This is the third episode of a three-part series on Prayer that Opens Doors. We looked at Praise first, then Thanks last week. And today we consider a powerful key that can open tightly shut doors—and minds and hearts. When …
I used to think I knew how to pray. Then this wilderness journey with my wandering son required desperate prayer. And I moved into a new dimension of what it meant to pray. Even now I realize I still know so little about pra…
In kids’ sports there is often a “mercy rule.” If one team gets far ahead, the game is called. It seems only kind and fair to not embarrass or demoralize the kids who are losing so badly. In life it rarely works that way. Th…
I would love for you to celebrate Steve with me on July 12, which would have been his 79th birthday. Steve had many gifts, strengths and qualities, which blessed me over and over. Here's a replay episode full of Steve’s wisd…
From the day I was born, I wanted my own way. Growing up, my getting my way pretty much determined the peace and happiness in our home. As a teenager, getting my own way included secretly seeing a forbidden boyfriend for mos…
Last week was the 150th episode so I thought we’d go back and revisit our last milestone with episode 100: I had never even listened to a podcast when I was asked to do this one. But my team and my husband said, when I was r…
My special guest today, Margaret Philbrick, will take us an intriguing journey through an unusual approach to loving our prodigals. Today we are talking about art, a topic I know little about. But Margaret does. She will tak…
What I want to share with you today are some practical ways for you to REALLY love your prodigal. Your situation may be very different from ours—and the illustrations I use, but the suggestions I will give you can be helpful…
We did it! We prayed for all those names on our list of treasured prodigals. What a privilege! And what a battle it was--always! I am always exhausted at the end of the day. We—and those we pray for—have an enemy who doe…
This is the third of three posts leading up to June 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day. Our theme this year is Fear Not. Some time ago, in the midst of some hopeful signs in a long-ongoing situation, that fear returned. With fo…
This is the second of three episodes leading up to June 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day. Our theme this year is Fear Not. These articles are designed to prepare us as we engage in battle for the hearts and minds of loved one…
Our world is full of fear. Wars, earthquakes, terrorists, volcanoes, racial strife, hurricanes, fires, mass murders, floods, bombs, tornadoes, disease….did I just raise your fear level? And when you love a prodigal, fears mu…
Most of us, as we encounter challenges with our loved ones, try to handle it by ourselves. But as time goes on, we often need more help—professional counseling, medical attention, interventions, spiritual guidance, and vario…
Last week we talked about four gifts God gives us during our prodigal journey—gifts that sustain and equip us for all the challenges. Did one of those gifts—God Himself, love, mercy, or grace--bless, encourage, or help you? …
For our previous two episodes we explored the hard reality of the grief that comes with walking with a challenging child for months and years. I hope you captured some perspective and practice for your grief journey. This we…
Grief is a normal part of life. Disappointments, losses, hard situations come, and grief is often a part of those. But when you love a prodigal, grief can become an ongoing reality as the journey goes on and on. The hardest …
If you have been journeying in the prodigal journey for a long time, or if your journey is just beginning, you will experience many emotions: fear, anger, frustration, resentment, guilt and more. And at some time you will re…
Sometimes I think it’s good to let you listen to another voice. The one you will hear from today is Gary Wilkerson, head of World Challenge Ministry, following in the footsteps of his father, David Wilkerson, author of The C…
I imagine, if you listened to the past two episodes on ambiguous loss, you’ve done some challenging thinking about your own challenges and losses. Today will be an encouraging time, I believe. You will hear a recording from …
Last week, we heard Pat and Tammy McLeod's heartbreaking story of their son's brain damaging football accident, and the so hard journey of great loss. This week we hear them again, telling of help and hope, of living with th…
Perhaps your loved one is gone, through suicide or overdose or a terrible accident, or gone from your presence by their own choice. Today we are hearing a heartbreaking story of a young man with a traumatic brain injury, who…
Jesus said some radical things about love. Then He commanded us to do the impossible: to love others just as He loved us—which He defined as “laying down His life for us.” He said love would make this happen: Be devoted to o…
God is clear: We must forgive. And we must ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is an essential garment in our wardrobe as a child of God. Surely Peter thought he was being magnanimous in suggesting he would forgive someone seve…
Patience is a challenge for most of us—in general, but especially when you love a prodigal. These definitions might help a little: the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, …