering is desire. So, the way to overcome suffering is to overcome desire. Is that true? Or is there a biblical view that solves the probl…
Nov. 24, 2020

What is Scientology? (Ep. 47)

A science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard founded The Church of Scientology in 1952. It has become one of the most controversial religious cults in modern times. What are some of their major beliefs and why are some of t…
Nov. 17, 2020

What’s Wrong with Mindfulness? (Ep. 46)

What is “mindfulness” and is it acceptable for Christians? This spiritual practice (often in a watered-down form) is pervading our culture. Though the terms used may seem inviting, the concept is based on a Buddhist worldvie…
Nov. 10, 2020


Almost every religion promotes a unique view of the future of the universe. These concepts often contradict each other and cannot all be true. Eastern religions are usually cyclical. Mideastern religions tend to be linear. W…
Nov. 3, 2020

Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist? (Ep. 44)

Why does God allow evil to exist in this world and all the pain that results from it: corrupted hearts, damaged lives, and destroyed dreams? If God is good, why is there so much “bad”? If God created the wicked one perfect (…
Oct. 27, 2020

The Coming of a Messiah in World Religions (Ep. 43)

Many religions offer hope for the future by foretelling the coming of a Messiah-like person who will bring order to this world. Some New Agers teach the coming of Christ will be a mass spiritual awakening. A wide range of ot…
Oct. 20, 2020


The politically-correct, religiously-correct answer to this question is all-inclusive: that everyone is a child of God and that we all worship the same God. But is that true? Or are there certain criteria that must be fulfil…
Oct. 13, 2020

7 Ways of Defining the Universe (Ep. 41)

What is the origin and the nature of the universe? At least seven schools of thought exist in both categories. They cannot all be right. Some say the universe has always existed while others claim a beginning point. Learn th…
Oct. 6, 2020

The Nature of Human Beings (Ep. 39)

Are human beings comprised of just two parts: a body and a soul. Or is it more complicated? Various religions give conflicting views, assigning three, five, seven, even ten parts to the human makeup. The biblical view is dif…
Sept. 22, 2020

Salvation in World Religions (Ep. 38)

What is the solution to our spiritual problem? Do we need salvation, liberation, or enlightenment? Every religion offers a unique answer. Compare the doctrines of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. They do…
Sept. 15, 2020

Why Is Jesus Called the “True Light”? (Ep. 37)

Why is Jesus called the “true light,” the “true bread,” the “true vine” and “the true God” in Scripture? To label something “true” implies the existence of a counterfeit that is “false.” No wonder Jesus said, “Therefore take…
Sept. 8, 2020

New Age Affirmations vs Biblical Confessions of Faith. What's the Difference? (Ep. 36)

Learn the difference between New Age affirmations and biblically-based confessions of faith. Many Christians, out of concern they are dabbling in New Age practices, throw out the “baby with the bath water.” This teaching wil…
Sept. 1, 2020

Pranayama: Higher Consciousness Through Breathing—What? (Ep. 35)

Pranayama is the yogic practice of breath control. Practitioners claim it helps them reach higher levels of consciousness by activating the chakras and intensifying the intake of “prana” (the divine life force). How does thi…
Aug. 25, 2020

EVIL SPIRITS: How? Why? What? Where? (Ep. 34)

Many religions acknowledge evil spirits exist but differ greatly in explaining how they got here, why they exist, what they are like and how to overcome them. Let’s explore a wide range of beliefs and compare them to the onl…
Aug. 18, 2020

What Is the Origin of Evil? (Ep. 33)

This idea of the origin of evil has plagued the minds of deep thinkers for thousands of years. How did this world become so wicked? Did God author it? Have people caused this chaos? Do we blame it all on the devil? What’s th…
Aug. 11, 2020

Chanting Mantras: Fruitful or Futile? (Ep. 32)

Is the practice of chanting mantras a powerful means of achieving enlightenment or a futile and improper attempt at penetrating the realm of the supernatural? What did Jesus say about it? Is the well-known “Jesus Prayer” jus…
Aug. 4, 2020

Maya or Deception: What's Clouding the Minds of People? (Ep. 31)

Hinduism teaches that maya (delusion) prevents human beings from understanding their true nature. Christianity teaches human beings live misguided lives because of deception. Are both these beliefs the same, or are they comp…
July 28, 2020

What Happens to People Who Have Never Heard the Gospel (Ep. 30)

Billions have never heard of Jesus—what happens to them? A primary objection to Christianity concerns how unjust it would be if God required faith in the Gospel of those who have never heard it. Does the Bible give a suitabl…
July 21, 2020

Is God's Kingdom Within All People? (Ep. 29)

Does the Kingdom of God reside within every person? Jesus explained to the Pharisees, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is withi…
July 14, 2020

What Is "The Third Eye" and Did Jesus Believe In It? (Ep. 28)

Did Jesus believe in “the third eye?” He said, “Let thine eye be single and thy whole body shall be full of light.” Was He talking about a psychic energy center in the forehead that Hindus and New Agers identify as a chakra?…
July 7, 2020

Was Jesus a Yogi Who Taught His Disciples Yoga? (Ep. 27)

“Yoga” means yoke -ma symbol of union with Brahman, the impersonal God of Hinduism. Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you.” Was He referring to a yoga-like approach to spirituality or something completely different? Eight diffe…
June 30, 2020

Catholic Beliefs: Statues, Candles, Ashes, Incense, and Extreme Unction (Ep. 26)

Statues abound in Catholic churches. Yet the second commandment says not to make graven images. Is this wrong? What about the use of candles, ashes, and incense? Do these have a biblical basis. Does the sacrament of Extreme …
June 23, 2020

Catholic Beliefs: The Mass and Holy Communion (Ep. 25)

Is transubstantiation true? During holy communion, do the bread and the wine actually become the body and blood of the Lord Jesus? Is the Mass an authentic and correct method of conducting a New Testament worship service? Ar…