
March 3, 2023

Derek Prince (One of the greatest 20th Century Bible Scholars and Teachers)

Discover how God used Derek Prince to break up the ground and stronghold of Replacement Theology in the Church.
Feb. 24, 2023

The Church and Israel End Up in the Same Place

Discover how this happens.
Feb. 17, 2023

Pockets of Spiritual Awakenings Amongst the Jewish People

This will not ALL happen at the end.
Feb. 10, 2023

Romans 11 - Path # 3 - And the Third Question - Those Hardened

Israel suffers judgment, dispersion but then RESTORATION .
Feb. 3, 2023

Something is Unique with Israel’s Suffering and with Mashiach/Christ’s

Learn about the connection here and how we need to comfort Jewish people now (see Isaiah 40:1-2).
Jan. 27, 2023

Have We Really Understood What Israel faced?

We need to rediscover purpose and function of the law to bring sin into account.
Jan. 20, 2023

Path # 2 - The Second Question - Those Veiled!

“What then/ What the people of Israel sought so earnestly they did not obtain, the elect did, but the other were hardened' - Rom.11:7
Jan. 13, 2023

Path #1 - The First Question - Who is the Remnant of Israel?

“I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no means! - Rom.11:1
Jan. 6, 2023

One Body with Distinctive Roles

One Olive Tree with unique expressions from all of His children.
Dec. 16, 2022

God’s Covenants are Irrevocable

Discover how the end-time Church has a huge role to play in Israel’s salvation.
Dec. 9, 2022

Yeshua, Jesus Shifts the Authority of God

Does anyone ever talk about the mountain that Yeshua/Jesus cast into the sea?
Dec. 2, 2022

The Israel of God

Now that Israel is awakening, discover how the union between Jewish and Gentile believers is essential to God’s end-time plans.
Nov. 25, 2022

We are Grafted into Israel

Discover what Scripture says about this.
Nov. 18, 2022

Who is Israel?

Is the Church Israel? Is Israel the Church? We need greater clarity here!
Oct. 28, 2022

Hidden From Prior Generations

Discover why The Reconnection message is only being made known now during this time of Israel’s spiritual awakening and not in the Church age.
Oct. 21, 2022

This is the Hour Before the Wedding!

Discover the time period we are in before Yeshua/Jesus returns and how His Body needs to prepare for it.
Oct. 14, 2022

This is the Message of the Hour

Understanding the Significance of Restoration in God’s believing family and ALL that it means to God’s end-time plans for the last great Harvest, Israel’s salvation, and the Return of the Lord.
Oct. 7, 2022

The Father’s Heart

Listen to the very core message of The Reconnection in John 17 and The One New Man
Sept. 30, 2022

How has Antisemitism influenced our theology?

We must be honest with our past if we want the Father to clean us up and get us ready for His end-time plans
Sept. 23, 2022

With the Measure you Have Used, a Universal Principle

Learn how past actions of the Church against the Jewish people are still affecting the Church today and how Yeshua/Jesus wants to free us from these past influences.
Sept. 16, 2022

How Did This Deception Occur?

Learn how the enemy has used these influences against us in the Church.
Sept. 9, 2022

The Enemy Can Influence The Generational Bloodline

Gain a deeper understanding of Generational influences and how to break them off!
Sept. 2, 2022

Understanding Generational Bloodline Issues

How they can affect us and how to break them off!
Aug. 26, 2022

Generational Antisemitism and its Influences

Learn how the enemy has been using this. And how the Father wants it broken off His children in the nations to prepare us to become closer with Israel and especially our Jewish believing family.