
Nov. 15, 2022

Interview with Dena Yohe: Can You Love the Holidays When You Love a Prodigal?, episode 42

If you love a prodigal, you probably have a horror story to tell of a holiday with that loved wanderer. I certainly do, and so does Dena Yohe, co-founder of Hope for Hurting Parents, and parent of Renee, the subject of the f…
Nov. 8, 2022

I Am the Door and I Am the Good Shepherd, episode 85

Our son Josh, the former prodigal, is a part-time farmer. For a while that included raising sheep. He had a sheep pasture and a sheep pen: overnight in the pen, days in the pasture. Because he and his wife both were away at …
Nov. 1, 2022

I Am Light, episode 84

“Jeedoo, it’s dark,” My grandson was spending the night. He whimpered, “I’m afraid of the dark.” After a few reassurances and a night light, he went back to sleep. I understand. I’m still a little afraid of the dark too. I a…
Oct. 25, 2022

I Ams (1): Bread, episode 83

In many parts of the world, bread is a staple. Even if you have little else, you have to have bread. In John 6 we read the story of Jesus multiplying five loaves of bread and two fish into an abundance that fed some 5,000 me…
Oct. 18, 2022

Million Praying Moms: Beth McGlothlin, episode 82

Prayer is your first and best response. Prayer is a major way we love and care for and seek to draw our prodigals—our children, adult children, a spouse, a relative, whoever our prodigal is-- back to God, to us, to good life…
Oct. 11, 2022

Blessing Your Prodigal, episode 81

Let me tell you a story. As our son continued to live with us during his roller coaster early 20’s—sometimes making good choices, more often not, we set some clear boundaries. Summarizing: He needed to respect us and our hom…
Oct. 4, 2022

Surrendering My Idols, episode 80

I have always been amazed at the idolatry of the children of Israel throughout the Old Testament. I was sure I could never worship an idol. Until I discovered I had serious idolatry problems. The prophet Isaiah repeatedly mo…
Sept. 27, 2022

Setting Captives Free, episode 79

Often it has seemed like my (working hard to not be a) prodigal is under a curse. Actually, I think he is. Bad things happened to him in his first years. Later most of the bad things in his life were his own bad choices. He …
Sept. 20, 2022

Love, Pray, Listen–Interview with Mary DeMuth, episode 78

When your children become adults–by age, or leaving home–your role in their lives changes. This is usually challenging to navigate, but especially so when your young adult is a prodigal. Mary DeMuth, author of 46 books, lite…
Sept. 13, 2022

Why a Prodigal 4: The Words We Speak, episode 77

We have considered some very different contributors to turning from the Lord–rejecting family, making dangerous choices. Today we look at how we can make a difference with our words. One time I was so angry at my son I almo…
Sept. 6, 2022

Why a Prodigal 3: Lions at War, episode 76

On my back porch in California, our cat had her brand-new kittens secluded in a corner. But not hidden from the eagle eye of a soaring eagle. When Mama cat headed to a needed break from her demanding babies, the eagle droppe…
Aug. 30, 2022

Why a Prodigal 2: From God’s Perspective, episode 75

From the day I was born, I wanted my own way. Growing up, my getting my way pretty much determined the peace and happiness in our home. As a teenager, getting my own way included secretly seeing a forbidden boyfriend for mos…
Aug. 23, 2022

Why a Prodigal 1: The World We Live In, episode 74

Probably the most frequent question I get asked is Why? Why is my child making these bad choices? Why has my loved one disappeared from my life? We raised her right—why is she living the way she is? Today is the first of fou…
Aug. 16, 2022

Awaken the Wonder: Interview with Evangelist Caleb Wampler, episode 73

Awaken the Wonder and Kingdom Encounters are the names Evangelist Caleb Wampler uses in his ministry. I love both concepts. Letting God lead you into Kingdom Encounters on a regular basis will surely Awaken the Wonder in you…
Aug. 9, 2022

Josh Tells His Story, episode 50 (Repost)

Today, celebrating 50 episodes of When You Love a Prodigal, Josh—the prodigal in Judy’s story—tells his own story. In an honest, sometimes teary, tender and hopeful conversation, Josh and Judy walk through his life—from the …
Aug. 2, 2022

Keeping the Sheep, episode 47 (Repost)

SUMMER BREAK REPLAY I learned a little about sheep during my farmer son’s brief stint raising sheep. Sheep had some positives—they reduced the need to mow the pasture. And the variety they were raising provided much-desired …
July 26, 2022

How Do You Love a Prodigal, Part 1, episode 9 (Repost)

We are called to love like Jesus—unconditionally. Is it even possible to love a prodigal unconditionally? What is unconditional love? They challenge, betray, defy and deny our love. How do we keep loving them? Today’s episod…
July 19, 2022

Treasures in the Wilderness 4: A Shepherd’s Delight, episode 72

I have a painting of a sheep on a narrow mountain ledge, with a shepherd—in this case Jesus—reaching down to pull him to safety. This picture of Jesus rescuing the lost sheep is a perfect image for those of us who love a pro…
July 12, 2022

Treasures in the Wilderness 3: True Love Blesses, Not Curses, episode 71

Love is more than a word. Love is a verb. If you have been listening to these podcasts, you know our prodigal was a boy God sent to us at age 10. Knowing all the struggles he—and we–had, you might say that we truly loved thi…
July 5, 2022

Treasures in the Wilderness 2: Never Give Up, episode 70

“This is hopeless! I’m done. There’s nothing more I can do.” Have you ever said these words? Or at least felt them? Today in our second look at Treasures in the Wilderness we will consider holding on, keeping on, persevering…
June 28, 2022

Treasures in the Wilderness 1: Dependence on God, episode 69

When you are navigating the wilderness of a prodigal journey, you probably aren’t expecting to find treasure. But if you keep your eyes and mind and heart open, you will be amazed at the many treasures hidden in this challen…
June 21, 2022

Tom Yohe: Wisdom from the Father of a Prodigal, episode 68

Living with and loving a prodigal can be so confusing and frustrating, sometimes especially for a dad. You don’t know what to do, how to handle unacceptable behavior, who can help you. Tom Yohe joins us today, bringing wisdo…
June 14, 2022

Interview with Dana Russo - A Companion in Grief, episode 67

Today we have a special guest. Dana Russo is a long-time friend of mine. She has made beautiful music for large and small audiences. And she has turned loss and grief in her own life into a powerful, compassionate ministry t…
June 7, 2022

We Prayed. Now What?, episode 66

On Prodigal Prayer Day we prayed for all those names on the list of treasured prodigals, as well as our own beloved wanderers. What a privilege! And what a battle! I am always exhausted at the end of the day. We—and those we…