
Dec. 7, 2021

Peace, A Weapon of Mass Destruction

Today’s Podcast is… “Peace, A Weapon of Mass Destruction against schemes of the enemy!” When you generally think of Peace, I don’t think many people think of it as a Weapon of mass Destruction… BUT IT IS! Peace is actually a…
Nov. 30, 2021

Our Marriage Anniversary The Kingdom Part 7 “Putting On Righteousness”

In this podcast I am setting the stage to share about the The Pillars of The Kingdom. Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Grace and Truth. The foundations of the Kingdom, Faith Hope and Love, here on earth, will never leave and will …
Nov. 23, 2021

The Kingdom Part 6 “The Dichotomy of The Kingdom”

We just finished up on The foundations of The Kingdom which were Faith Hope and Love taken from 1 Corinthians 13:13, These three things REMAIN, Faith, Hope and Love, BUT the greatest of these is Love! Before you were saved y…
Nov. 16, 2021

The Kingdom Part 5, “The Answer is, Love

You were created by LOVE, because of LOVE to be a target of perfect LOVE! Hey Everyone! This week I am sharing on the foundation of everything… LOVE!!! 1 Corinthians 13:13, These three things REMAIN, Faith, Hope and Love, BU…
Nov. 9, 2021

The Audacity of Hope!”

The Audacity of Hope! If you can give someone Hope today, you give them Life for tomorrow. On today’s Episode I will be sharing on what hope is and what it is not. Also, How do you use Hope or what is the Purpose of Hope? He…
Nov. 2, 2021

The Kingdom Part 3 “Faith”

Were continuing on our series of The Kingdom. This week I’m gonna tackle the enormous topic of Faith as one of the fundamental building blocks of the Kingdom. I start off with 1Corinthians 13:13 1 Corinthians 13:13(NKJV), An…
Oct. 26, 2021

The Kingdom Part 2

Act 1:3 … and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. So why is the Lord leading me to Teach on this topic? Great question! I so endeavour to be led by the Holy Spirit on these Podcasts. I’m not just emptyin…
Oct. 19, 2021

The Kingdom Part 1

Welcome back to Wake Up Into Your Dream! Over the next several weeks I am going to be sharing on The Kingdom of God. I think I may take about ten weeks to introduce and share on, The foundations of His Kingdom. The Pillars s…
Oct. 12, 2021

Gratefulness Will Determine Your Greatness

Your Attitude of Gratitude will determine your Altitude! Psalm 100:4, " Enter into His gates with thanksgiving , And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name." You literally enter through the gate …
Oct. 5, 2021

The Prophetic Part 9 “Seeing”

If you Can SEE it you can have It!!! Say it! If I can see it, I can have it!!! What you see in the Spirit you can manifest it in the natural. What you see will often proceed the hearing. Consequentially what you can’t see is…
Sept. 28, 2021

The Prophetic Part 8 “Hearing”

Very excited about this Episode on, Hearing! This Part 8 of our series of The Prophetic. I thought I would kinda give The Prophetic movement a proverbial booster shot in the arm, through this series. My Prophetic friends aro…
Sept. 21, 2021

The Prophetic Part 7 “Receiving”

Welcome Back! AAAAAAnd Welcome to week 52!!! I’m not going to make a big deal out of it, but It’s been a full year of this and I’m pretty excited that we are about to start another year with y’all, as my Dixie momma would sa…
Sept. 14, 2021

The Prophetic Part 6 “PERCEIVING”

Hey Everybody! We’re continuing on our series on The Prophetic and this week I am presenting a very important part of The Prophetic and that is, “Perceiving”! The truth is that we can all hear from the Lord, but are we perce…
Sept. 7, 2021

The Prophetic Part 5 “Frequency”

Frequency?!?! What in the world does, “The Prophetic”, have to do with Frequency? So here we go… Before you were in your mothers womb. When you were all together ONE with the Father of Lights within the Glory realm of His he…
Aug. 31, 2021

The Prophetic Part 4 “Why You Must Prophesy?”

Why You Must Prophecy! That’s a pretty Bold statement! In this part 4 of the series on The Prophetic I get into the ultimate importance to you beginning to prophecy and the fact that you CAN prophesy and how your world, your…
Aug. 24, 2021

The Greatest Prophetic Revelation I EVER received! | Why Did God Want to Be known as Saviour?

Why did God want to be known as Jesus? The title says Saviour, but that’s what Jesus’ name means. Jesus or Yeshua or Joshua. All mean, One who Saves or Saviour. So why be known as Saviour more than any other definition of Hi…
Aug. 17, 2021

The Prophetic Part 2 “The Spirit Of Prophesy”

The Prophetic… A lot of things come to mind when you think of what the Prophetic represents or even what people think of when you begin to speak about these topics. Many think it is mystical and ethereal. Where others have t…
Aug. 10, 2021

The Prophetic Part 1, Prophesying The Word of The Lord for 5782 PEY BET

5782 The Year PEY BET PEY: The Open Mouth BET: The House, as in Bethlehem or Bethesda Please hear what I am saying… This Word is an Invitation NOT condemnation. PEY BET, Open mouth in the House! The Ruach HaKodesh is about S…
Aug. 3, 2021

Love Part 5, You Will Do Anything For Love!

For my daughters birthday one year, several years ago, one of her friends decides that Sarah needed a cat for her birthday. I was like noway! There is noway we are bringing a cat into this house! So marshmallow came home on…
July 27, 2021

Love Part 4, “Love Covers and Love Smothers”

Love is a mass weapon of destruction against the plots and schemes of the evil one! 1 Peter 4:8 - And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “ love will cover a multitude of sins.” When you release love into…
July 20, 2021

Love Part 3, The Why

LOVE is, the WHY! You were created by LOVE, because of LOVE to eventually be a target of perfect LOVE! Several years ago, I was lying in my bed, actually more appropriately, lying in the valley of the shadow of death! Actua…
July 13, 2021

His Love, The Much More Excellent Way!

My Grandfather taught me about… Ka nah rohn kwa. Ka nah rohn kwa is Mohawk for… I Love You. It’s very interesting to note that in the midst of Ka nah rohn kwa is another Mohawk word… Ohn Kwa. Ohn Kwa in Mohawk means medicine…
July 6, 2021


Hey Everybody!!! I am starting a new series on LOVE! This may take an eternity to cover, but I will try to squeeze it into about 5 or 6:-) Please don’t think… Barry has run out of material and is reverting to such common top…
June 29, 2021

INTEGRITY, an Inside Job

While doing some studying and in a time of pray this week, I found myself singing this this old Methodist Gospel song from the early 70's ... Fill my cup,Lord: Fill my cup, Lord I lift it up, Lord Come and Quench this Thirst…