
May 2, 2023

God Is Calling You To An Abundant Life with Matt Tommey

Best-selling author, artist, entrepreneur, and mentor Matt Tommey passionately discusses the importance of living in the abundance of God's Kingdom on the Jaime Luce Podcast. Have you been living a life where you feel consta…
April 25, 2023

Do You Fear God? Christians Need To Answer This Question

What does it mean to fear God? Important truths lie in this uncomfortable question. In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we have a heart-to-heart on why it’s important to fear God and how it helps us understand our sal…
April 18, 2023

The Key To Prosperity and Supernatural Change

We all want to succeed and meet our goals in life, but what does it take to prosper and truly bring supernatural change that alters our lives for the better? In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we deep dive and discus…
April 11, 2023

Face Your Giants And Break Cycles with Christ

Have you been stuck in a vicious cycle that makes you feel trapped and unable to move forward? Do you ask yourself questions like, “How did I get here?” or “God, where are you?” Whether you got to this point yourself or beca…
April 4, 2023

Fill The Need: When Business and The Church Unite with Joel Luce

The CEO of Previon and my wonderful husband, Joel Luce, joins us to discuss the importance of connecting the business world and the House of God to create abundance for the local church on the Jaime Luce Podcast. Many people…
March 28, 2023

Unleash Your Faith In The Darkness

Our moments of darkness can leave us in a state of despair. We can create an overwhelming atmosphere of fear if we do not know how to navigate ourselves spiritually. But God tells us not to fear! Why? Because HE is working i…
March 21, 2023

Recognize Satan's Tactics Against You

It's no secret that we are living in challenging times. We can quickly become overwhelmed or anxious by the serious events happening worldwide. During times like these, it is easy to believe the lies the enemy throws at us. …
March 14, 2023

The Truth About Tithing

Money is a touchy subject for most people. No one likes to be told how or where to spend their finances. Add God to the mix, and a simple conversation turns into a bitter, angry debate. So what does the Bible say about money…
March 7, 2023

Supernaturally Confront Your Sorrow with Adalis Shuttlesworth

Every one of us has dealt with deep pain, and Adalis Shuttlesworth says we must walk through the trenches of grief to heal! The severity of those circumstances can leave us feeling weak, angry, or depressed. It can cause us …
Feb. 28, 2023

Your Glory Days Are Not Behind You

As the world seems to get more complicated, we start to gravitate toward the “simplicity” of our past. We try to relive our “glory days,” thinking it will satisfy and propel us forward. But Jesus does not want you stuck in y…
Feb. 21, 2023

Endgame: The Significance of Finishing Strong

Have you ever heard the saying, "It doesn't matter how you start. It matters how you finish."? This phrase exemplifies seeking the Lord and having an eternal mindset! We can't just begin with God. You have to REMAIN WITH HIM…
Feb. 14, 2023

God Wants To Restore Your Lost Years with Glenn Bleakney

The Founder & President of Awake Nations Ministries and the Kingdom Community, Glenn Bleakney, explains how God can restore your wasted years and fulfill the plans He has for you on the Jaime Luce Podcast. You may feel too m…
Feb. 7, 2023

The Secret To Living In Supernatural Peace

While in an era of disagreements, we can all agree on pursuing personal peace. Unfortunately, we cannot tap into peace and stability if we don’t know its source. In this episode of the Jaime Luce Podcast, we examine the secr…
Jan. 31, 2023

Words Determine Your Joy with Britt Gusmus

Christian speaker and author Britt Gusmus explains how being an offering to others brings miraculous satisfaction and eternal joy to our soul on the Jaime Luce Podcast. Every day, people seek out ways to find happiness. We m…
Jan. 24, 2023

Tithing: The Gift That Keeps On Giving with Joel Luce

The CEO of Previon, my wonderful husband, Joel Luce shares the total life impact of tithing. Managing finances is a significant challenge for anyone working nine-to-five and business owners. But what if I told you that there…
Jan. 17, 2023

You Can Do The Impossible with God's Might

Everyone has the same opportunity that can determine your outcome: time and chance. As Christians, we need to understand how to make the most out of our situations with the tools God has given us. In this episode, we will di…
Jan. 10, 2023

Recognize Sin To Find Prosperity with Tiff Shuttlesworth

Evangelist Tiff Shutteslworth breaks down how sin develops and the importance of identifying it to live holy and victoriously. As Christian adults, it is vital to understand how to live a holy life the way God intended. We m…
Jan. 3, 2023

Walk Into The New Year As A Conquerer

"New Year. New You." You have probably heard this saying or said it yourself. But what does it take to be a "new you" and have a prosperous year? How will you approach goals and heart-filled desires for the next 365 days? In…
Dec. 27, 2022

Your Small Beginning Is The Key To God's Big Future

The week before the New Year is a time of reflection for many. We evaluate what has been essential to us and determine if we have been "successful" in the eyes of our piers or, more importantly, ourselves. We may look at our…
Dec. 20, 2022

The Manger: The Sign of Your Provision

Christmas is here, and this season brings a flood of challenges, but I want to tell you that the manger is a SIGN of your provision. Are you looking for a miracle? Are you hoping to see your prayers come to fruition as the y…
Dec. 13, 2022

Step Out of The Drought And Into God's Promises

Seasons of struggle can last years, and it can feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But do not give in to the weight of today's burden! God equipped you with the answers to your hardship! He has your miracle…
Dec. 6, 2022

Receive Your God-Ordained Miracle

Seasons of struggle can wreak havoc in our lives and deplete our spirit. Like me, I'm sure you've prayed to God for relief, but sometimes we aren't listening to what He is telling us. As a result, we miss out on His plan of …
Nov. 29, 2022

Are Strongholds Keeping You From Divine Calling?

Do you feel stuck? Is there a holding pattern in your life that is separating you from your divine calling? You may know what God wants you to do, but you have allowed a stronghold to pull you away from His purpose. To secur…
Nov. 22, 2022

Your 100-Fold Blessing

At one point or another, we have prayed for a monumental blessing to move in our life. To see our prayers come to pass, we must trust in Him by being grateful for what God is currently doing and what He will do in our future…