
May 2, 2023

Turning Curses into Blessings, episode 102

Once again our prodigal had aggravated me. My natural reaction was to raise my voice and assign a consequence. Instead, as he stormed out of the house, I went to his room, gathered his scattered dirty clothes and headed to t…
April 25, 2023

Sarah Nielsen-Just Keep Going, episode 101

Sarah Nielsen is one of us. She had a long journey with a prodigal, and like us, she learned a great deal about living with and loving a wanderer. And about learning to trust God along the way. You will appreciate her storie…
April 18, 2023

Loving Like Jesus, episode 100

It’s amazing to me that this is Episode 100. I had never even listened to a podcast when I was asked to do this one. But my team and my husband said, when I was reluctant, “You can’t turn down this great opportunity God has …
April 11, 2023

Reflections on Gratitude, episode 99

I was asked at church yesterday what has helped me get through hard times. Of course, the Holy Spirit, prayer...and this one practice. This is a familiar message you have heard from me, but it has made all the difference: Gi…
April 4, 2023

Mercy 4-God’s Mercy Rule, episode 98

In kids’ sports there is often a “mercy rule.” If one team gets far ahead, the game is called. It seems only kind and fair to not embarrass or demoralize the kids who are losing so badly. In life it rarely works that way. Th…
March 28, 2023

Journeys to Mercy, episode 97

Learning to live out God’s amazing mercy doesn’t happen overnight. Today we are going to look at two familiar stories in the Bible and see the journeys to mercy of Jonah and Joseph. God sent Jonah to Ninevah on a mission of …
March 21, 2023

New Every Morning, episode 96

God’s love for His children—from long ago and for us—can be described with words like reckless, relentless, lavish, extravagant. Yet the children of Israel turned from him to other gods over and over. God wept many tears. An…
March 14, 2023

Mercy 1—Outrageous Mercy, episode 95

Today we are starting a new series—a very important topic because God has said it is so high on His list of what matters, in our loved ones’ lives and in our lives. I’m talking about mercy. We all want mercy, but we often fi…
March 7, 2023

Debbie Runyon-When Your Brother Is a Prodigal, episode 94

Debbie Runyon, sister to our prodigal Josh, once asked me why I let him get away with so many things he did. I said, “I could be after Josh all day every day with all the choices he made. I decided to focus on the ones that …
Feb. 28, 2023

How to Really Love Your Prodigal, episode 93

As many of you know, my wonderful husband Steve moved to heaven four months ago. I am missing him terribly, but God and friends are helping me in so many ways. One of the best things about our 47 years of marriage was that I…
Feb. 21, 2023

Help for Hurting Parents—Convo w Tom & Dena Yohe, episode 92

I first got to know Tom and Dena Yohe on the June 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day. Their daughter was gone, living on the street. The long journey that ensued was so challenging, but has produced amazing good outcomes –in th…
Feb. 14, 2023

Gifts 4-Giving In, Giving Thanks, episode 91

Today we wrap up our wilderness exploration—looking for treasured gifts, with two especially helpful gifts. I am a strong-willed, stubborn person. From the beginning. Just ask my family.When I came to Christ at age 15, I mad…
Feb. 7, 2023

Persevering in Prayer, episode 90

I used to think I knew how to pray. Then this wilderness journey with my wandering son required desperate prayer. And I moved into a new dimension of what it meant to pray. Even now I realize I still know so little about pra…
Jan. 31, 2023

Gifts 2—Unconditional Love and Grace, episode 89

Is unconditional love possible? Parents learn this early. Even before a baby is born, they love her. And the moment they see her, they are head over heels in love. It’s a good thing. Because that baby demands everything and …
Jan. 24, 2023

Finding Gifts in the Wilderness, episode 88

You don’t expect to find one of your best gifts ever when you are wandering through the wilderness. A walk in the wilderness might be lovely if you’re a nature lover and you keep your eyes open. You could discover some real …
Jan. 17, 2023

Interview with Darryl Smith, episode 87

You won't want to miss this week's episode!! I loved my conversation with Darryl Smith, a truly transformed prodigal--and I think you will too. Darryl fathered a child in high school, dealt drugs, was divorced and remarried,…
Jan. 10, 2023

Surviving Great Loss, episode 86

Life has been very challenging since my beloved moved to Heaven. But God has been so faithful. I hope you will listen and be encouraged--Loss comes in many forms. Resources: Giving Thanks Through Tears: https://tinyurl.com/y…
Jan. 3, 2023

Josh Tells His Story, episode 50 (rebroadcast)

Today, celebrating 50 episodes of When You Love a Prodigal, Josh—the prodigal in Judy’s story—tells his own story. In an honest, sometimes teary, tender and hopeful conversation, Josh and Judy walk through his life—from the …
Dec. 27, 2022

My Top Ten Lessons Learned, episode 46 (rebroadcast)

A great way to begin the new year: I just celebrated my spiritual birthday. December 31 marked 62 years since I received God’s amazing gift of salvation, reconciliation and eternal life. What an adventure it has been! And ma…
Dec. 20, 2022

Replay of The Voice of Grace, episode 13

One of the most important ways we extend grace to our prodigals is through our words. In Colossians 4:6 Paul reminds us: Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer e…
Dec. 13, 2022

God is Always at Work, episode 20 (rebroadcast)

“He’s building his testimony.” With those words, God kept reminding me of this important truth from Jesus: “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). When our loved one is doing des…
Dec. 6, 2022

The Enemy Waits and We Wait, episode 19 (rebroadcast)

One of the hardest parts of the wilderness journey with a loved prodigal is the roller coaster—the ups and downs, the unexpected turns, the dashed hope. Why are we surprised? We have an enemy. That enemy is after those we lo…
Nov. 29, 2022

Replay of Advent: Jesus Comes with Valuable Gifts for Your Prodigal Journey, episode 45

When you love a prodigal, you probably don’t get many Christmas gifts from them. But as Jesus comes at Advent, he brings many valuable gifts for you. There are dozens, but you will discover 20 special gifts to give you joy, …
Nov. 22, 2022

Replay of How to Cultivate a Grateful Heart, episode 41

I have been on a long, slow journey to a grateful heart. Our son put that journey in overdrive. In the long 15 years of wilderness with him, there were so many hard times, days and nights, scary choices, dangerous activities…