Read Charisma Magazine articles by John Burton


July 12, 2019

The Rise and Danger of Mega Grace Churches

I am a proponent of unifying around the absolutes of Scripture while rejecting what so many of the heresy hunters are doing. I don't want to come against legitimate movements, even if there is some error on a lower level, if…
May 31, 2019

The grace camp rejects fervent prayer and passion for Jesus as works?

You'd be shocked at how often people in the grace camp wholeheartedly reject fiery devotion to Jesus and an intense commitment to prayer as works. Thoughts?
May 31, 2019

The danger of the grace movement

While not as dangerous as the hyper-grace message, grace churches that major in the positives and minimize critical truths are putting millions at risk of eternal separation from Jesus
May 28, 2019

Are you really ready for the great tribulation?

The way you prepare as a pre-tribber is RADICALLY different than the way you prepare as one who believes he will go through the great tribulation as a Christian.
March 9, 2019

Haters and Debaters—Addressing a Contentious Christian Culture

Addressing error without compromising our credibility The need for people who rightly divide the truth is only going to escalate as the end-times season we are in continues to unfold. These Bereans are valuable and it would …
March 5, 2019

Extreme Supernatural: Bizarre Emotionalism or a Key to Breakthrough?

The weird and wonderful realm of the supernatural may contain the key to your breakthrough! I refuse to tone down the activity of the Holy Spirit out of respect of those less hungry. That’s been a commitment of my ministry f…
March 1, 2019

Dressing Up Jesus—Misguided Attempts to Make Jesus Attractive

Evangelism and church growth strategies have gone off the rails in an attempt to close the sale. Enough. The church has been failing far too miserably for far too long in one specific area—dressing up Jesus. This tragedy is …
Feb. 28, 2019

7 Reasons Pastors are Silent, Passive and Disengaged

In a generation marked by child killing, illicit sexual sin, rampant rebellion and a society that's growing more wicked by the hour, many pastors are remaining silent. I share seven reasons why pastors are refusing to wield …
Feb. 26, 2019

Killing Children: Sanctioned Slaughter of Kids of All Ages

Slaughtering anything that threatens what people value is next on Satan’s plan for America. I’ve been saying for years that we are moving closer and closer to a reality in our nation that includes killing children well after…
Feb. 16, 2019

Pastors: Ten Reasons Why Intercessors Aren’t Attending Your Prayer Meetings

If God is awakening people to the power of prayer, why aren’t the prayer rooms full? If there is a growing remnant of people who yearn to encounter God and to contend for the passions of his heart night and day, why do pasto…
March 31, 2018

Are Spirit-filled churches filled enough?

We need an Azusa style explosion in our churches again!
March 25, 2018

Do we have to go to church?

I hear all the time the "the church isn't a building." It's an excuse to avoid gathering under leadership, which is the definition of the church.
March 16, 2018

Can we be saved if we aren't on fire for Jesus?

The Bible reveals the lukewarm will be rejected by God.
March 12, 2018

Should the Holy Spirit be allowed to redirect church services?

So many people are frustrated with ordered church services. They want God to move more freely. Just what does that mean?
March 6, 2018

Should I leave my dead church?

Many leaders are counseling people to leave dead churches. Is this appropriate?
March 3, 2018

Hollywood is right. Prayer does not work.

If prayer is usually ineffective for most Christians, it makes perfect sense that prayer wouldn't work for the lost.
March 2, 2018

Don't be dependent on your church for fire

You are called to burn night and day, and the lack of fire or depth at your church should not stop you!
Feb. 28, 2018

The Edge of Rejection

Break free from the spirit of rejection in your life!
Feb. 25, 2018

It may be time for you to leave full-time ministry.

A richer and more impacting life may be waiting for you on the other side of full-time ministry.
Feb. 25, 2018

Some plant, some water

A message on how to handle our various assignments in ministry. Some plant, and may never see impact, increase or fulfillment of the vision. As they pass the baton, those who water can experience the fulfillment of the call …