How can I learn to become more sensitive in the way I communicate and share my faith with Jewish people?
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. The Reconnection message has been hidden during the Church age and must now come to l…
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. Learn why a Reconnection in The One New Man (TONM) is needed now as we move into Isra…
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. The Romans 911 Project Podcast The names of the two podcasts are - Understanding…
Grant Berry takes us deeper into understanding the significance of The Reconnection message as it applies to each of us in these end days. The Romans 911 Project Podcast The names of the two podcasts are - Understanding …
Grant Berry begins to touch on the shift that is taking place in the Body of Messiah/Christ to prepare us for these end of days and the great need to be able to recognize it through the eyes of the Father. http…
Grant Berry begins to touch on the shift that is taking place in the Body of Messiah/Christ to prepare us for these end of days and the great need to be able to recognize it through the eyes of the Father. http…
Grant Berry begins to touch on the shift that is taking place in the Body of Messiah/Christ to prepare us for these end of days and the great need to be able to recognize it through the eyes of the Father. http…
Grant Berry touches on the Unique transaction that is about to take place in the Body of Messiah/Christ between Jewish and Gentile believers now that Israel’s spiritual awakening is upon us. https://www.faceboo…
Grant Berry introduces The Romans 911 Project and its significance in the Restoration of The One New Man and John 17 love and unity , along with a description of the books and written materials. https://www.fac…
The Romans 911 Project is establishing a pathway for Restoration and Reconciliation to take place in the family of God. We call this message “The Reconnection.” Every episode is a comprehensive study in The One New Man ( TON…