
June 22, 2021

“Life In The Spirit” Part 5 “Walking In The Spirit”

How do you handle problems of life? How do you deal with, conquer and thrive in this season? How We Thrive and not just survive? In part 5 of, Walking In The Spirit, I share from 2Timothy 1, how the Apostle Paul helped his s…
June 15, 2021

“Life In The Spirit” Part 4 “Walking In The Spirit”

You Came into the world with more resources than you can use in 10 Lifetimes! Ephesians 3:20 says, Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, …
June 8, 2021

“Life In The Spirit” Part 3 “Walking In The Spirit”

This week we are going deeper into the series of, “Life In the Spirit”, with Part 3 “Walking In The Spirit”. Very excited to release this one to y’all. It has some serious juice on it! I’m building a framework and systematic…
June 1, 2021

“Life In The Spirit” Part 2 “Walking In The Spirit”

When you became Born Again, Born from Above, Born of The Spirit, Holy Spirit actually came into you and you actually became ONE with Holy Spirit! This according to 1 Corinthians 6:17 and John 17:20-23. The key to living a vi…
May 25, 2021

Life In The Spirit, Part 1 | Walking In The Spirit

I am beginning a series on Life in The Spirit, starting with, “Walking In The Spirit”. So to begin to talk about Life in the Spirit and Walking in the Spirit, Let’s first review what it is to be Born Again or Born from Above…
May 18, 2021

“Word’s” Part 6 “Speaking In Tongues”

In Acts 2 is the place in the Bible that shows where the Church was born. There were 120 people gathered in a place in ONE accord. They waited for the Promise of the Father and on the 10th day they were all filled with the H…
May 11, 2021

Part 5 “Words” “Kingdom process for a Victorious Life”

There are Rules of Engagement that you must operate in to be victorious in any environment! The Rules of engagement in the Kingdom God are simple in this realm that is, Seedtime and Harvest! Whatsoever a man sows that shall …
May 4, 2021

Part 4 Words, “Life and Death are in the Power of your Spoken Word”

Hey Dreamers!!! Through consistency and quantity you have great moments of Quality! As you are faithful in decreeing the Word of the Lord you will create funnels of His resources to brought into your life! Don’t allow yourse…
April 27, 2021

Part 3, Words, “Creative Power of Spoken Words”

When heaven connects with earth everything changes. When heaven connects to earth, enemies are scattered. One way heaven connects to earth is through the spoken word. Jesus said that the words He speaks are spirit and life. …
April 20, 2021

Part 2, Words | Why Word’s are so Important?

So, Why Are Words So Important? So here we go! I have a bit of a backstory! Ladies and gentlemen, “ Before there was a was, there was a God and He was Dreaming about... YOU!” Before time began and before there was a throne f…
April 13, 2021

Part 1, Words | Is There Not a… Spoken Word!?

It’s about 3:16 am, I am awoken by thoughts of intimidation and swirling imaginations, that I know are coming from the enemy of my dream. So I get up and begin the war of word’s as I begin to parry with the weapon of my word…
April 6, 2021


Happy Easter Everyone! I know it’s April 6th, but I didn’t get to wish y’all a Happy Easter, so their you go! So let’s jump right into this episode called, Paid In Full! I felt the anointing as I released this one! Jump on t…
March 30, 2021

Discovering The Real You!

On this weeks episode will be, Discovering The Real You! You are actually a Dream that has come out of the heart of the Source of all. I call you, a Dream wrapped in flesh. This Dream called you, has come into this realm as …
March 23, 2021

Overcomer’s Series, part 6 “The Pen, Overcoming Betrayal and Offence”

On this weeks Podcast I will be dealing with how to stay in the dream in the midst of betrayal and how to overcome the spirit of offence! So many times we are about to take our next step into the fulfillment of our Dream/pur…
March 16, 2021

Overcomer’s Series, part 5 “The Pad, Overcoming the spirit of accusation”

This week’s episode is on Overcoming the spirit of accusation! We are on part 5 of the Overcomer’s series, using Joseph’s life as a template for being an overcomer. We will be studying how he went form the Pit, to the Pad, t…
March 9, 2021

Overcomer’s Series, part 4 “Staying The Course”

There are a lot of circumstances and situations that are trying stop you from fulfilling God’s Divinely Designed Dream for your life! Today I am continuing on the Overcomer’s Series, Part 4 called, Staying The Course and Fin…
March 2, 2021

Overcomer’s Series, part 3 "Processing, Progressing and Possessing  The Dream"!

Today I am continuing on the Overcomer’s series with the life of Joseph as a template for an overcomer that literally saved the world! By him staying in the process making progress and possessing God’s Divinely Designed Drea…
Feb. 23, 2021

The Great Setup

The podcast you’re about to hear was a word that Chuck Pierce asked me to send down to them at Glory of Zion. He will be releasing it there soon, but I wanted to get this anointing into my podcast people’s lives! I am prophe…
Feb. 16, 2021

The Overcomer’s Part 2: A Promise to War With

This week I’m continuing on with answering the very relevant Question of… What do I do when I don’t see what I have been believing for?! This is what you do, You with a Promise of God! Last week I set up the foundation, BUT …
Feb. 9, 2021

The Overcomer's Part 1: What Do You Do, When You Don’t See What You Have Been Believing For

On today’s Podcast I will be sharing on, “What Do You Do, When You Don’t See What You Have Been Believing For”. I’m continuing on this series of becoming Overcomer’s! Last we I shared on Overcoming Faith! The Bible says in R…
Feb. 2, 2021

Overcoming Faith

On today’s Episode I will be sharing on… What is Overcoming Faith. How to get Overcoming Faith and Why we need Overcoming Faith 1 John 5:4 says, “… This is the victory that has overcome the world, EVEN OUR FAITH. ” There is …
Jan. 26, 2021

THREE WORDS For The Year, TWENTY TWENTY… As ONE! “Family, Fruitfulness and Dominion!” | Part 4

Today we are talking about Dominion… What is Dominion, What Dominion is Not and Why Dominion? Dominion: Genesis 1:28, 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “ Be fruitful and multiply ; fill the earth and subdue it;…
Jan. 19, 2021

THREE WORDS For The Year, TWENTY TWENTY… As ONE! “Family, Fruitfulness and Dominion!” | Part 3

The topic for this podcast is, “Fruitfulness”, which is part 3 of the word the Lord gave me for this year. I am breaking this word down into 4 parts. Two weeks ago a shared an overview of the word and for the following three…
Jan. 12, 2021

THREE WORDS For The Year, TWENTY TWENTY… As ONE! “Family, Fruitfulness and Dominion!” | Part 2

Once Again… Happy New Year Everybody! It’s time to Dream Again, Believe Again and Hope Again! I truly do hope that you had an amazing Holiday season. I believe with all my heart that in this year God is highlighting three Wo…