
Nov. 15, 2022

The Kinsman Redeemer: Save What You Lost

Have you lost something in your life that you need to reclaim - health, finances, relationships, or anything? It is time to walk in your Kingdom Authority and tap into a source that can avenge your debts. But you can only ac…
Nov. 8, 2022

Walk Away To Find God's Will

There is always a right circumstance for us. The key is understanding how to tap into it by observing what we need to let go of. God has His will waiting for us, but we must learn to walk away from situations holding us back…
Nov. 1, 2022

How To Heal Through Responsibility and Faith

Our attitude can change how we see ourselves. It allows us to view our life through a lens of self-pity or responsibility. How we change our mindset comes down to one thing: faith. To overcome circumstances and heal from har…
Oct. 25, 2022

How To Use Your Kingdom Authority In Prayer

As Christians, we have an identity problem. We question who we are, what power we have, and what our purpose is. However, there is a simple solution to this: prayer. To understand who we are and be confident in our authority…
Oct. 18, 2022

Plug Into A Warfare Prayer Source

Are you facing spiritual warfare in your life that you can’t get past? No matter how much you pray, is that stronghold fighting back? While there is power in prayer, you must connect to the right source! Today, I discuss how…
Oct. 11, 2022

Do It Scared, God Is With You

Is there a battle you're afraid to face? Is it the fear of confrontation or the fear of the struggle itself? What if I told you there is a process that can help you succeed in every challenge? Today, we discuss the formula f…
Oct. 4, 2022

Right Place. God's Time?

God's timing is everything. Do you ever find yourself in a situation and ask a question like, "God, what do I do?" The deeper question you should ask is, "What time is it? Is. it Gods' time or mine?" In this episode, we disc…
Sept. 27, 2022

God’s measure of a Man and what about Works?

If we are to do the works that Jesus did and even greater, how do we accomplish that and by what means does God measure us and our work? These are important questions we need answers to if we are to do what God expects of us…
Sept. 20, 2022

Do You Have Proof God Is Real?

In order to stand strong in this last day, and to make sure our children are saved, we need proof that God is real. In Joshua we read that only those who saw what God did for themselves believed and served Him. We must be wi…
Sept. 13, 2022

Choose Your Hard

Making good decisions is critical. And leading from faith and not fear is essential. According to God, obedience is faith and disobedience because of fear is contempt for God. Facing our giants may be hard, but dying in the …
Sept. 6, 2022

The Reward of Demanding Faith

Caleb was a man with a different spirit who wasn’t afraid to face giants and take his mountain. In Fact, he demanding that he be given that task to inherit what God said was his and his descendants. We can deploy the same fo…
Aug. 30, 2022

How to overcome the Global reset

The last two years has brought discouragement, disappointment, and trauma. All of this has in part been part of a larger scheme to rebuild on new foundations built with man's hands. But we have instructions for being over-co…
Aug. 23, 2022

Don't Quit Now! Try Again!

If you have fought battles and lost, God is saying “get up” let’s deal with the loss and fight again. You will get the victory this time. Just follow my instructions. In this episode we give you the instructions God gave Jos…
Aug. 16, 2022

God will do it again for you

The root word for testimony pulls back the curtain on God's plan. He wants to repeat, duplicate, and do it again for us. If we've seen Him do it, then testify because He wants to do it again. My latest book “You don’t need m…
Aug. 9, 2022

God wants to do a miracle for you

The testimony not only builds faith but by definition, it means God wants to repeat, do again, and duplicate what He has done for others for you. I’m proud to announce that my podcast is part of the Charisma Plus App! This C…
Aug. 2, 2022

5 Essential Requirements to enter your Promised Land.

God led Joshua and the children of Israel through the Jordan to inherit their Promised Land. Joshua’s journey demonstrates 5 key requirements that led to them walking into their inheritance. If we want to conquer ours she sh…
July 26, 2022

Where to turn in financial crises.

We have a dependable, always available source. Going to the right source inevitably affects your outcome. Visit my website at www.jaimeluce.com I’m proud to announce that my podcast is part of the Charisma Plus App! This Chr…
July 19, 2022

You don't need money you just need God with special guest Judy Mercer

In the description let's just say the title sounds pretty audacious. But the fact is it's true. Regardless of what you face the answer isn't money. The answer is in who you know. Visit my website at www.jaimeluce.com I’m pro…
July 12, 2022

True Self-care. Spirit, Soul, and body

In order to thrive and not just survive this world’s agenda over you, you must live as God designed it. Spirit first, then Soul, and then body. There is a divine order and process that leads to a healthy mindset and spirit-l…
July 5, 2022

Laying hold of peace in the middle of transition and trouble

Laying hold of peace in the middle of transition and trouble After Jesus’ death, the plans, security, and position of the disciples were thrown into chaos. Fearing the government and their futures they hid. Jesus brought the…
June 28, 2022

The source of fruitfulness and answered prayers

It is our blessing and expectation, that we should produce fruit in our lives whether in relationships, business, ministry, or finances. Regardless of the arena, we should be seeing fruit. In this episode, we show how to pro…
June 21, 2022

The position that sets you up for the answer

When we need answers, being close to the one who knows the answer is key. John the beloved knew this and was positioned for answers when it was critical to know them. You can know what John knew and get the answers you need …
June 14, 2022

Hope After Life's Shipwreck

You can be doing everything right and still face storms of enormous proportion. But there is always hope. We uncover the three steps to take during your stormy journey to purpose and the promise we have to carry us through t…
June 7, 2022

Frontline efforts in Ukraine and Russia, and organ harvesting of trafficked children in Costa Rica. With special guest Shawn Stone

With so much confusion surrounding Ukraine and Russia, we sat down with Shawn Stone, the director of victims of war with Far Reaching Ministries to ask what’s happening. Shawn also shares the horror of child trafficking and …