Read Charisma Magazine articles by John Burton


Oct. 2, 2019

Transitioning a Church to a House of Prayer - Why it Rarely Works and Why its a Powerful Move

Transitioning a Church to a House of Prayer - Why it Rarely Works...and Why it's a Powerful Move... Transitioning our church to a house of prayer was a revealing process: I discovered that many people enjoyed worship but not…
Oct. 1, 2019

A Most Important Podcast - Why Do You Minister?

The amount of dysfunction regarding ministry, identity and motive in Christians and ministers today is troubling. The topic of this podcast will touch every single Christian alive, including yourself. Why do you (or don't yo…
Sept. 30, 2019

Our Story of Building Wealth - The Secret Sauce

There are three simple but powerful keys to financial breakthrough that I share in this podcast, along with our own financial story and a testimony of debt elimination. Learn how Amy and I started Escape Code, The Axe Game a…
Sept. 27, 2019

The Church's Greatest Failure of the Last 40 Years?

The church has largely surrendered the mantle of prophet in favor of the title of salesman. Everything from Christian rock to seeker sensitive ministries has resulted in a lukewarm stew that will soon be vomited out of God's…
Sept. 23, 2019

Barriers to Breakthrough You May Not Have Considered

In today's podcast I discuss two barriers to breakthrough that many people don't consider: 1. They should not pursue full-time ministry, or they should leave full-time ministry. They aren't graced for it. 2. They need to mov…
Sept. 22, 2019

The Gift of Discernment or a Gift of Suspicion?

Instead of celebrating repentance, many Christians are rejecting the confession of people like Benny Hinn, claiming they are "discerning" the truth beyond the surface. There is no biblical gift of discernment. What they are …
Sept. 13, 2019

Suicide, Christians and Eternity

This is a MUST LISTEN to podcast on a critical issue that is sure to disturb many...with the ultimate goal of warning all about the seriousness and finality of eternity.
Sept. 9, 2019

Stop with the Church Gimmicks and Contend for Revival!

I'm SO DONE with all of the foolish church gimmicks pastors are employing to draw a crowd and to create a "fun, family" atmosphere. STOP IT! We need to encounter deity! We need the fire of the Holy Spirit to come down and sc…
Sept. 7, 2019

Get Angry at False and Immoral Ministers!

So, there's a rising mean and nasty spirit on social media today regarding failed and flawed ministers. Listen as I deal with how to rightly deal with issues of immorality and false teaching.
Sept. 6, 2019

HERETIC! We Need to be CAREFUL When Using That Word!

BE CAREFUL, use wisdom, be honoring, be teachable and walk in the fear of the Lord whenever you think of labeling someone as a HERETIC! You need to be OK with supporting ministers who you don't always agree with. For example…
Sept. 4, 2019

Quit Being So Serious - Having Fun, Boycotts and More!

I'm coming at you from a different direction in this podcast. I usually hit on the call to holiness, intensely fulfilling your ministry, etc. Today? I want to encourage you to have FUN! All the time! Fill your life with trip…
Aug. 31, 2019

Just Pray About it and Let God Move—Wrong Answer!

It sounds spiritual. It has the appearance of humility. It seems nice. However, it's often flat out wrong and a direct rejection of biblical directives. What is it? Just "praying about it" and letting God handle it. What is …
Aug. 28, 2019

Bethel Church, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner and the Seduction of Hyper-Love

We've sadly seen two disappointing replies to two different serious situations in the body of Christ in the span of just a few days. Bethel Church responded very poorly to a request for clarification to a confusing and dange…
Aug. 26, 2019

Todd Bentley and the Two-Headed Monster of Hyper-Grace and Hyper-Love

The uniting of two sinister forces, hyper-grace and hyper-love, has created a ferocious monster that is devastating lives. I believe there are two evil, powerful and seductive demonic spirits that are roaming freely in churc…
Aug. 26, 2019

Can Christians be LGBTQ+? A Bethel Church Controversy

CHANGED, a ministry of Bethel Church in Redding, California, included the following statement in a post: God loves all people, LGBTQ+ and straight. The message of CHANGED has never been “All Must Change.” We share these stor…
Aug. 25, 2019

The Heresy of Hyper-Grace: Millions at Risk of Hell

The seduction of hyper-grace is drawing millions of people away from the truth, and this heretical teaching is filling churches all over the globe. Multiplied millions of people are at risk of Hell, even though they are conv…
Aug. 24, 2019

Flawed Evangelism and No Judgment Zones

So much of today's Christian culture is "drunk on love" and is quick to renounce the concepts of judgment and wrath, fully in opposition to biblical truth.
Aug. 23, 2019

Grace Focused Churches Can Threaten Revival

There are churches that don't go as far as heretical hyper-grace, but they do promote grace, non-stop, to the exclusion of critical biblical truths. Repentance, hell, sin, brokenness, the terror of the Lord and other core Ch…
Aug. 23, 2019

Snowflake Christians

I'm so tired of snowflake Christians who can't handle intense truth, hellfire preaching and aggressive messages. They fatten themselves on soft spoken, poetry reading style teachers and worship music that never moves beyond …
Aug. 21, 2019

Quit being a prophetic weirdo! You may NOT be hearing God.

We need integrity and maturity in the prophetic today more than ever! You don't need to be a prophetic weirdo and you don't need to say, "God said," every time you have a spiritual thought! Listen to this podcast and make yo…
Aug. 20, 2019

BAD TIPPERS Get Called Out!

Okay, a nerve was hit! You have to listen to this raw yet fun podcast. I don't hold back dealing with the nasty spirits that are driving bad tippers. We should tip HUGE no matter the situation! We aren't called to teach serv…
Aug. 20, 2019

The Very Best Sex

So, I told my wife I was writing an article on sex. She laughed and said, "You don't know anything about sex!" After my crushed ego was healed (not really), I laughed right back and said, "I know! But, people need to hear ab…
Aug. 19, 2019

Leaving the ministry for your wife's emotional health

I'm convinced there are MANY pastors who need to step out of pastoral ministry and get a secular job for the sake of their wive's spiritual and emotional health. The reason many pastors wives are spiritually and emotionally …
Aug. 15, 2019

Extreme Holy Spirit Activity - Today's Church Is Not Spirit-Filled Enough

Even today's most Spirit-filled churches must embrace radical reformation. Listen as I describe the 2 Chronicles church model, a revelation-driven, prophetic model, that must come to the church, and fast.