
Nov. 23, 2021

How to Cultivate a Grateful Heart (episode 41)

I have been on a long, slow journey to a grateful heart. Our son put that journey in overdrive. In the long 15 years of wilderness with him, there were so many hard times, days and nights, scary choices, dangerous activities…
Nov. 16, 2021

Giving Thanks Opens Hearts, Minds and Doors (episode 40)

Our prodigal’s grandfather was dying. Papa was the most important man in Josh’s life. When he became ill and was growing weaker and weaker, we were fearful that Josh would be so devastated when Papa passed that he might take…
Nov. 9, 2021

He Sees, He Hear (episode 39)

Invisible. I almost didn’t see her, pressing tightly to the road sign, practically invisible. She was clearly homeless, preferring to hide, but needing to be seen with her cardboard sign: Homeless. Please help. God has given…
Nov. 2, 2021

What’s in a Name? (episode 38)

Most of us have two, maybe three names, and perhaps a nickname. Each of us loves to hear our name—that means someone knows us, or cares about us or wants us. Sometimes we are named after a loved one, or our parents have chos…
Oct. 26, 2021

Todd and Beth Guckenberger: 11 Children and a Global Orphan Mission (episode 37)

They had three children and God sent them eight more—to adopt and foster. What they learned from parenting 11 children and their global work with orphans has given them transformational insights into what happens to children…
Oct. 19, 2021

We Prayed. Now What? (episode 36)

So, after you’ve prayed long, speaking out everything you can think of to pray, what do you do? After any of us prays, then what? First, we wait —to see what God is doing. Sometimes we will see immediate answers; other times…
Oct. 12, 2021

Prayers of Blessing and Forgiveness (episode 35)

My prodigal had lied again. With a sincere assurance that he was speaking the truth. When I knew it was a lie, anger overwhelmed me. Harsh words came from my mouth. I almost said, “Don’t bother to come home.” Fortunately, Go…
Oct. 5, 2021

Prayer for the Battle (episode 34)

In middle school our prodigal had joined a gang, looking for friends he could identify with. He loved hanging with them. But one day he came home with terror in his eyes. His gang had gotten into a fight with another gang, a…
Sept. 28, 2021

We Need to Talk (episode 33)

When my oldest grandson was about four and living near me, I often heard these words from him: “Let’s talk about it.” Mention anything—Star Wars, the playground, a snack, the latest book we had read—and he wanted to talk abo…
Sept. 21, 2021

The Reality and Mystery of Prayer (episode 32)

In Thailand you might see Buddhist priests receiving bowls of rice in exchange for prayer, or in India people stopping at Wayside Shrines to pray, and in parts of Africa and China they might beseech favor from long-gone ance…
Sept. 14, 2021

Rebellion, Trauma, Mental Illness: Interview with Michelle Essary (episode 31)

Is your prodigal bad and rebellious, or suffering from trauma or mental illness? Michelle Essary, mental health counselor and neurofeedback specialist, talks about what might be the underlying cause of your troubled loved on…
Sept. 7, 2021

When the Prodigal is Your Brother - Interview with Michelle Essary (episode 30)

I think you are going to love today’s episode as my daughter, Michelle Essary, and I have a lively and honest conversation about the realities of living with a prodigal. Michelle Essary is a Licensed Professional Counselor. …
Aug. 31, 2021

Trust in God is Stronger than Suicide (episode 29)

My son was always a hard sleeper. Even as an adult. He asked me to make sure he was up that morning. I called numerous times, but no answer. So, I hopped in the car and drove the two blocks over. I banged on the door. No ans…
Aug. 24, 2021

The Love of God Lived Out (episode 28)

It’s like pulling daisy petals: He loves me. He loves me not. As our prodigals make dangerous decisions, our hearts and our minds waver. Does God love my child, my spouse, my sibling? Does God really love me? Can I trust Him…
Aug. 17, 2021

The Godness and Goodness of God (episode 27)

Our son had a lot of questions for God—hard questions: Who was his dad and why didn’t he want him? Why did his mother—whom he loved—always choose her addictions over him? Why did they take him away from her? I imagine you ha…
Aug. 10, 2021

Trust and the Glory of God (episode 26)

“You can trust me.” How many times has your prodigal said that? How long has it taken you to realize, No, you can’t trust them? But our God says: “You can trust me.” Join us this week to discover why that is true. Resources:…
Aug. 3, 2021

Rest in Persevering and Promises (episode 25)

It had been a challenging three years of foster care—so many residuals from fetal alcohol syndrome, neglect, abuse and other traumas of this boy’s early childhood. Now he was up for adoption. Could we? Would we? But God’s wo…
July 27, 2021

Rest in Release and Giving Thanks (episode 24)

You probably know the story of the monkey who wanted the banana in the bottom of the jar. He thrust his hand right in there and grabbed it—then tried to pull it out. It was stuck. He pulled and pulled, but could not get his …
July 20, 2021

Rest in Repentance and Forgiveness (episode 23)

Sin is exhausting. You know how children are good at manipulating their parents--they go to the one they think will say “yes” to whatever it is they want, then to the other with “Mommy said” or “Daddy said.” Pretty clever. I…
July 13, 2021

Rest in the Presence (episode 22)

When our prodigal, Josh, was 15, and in one of his better seasons as a prodigal, he served for a week as a junior counselor at a wilderness camp for at-risk boys. One activity included a five-mile hike, with each counselor l…
July 6, 2021

Secrets for Holding on to Rest, Hope and Relationship: Interview with Gem and Alan Fadling (episode 21)

How do you keep your sanity when your prodigal drives you crazy? How do you find time for your family, your job, yourself when a loved one takes all your attention? How do you hold on to a relationship with a rebellious one …
June 29, 2021

God is Always at Work (episode 20)

“He’s building his testimony.” With those words, God kept reminding me of this important truth from Jesus: “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17). When our loved one is doing des…
June 22, 2021

The Enemy Waits and We Wait (episode 19)

One of the hardest parts of the wilderness journey with a loved prodigal is the roller coaster—the ups and downs, the unexpected turns, the dashed hope. Why are we surprised? We have an enemy. That enemy is after those we lo…
June 15, 2021

At the Very Time God Said (episode 18)

What do pearls and butterflies have in common? They both start out as something simple and not so beautiful and are transformed into something lovely. How does that happen? Time and pressure. Oh, how we wish our prodigals wo…